Need Help ending a destructive relationship

A real quick back story, a friend of mine who I care deeply for is involve with in relationship, friendship with a destructive person. During one of my meditation a image of this person appeared in my vision, before I knew about this person, later came to find out this person a woman, who have lied, and at one point drug my friend and lied about it. My friend refuse to see reasoning and she continue hanging with this person, prior to that my friends spoke to me and told me that she did not want to be friends with this woman, however this woman some how is always around her and input herself in my friend daily life, and everyday this woman is either doing drugs, partying or drinking and always dragging my friend with her. Ever since this events started happening, my entire being, energy has been drain, I had sleepless nights, unable to eat correctly, and had this feeling in the pit of my stomach my friend and I had always been closed usually, since we shared mutual energy and now she has suddenly gone quiet, started ghosting people all to hang with someone who she herself said dont want to be associated with, and now drinking more, partying and doing things that she had stop doing.

I really would appreciate some help in this matter, I sincerely would like this woman to leave my friend be for good and not sure who is able to help with this matter quickly, or how to go about it.