Need help to defend myself

I have been falsely accused of “touching” someone underage and I did NOT! I seen the papers at a glance and it includes “blew kisses at her”, which shows how ridiculous this all is. Beyond this, neither I nor the mom has any idea what the accusations are - we are being kept in the dark. The kid in question is a teen who has mental problems. So, if you believe me that I may be innocent, what can I do to protect myself from false allegations that were likely coached from elsewhere? How can I protect myself from authorities that are out to get me now? Gods, sigils, demons, any ideas??? I am out to try anything to remain free! And before anyone says it, I do not have the money to hire a lawyer at this time. What magickal help could I look for?

Ironically, I am helping someone out in a very similar situation. Too early to know what effect my magickal interventions will have (these were mostly aimed at the trial, which does not happen until next year), my primary involvement is in the mundane legal and procedural spaces.

But, my suggestions from a magickal standpoint:
-Michael- all about justice
-Mebahel (one of the 72 Shem angels)- Powers include avoiding injustice at trial
-Asturel has a rep for keeping one clear minded under questioning, but I havent worked with him before
-Rosaran has a rep for bringing good fortune in legal situations and also for helping people see the deception in fraud, but also one I haven’t worked with
-The Truth ritual in the enochian book Universal Magick may be of value in terms of causing people to see the truth of the situation, but I haven’t used that ritual for this type of purpose so can’t be sure

Creating a servitor can often be helpful. Sometimes they work wonders in very little time, other times they take a long time, sometimes they never get there. But worth creating one as part of your overall defence plan.


Thank you for helping. I tried to create 2 servitors, and not sure if it worked or not. Maybe I made it too complicated? Can you recommend a good guide or book on servitor creation, or even what one would be most useful for in this situation- like what could it do for me?
In another thread I seen people advising someone to call upon Belial for help for legal issues, but in a book I have it says that is pretty risky as he is so powerful, so as a novice I am wary of that. Any thoughts?
Thanks again for reading.

Look for protection, and be invisible or confuse enemies spells,or court cases spells.