Need Help Completing a Spell with belial/Lucifer

Hi all

I’ve been working on a voodoo control spell that I started a month ago. I already made the doll, met with the target, but it doesn’t seem to be complete yet.

I tried talking to Lucifer and belial, but I’m not sure what it is. I’m only asking because it’s been 3 weeks of not worrying about the spell, I was confident that it would work, I had no lust for results. Any guidance would be appreciated

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Please check the BALG FAQ for instructions and info on Lucifer. Or use the forum search function. There’s already an amazing post about it.


I did hence why I’m asking I still have difficulty

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If I get this right, the problem is that you don’t see any results from the spell, right?

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I’m starting to see results, but it hasn’t materialized. I just want to be able to hear what lucifer says

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In order to be able to see/hear Lucifer, you need to have your astral senses developed enough. If you haven’t then that’s the problem.


So to put it simple,
you want to finish the spell,
and get what is coming to fruition currently,

My recommendation:

Write down the following Powerword:


It does exactly,
what you look for.

It finishes rituals,
quickens them.

Now, of course,
you want a good result still.

And those Demon Kings,
don’t like being rushed to much.

So what i recommend:

You prepare an offering of Life Energy,
consistent of:

Red wine (less or equal to the amount of rum),
Animal blood. (20-200 milliliters)
Sorcerers blood (your own, 1-10 drops.),

essential oils / herbs you see fit for the ritual spell.
Ideally, the same you used for crafting the doll.

Combine those,
to an elixir,
sitting next to the Doll,
charging with it’s energy,
and sitting on Belphegors Sigil.

(Belphegor will enchant the Potion for you.)

Once you’ve prepared the Potion,
take a free day,
and waste yourself,
prior to the ritual.

Extensive Physical training (gym),
or Alcohol,
or whatever else you have,
which reliably get’s you wasted quick and efficiently.

Waste yourself,
to the degree,
that you ideally want to go to bed,
but are still capable of getting home,
and spending 2 hours awake,
before completely being knocked off unconscious.


Soak the Doll in the Elixier,
chanting Ohmwassa until you simply can’t speak it anymore.

That’s why you need to be wasted and barely able to move beforehand.

Push all that excess energy,
and devastation,
into the Doll,
along with it.

A part, or the rest of the elixir,
is offered to Lucifer and Belial.

you want to burn / steam away a good 100 milliliters,
while having another 100 milliliters left to drop into the ground,
with each sigil resting on it.

Simply place the doll in the middle,
and (assuming you plan on holding the Doll),
let it rest there during that night’s sleep.

You’ll most likely have weird dreams that night.

As massive changes go on,
from that.

Get up,
get the doll,
and wash it with cleansing bath water solution,
or with Florida Water.

The Results are going to storm in,
towards you,
after that.

You’ll basically be bashed with:

"Here’s what you asked for!
And here’s some extra.

Oh, and take this here aswell."




What can i do if I’m not legally able to buy alcohol

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You could have other offerings. But make sure they’re top quality and well made. As for what offerings, you could check what each spirit likes, you could ask them, or you could make something you believe they’d really like.

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Alcohol is produced from carbonhydrates, water and yeast.
If you can’t buy it, there’s probably a reason for that, and maybe you shouldn’t use it then.

But if you Really need it, and have no supply, that’s the ingredients, for crafting it yourself.

And generally spoken,
If you do craft something yourself,
For making an offering,
That’s Naturally strong,
Like a gift you personally, made.

In fact, think of offering,
As a different word for gift or present.
