Nate Bales: Unearthing The Mysteries Behind E.A.'s Magick Ascent

In this month’s Interviews With A Magus we feature an exciting role reversal, and put the genuine magus, E.A. himself, on the heat seat.

That’s right, if you’ve ever really wanted to know the true history and Ascension story of the figurehead of the Become A Living God movement, then this is your lucky chance!

If you’re not subscribing yet, then watch this month’s interview for FREE, by signing up right here:


Our dear friend Nate Bales, who goes by the moniker Gozer the Gozerian, is one of the oldest, most ardently loyal, and most knowledgeable supporters of E.A.'s writing.

Nate wrote to me on Facebook and asked if I’d consider as a possibility letting him interview E.A. for an upcoming installment of the interview series. According to him, it’d be powerful to let an occult practitioner who knows E.A.'s work to quiz and invite him to explore some of the more detailed and obscure aspects of his writing and personal past.

While it is true that E.A. put’s most of his knowledge into his books and video programs, there is a wellspring of information that he’s unable to directly implement into the educational material, simply because it is not immediately relevant.

In this HIGHLY FASCINATING interview, Nate get’s E.A. to open up and share on a number of topics:

  • The actual, step-by-step advancement of his early affiliations with several Satanic orders through to the creation of his own paradigm, the Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis, and further yet into the Become A Living God movement

  • The deeper artistic sentiments that he wrote into each of his books on magick, from Kingdoms of Flame, up through The Book of Azazel - this particular segment of the chat is filled with interesting trivia for anyone interested in the finer details of E.A.'s written catalog

  • The true story of E.A.'s most memorable spirit evocation

  • E.A. reveals what spirits he’s actually AFRAID and REFUSES to evoke

  • His honest perspective on the entity, Lucifer, and his current of magick

  • E.A. explains the jaw-dropping reality behind why he’s been actively possessed by a Vodoun entity for over 3 years

  • And this is just the START…

As a viewer, you’ll be clearly impressed by Nate’s profound understanding and probing into what he calls E.A.'s “core essence”.

I for one learned a lot, because this interview has the style of a fire-side chat between two best friends, which made it feel comfortable.

As far as anything goes inside the world of magickal education, I say this is a “must see”, because by learning about E.A.'s own personal journey to Godhood, you can compare and contrast your own, and derive new insights into your strengths and weaknesses.

If you’re a subscriber, you can log-in right now to watch, here:


And if you’re not yet subscribed, go ahead and sign up right now:


Next month: E.A. interviews the well-known mentalist and published author, Clint Marsh, on the topic of enhancing and enlivening your magickal imagination.

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Thanks to E.A. for doing these interviews and Timothy for doing the work to bring them to me. I cant wait to watch these priceless videos each month. I especially loved the Dante interview.

Great interview. Definitely have to interview EA again! I had an idea based on this awesome interview… EA goes into some detail about Belial’s attributes. Would be great to interview EA and have him talk in detail about all the attributes of the entities he path works with in his books.

Such as… in one interview EA details the four demons path worked in Evoking eternity - who are they, whats their history, what are they like, what to expect… that sort of thing… stuff thats not in the books! Next interview he could detail the angels and what not.

Would be great to get more of a glimpse of these entities in an interview.

I too recently thought of a great idea for a book for E.A to do. It could be called “100 Questions”. Basically everyone on the forum are invited to ask E.A a question or questions and he in turn chooses the most interesting ones and answers them. I’d love this to be a physical book so I could go back and re-familiarize myself with his knowledge. I also really love the newsletters he puts out ( which could be an idea for a second book ) because they are full of real knowledge but I find myself having to go back into my past emails and then try and locate that “gem of knowledge” that E.A had said. It would be much simpler if it was all in a physical book with contents and appendices so it would be easier to refresh my memory. I really enjoy logging into this site and everyones contributions and advice is fantastic !

That’s a very interesting idea. I’ll think about it.

Funny that hes channeling Belial and dudes talking shit on him through his own body. That would be weird to see yourself saying those things and have no recollection of it.

One of the very intensely potent aspects of the ‘whole deal’

This raises my admiration of the honesty of the entire movement.
This 100% the real deal, pinging with the drug this has become.

The downer is even better, just a launch pad to dive deep within, with ferocity and launch in every direction of time in a supernova and burn out into a dwarf or black hole when that critical mass is reached, destroying all falsehood of the illusory reality, annihilated in the vortex of power ignited.

I would truly love to be able to afford the interview series but I just can’t afford that amount of money. A mortguage,bills,petrol etc really eat up my income. If the interview series was open and you could download or even buy the interview of the month on DVD that would be a way more accessible way for me to purchase at least some of this fine series. I’m sure there are other people in the same boat as I am. Perhaps a discount could be given to people who sign up for a year whilst the rest of us just pay for the individual month that suits us. I’m more than fine in watching this series on a DVD format. I know I’m old school but for me there’s nothing like sitting back on my sofa and watching a DVD. In this way i can purchase an interview whenever I have the money and not be stressing thinking “it’s that time of the month again and I’m going have to come up with the cash even though I can’t afford it”. What do you guys think? Timothy?

Sadie, I’m going to leave your question in Timothy’s hands to figure out or whatever, but I did want to say that your situation is quite common. Let me ask you: what spiritual or magickal solutions have you applied to your financial concerns?

It seems like too many people take being overwhelmed and overburdened as if it’s just the way things are.

[quote=“E.A., post:10, topic:781”]Sadie, I’m going to leave your question in Timothy’s hands to figure out or whatever, but I did want to say that your situation is quite common. Let me ask you: what spiritual or magickal solutions have you applied to your financial concerns?

It seems like too many people take being overwhelmed and overburdened as if it’s just the way things are.[/quote]

I agree 100% if you know how to make those changes, but a lot of newbs probably need the material to find out how to make those changes. I have read through 100 books and didn’t learn a fraction of what could be learned in one of your courses, from the rave reviews Ive heard on here.

By far the best interview to date in the series. IMO

[quote=“Jakob420, post:11, topic:781”][/quote]

I agree 100% if you know how to make those changes, but a lot of newbs probably need the material to find out how to make those changes. I have read through 100 books and didn’t learn a fraction of what could be learned in one of your courses, from the rave reviews Ive heard on here.

This is very true, and it’s the reason that this movement not only began, but is taking off like lightning!

Using magick to make intense changes in reality is really simple, once you learn the system that causes those miracles to take place. This is why I’m putting together the Mastery Courses, so that we can take the mystery out of the occult and you can make use of these systems in your life!

Sorry, but the answer is no to all that.

I understand you may like DVDs, but it’s a fast-dying medium, and all standard televisions will soon carry internet capability, where you’ll be able to view our programs on your home flat-screen. We are ahead of the curve, in this respect.

As for non-subscribers downloading individual interviews, each year we are most likely going to take all 12 interviews and make them into an album, whereby you can download the whole collection, or any specific one.

Thanks for the response guys, it was very good of you to spare your time.

Yes, I should be more pro active and make that change. Much appreciated !

How many interviews has there been so far? Wondering how close we are to twelve.

Anyway yeah this does sound like a promising interview. Really curious about the entities ea is afraid of, telling me about these is sort of like putting a big red button in front of me that has the word “DON’T” written on it, just makes me want to press it. I don’t suppose you guys show their sigils?

also kinda curious about what Belial had to say there and lucifer.

[quote=“defectron, post:16, topic:781”]How many interviews has there been so far? Wondering how close we are to twelve.

Anyway yeah this does sound like a promising interview. Really curious about the entities ea is afraid of, telling me about these is sort of like putting a big red button in front of me that has the word “DON’T” written on it, just makes me want to press it. I don’t suppose you guys show their sigils?

also kinda curious about what Belial had to say there and lucifer.[/quote]

I would also like to hear what Belial.had to say, sounds like he was talking shit on E.A. Through his own body, So weird

First you can check out my channeling of belial on my mastering divination course at

Second, the entities that I mention I’d not work with don’t have sigils or even names that I’m aware of. Entropy incarnate.

Oh, and THIS is interesting (for those interested):

Normally, the rule of thumb is that you become like that which you surround yourself with. I say this time and again, because of its complete truth in all fields. However, with these particular entities, the only way to come into contact with them is to first become like them, and then they will gather around your altar. And, this isn’t as simple as momentarily putting yourself into the mindstate of spiritual or supercosmic entropy, but living it and becoming it. Not too many people make it into the heart of oblivion… and I dare say that no one really ever makes it out.

Just curious, would these entities be the ‘Powers of Darkness’ invoked to consecrate a circle?
