Need Help

Hi everyone,
I think i’m facing a serious situation with parasites and attacks and now it starts to affect family members.I’m in this battle for a long time now and everything i try to do fails…

From what i saw in one of Robert Bruce’s books,a negative force has launched unto me,
I feel like i have something above my head,hair moving on their own,prickling sensations in the feet and hands,my muscles are pulsing like something is inside me and moving,Thuds and cracks in my house,astral lights (little bulbs) and in general all the symptoms of a negative entity attachment…And the night it reinforce his connections…

I’m very tired and everything i’ve donne so far has little or temporary results…Can someone assist me with this one?I feel there’s no more time to waste…This is an adept job and the only thing i can do is energy work and basic invocation,

Someone sended a solar being in my buliding to cleanse the whole space,and when i walked inside,i felt heat and a beautiful perfume.The being stayed for sometime and everything was peaceful.No noises or other activity…Just warmth…

When he left my house the noises started again and i experience a psychick attack.This time it came like an image of a neighbour who hates me with all his heart…Like he was one of the main reasons for what i’m going through…Or it could be the negative entity who was grabing by my psychological traumas…

I don’t know what to do,what i’m dealing with,if the attack comes from a demon,if it’s a parasite,how to battle it and if asking for assistance will make things worst…


Try regular saging of the house at least once a week usually a sunday is best to get rid of negative energy and to cleanse the house.

Also try to some meditation excerises

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Nothing works.I need someone to remove the inner parasite and maybe then i can find a way to get rid of the external ones…The problem,is that i can’t reach it…
One time it attacked me so hard that i almost cried from the pain…It paralyzed my left hand by streching the muscles tight.It was like a python who was wraping it self…

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Cleanse and ask an entity for protection. You can also create servitors for this.

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I’ve donne almost everything usual…LBRP exorcism,invocations,cleansings,salt baths etc…
Nothing works…Yesterday i invoked Michael,and things are running smoother but the problem remains…

Azazel, Belial and others are fierce protectors. You can ask for their protection.


Whatever that thing is,had found a way to reach me.And something tells me that it’s not only one,Propably it’s a layer of parasites,or something is attacking me from the astral level and the parasites are just the last link in the chain…Again it could be something else…

I’m not using a system and i don’t have the knowledge or the skills to evoke…The entities you mentioned are for those who can handle them,Not me,
Asking for protection from a grand demon you have no relationship with and without the use of a proper system,is not wise to do,.

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Well then i suggest the cleansing fire meditation and the cooling waterfall meditation. So basically sit in a comfortable position and slowly activate your chakras and then slowly imagine a fire building from the bottom of yourself to the top imagine the fire slowly burning away any negative energy and parasites away.

once it has reached the top of your head and you feel that is all you can do for now! then slowly imagine a waterfall pouring cool water from the top of your head this time to the bottom. Then repeat this as many times as nessesary meaning everyday for like 6 months to a year constantly.

Till all parasites are completely burned away. This along with cleansing your living area with sage should help. Do not stop and start keep going for a long while this is most likey a build up of negative energy that has happened over months so will take the same about of time to undo it.

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I’ve tried meditations like this one and they don’t work…And i’m sure i do it the right way.I also tried the violet flame which feels great for cleansing,but i can’t get rid of that thing that’s haunting me…
It just descends to my head and i can do nothing about it.The only typed article i found regarding my case,is from the book ‘‘psychick self defence’’ by Robert Bruce…

He talks about this type of negative entities descending from the upper atmosphere,by using threads of force and people affected by them have the feeling of wires inside their heads…This is similar to what’s happening with me…

Well look up cutting the cord meditations then

If you have cleansed with sage, did you open doors and/or windows when you did?

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Typical cleansing: physically clean up your house. Dust, vacuum, clear away clutter. Then cleanse using sage, dragons blood incense, etc. Start by opening doors and/or windows. Begin cleansing at your front door in a clockwise motion. Go through your home room by room, making sure to get every corner of every room, including your closets. Be sure you pass the smoke through every doorway.

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typical cleansings and conventional rituals do nothing at all…
I think i need an exorcism and i can’t do it to my self.That’s why i’m asking for help…I’m good with energy work and mantras,i can shift my frequency by using invocations,but i can’t reach for that thing that had stucked with me.

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Is anyone here capable of astral traveling?

You mentioned that you felt it was a negative parasitic entity. What are you feeding it? Not to be too personal, but is there a lot of anger, despair, turmoil, stress, etc in your life or mind? If it is a parasitic entity then stop feeding it. For an allegorical example I reference The Screwtape Letters. If it gets bored with you or is not getting what it is after it will most likely go away on it’s own. Exorcism is a bit extreme for what you are describing, IMO. Also, have you done research on your home regarding prior occupants? Do you associate regularly with any other practitioners you may be at odds with? Did you get involved in any new ritual practices lately? These factors can all be relevant.


Best banishing/exorcism I ever did: “Get the fuck out, asshole, and don’t come back.” It was backed by my own readied soul-cuisinart and chips to eat it with.

But seriously, direct confrontation works literal wonders physically and non-physically.

And Woodsman is right, don’t feed the wildlife. Learn to shut off the flow of energy out from yourself.


I don’t know what it is exactly.But believe me it can affect my suroundings in order to get what it wants…If i try to do nothing and just turn my attention elsewhere for a couple of days,the noises and the attacks start to happen more frequently…
Anything can be relevant as you said,and i still try to figure it out my self.
I think my family were the first who eneterd this house…

I don’t know man…It isn’t a week or a month.I’ve been in this situation ofr amost 15 months now…Sometimes i wonder how i maked it all this time.

You won’t like this suggestion, i think, but have you tried to kill the entity and/or consume it? Banishing is well and good, but if you can’t manage a banishing, you can always flex your apex predator muscles and choose to hunt it instead

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@dron Call out to the Archdemons for protection, repent, beg for salvation, offer them your blood, and your loyalty for all eternity??? It’s somewhat of a shot in the dark, but it’s worth trying. Their are demons who are really good at the whole exorcism thing. From the info you are giving it seems like you are still trying to straddle between the light and the darkness. LBRP, Michael, exorcisms, cleansings etc. (None of those except for the the first two are necessarily of the light, but I find the fact that you haven’t mentioned anything truly black so far to suggest something. It just doesn’t seem like you’ve tried anything truly demonic). My advice is to turn entirely to the darkness. Call out for the Dark Gods to embrace and protect you. Perhaps they will answer. They have been known to with others in need. Light a candle, write out your petition in blood, burn it as you pledge yourself to their eternal glory. That’s the best advice I can offer you.