Need help! Struggling to receive my money!

My sisters and I sold my mother’s house after she died. Since my mom died, we can’t receive the money and it goes into her estate account. It’s been over a year and the court is extremely slow. I really hate stuff like this and wish to speed up the process. This money would extremely improve my life because I’m struggling real bad. I’ve been working with Bune for a while and she’s quick at any request I might have. But this has not budged at all. I have asked Prince Seere for his assistance as well. I give offerings all the time. I don’t want to say daily because I definitely have missed days and I try my best to keep a friendly relationship with spirits. I’ll actually talk to them about my day and tell them funny things. Trying to start friendships if they can form. I even have an altar just for Bune and I only use it for her. Enough with me trying to prove myself though:
I am not that great with coping with the wait. Has anybody else been in a similar situation and found a solution? Any tips or advice?

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This isn’t legal or financial advice first and foremost, but I would say during ritual try to target the blocks that are jamming you up with a road opening style of ritual to remove the obstacles and then sending out spirits to bring the money to you. Magnetizing it also isn’t a bad idea once the obstacles are removed. When it comes to situations like this I personally enjoy drawing out some ritual plans and then targeting specific things. Here’s an example of what came to mind, just to get you thinking.

Stage 1: Blockbusting/Road Opening: Calling upon a road opening spirit to remove the bureaucratic blocks, speed things up, and smooth things out. Ganesha is excellent at working with legal issues but other spirits like San Simon Maximon, Paimon, or Vine may be good options.

Stage 2: Magnetizing: Doing work to attract that money to you via candles, lamps, herbs, and stones. This stage can definitely be skipped for stage three but it definitely won’t hurt. Lodestones are excellent for this.

Stage 3: Sending Out the Collectors: This is the stage where you send out the collectors. Bune, Raum, and any other spirit or demon associated with money would be a great choice here.

I’m so sorry that you are having to deal with this headache after the passing of your mother. All the best to you and I hope you are able to get that money ASAP