Need help, in finding a demon for attracting friends

Need help, in finding a demon for attracting friends, let me explain, I’m in the process of helping my
Ukrainian community hear in Australia. Its not that I need friends per say, a number of people in our group have become disillusioned with xianity and a turning to paganism and magick and all they have hear in our home town
Is fluffy Wicca, they want more hard core Magick like they had in the old country, which is sometimes called
Native Faith, which is Part, Viking Rune Magick, Part Shamanism, mixed with European Witchcraft similar to what you might call Traditional Witchcraft, and Romani Witchcraft. In Ukraine they are full on into it, quite fascinating to say the least, “Just loved the Latest interviews with a magus with With Anima Noira.
I traced my own blood lines back to Ivan Sulyma a Cossack hetman that in itself is whole Pandora’s box, the family roots go back to certin Cossack s in Ukrainian called Cossacks characterniki, which is usually still called hymorodnykamy (sorcerers), healers and holdovnykamy (wizards). So my family comes for a cast of Slavic sorcerers
Who practiced the dark arts of Evocation Necromancy and Baneful Magick, its in my blood “WOW where did I go wrong? Im just a novice in magick.

Anyhow help, in finding a demon for attracting friends, Im resurrecting my community as such, and need to attract Ukrainans in Adekaide who have just arrived withing the last 6 years

Any thoughts would be wonderful, by the way anyone interested in Old Traditional Witchcraft from
Ukraine or Russia feel free to ask, I’ve done extensive translation work on their Magickal systems

I didn’t use a demon for this task, but I chanted the bija mantra “Kleem” instead. Although people use it to attract members of the opposite sex, I’ve found that it attracts everyone in general.

Hicpath brings people to you. Consider purchasing Goetic Spellwork, it does cover some basic spells done with spirits that can inspire for the creation of your own spells. Only problem is that you gotta know how to summon spirits (I’m not referring to evocation btw) before ya begin.

[quote=“Euoi, post:3, topic:2436”]Hicpath brings people to you. Consider purchasing Goetic Spellwork, it does cover some basic spells done with spirits that can inspire for the creation of your own spells. Only problem is that you gotta know how to summon spirits (I’m not referring to evocation btw) before ya begin.[/quote] IS their a Sigil for Hicpath

Google it. Or purchase goetic spellwork which provides a spell and sigil foot Hicpath.