Need a hand to help my sister

I have been slowly helping my sister walk away of mainstream religion. What I need is the name of some forums to help her dip her toe into this new path she is heading down.

I feel bringing her here would be too much to soon.

I wish I could answer all her questions, but I just jumped in the deep end. So the baby steps are lacking on my part.

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Have your sister immerse herself in The Dark Bible. Available on-line.



Maybe a Chaos magick forum or site, like She could look around and read some of the often humorous things people get up to. it might help her to realize that magick, (and even religion) can be fun.

Humor always makes hard changes easier to swallow.


Not that far down the path yet. Still early in her journey. She comes from a more religious background then I do so I have to be very tactful about this, so not to scare her off.

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Will keep this one in my back pocket for later. Thanks! :grin:


Getting her out of the guilt and what will people think stage at this point in time.