Name of the Satana

What is Satan’s name?


Eh I think Klaus, Herrmann and Johan or something like that. … not surree… :thinking::thinking::thinking:



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You just said it. Satan.


But isn’t the name Satan a title?

It is both a title and an entity, as well as a collective.


Satan is his name I believe but hmm the devil or el Diablo are names but saying the devil is like saying his species or what type of being he is

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Idk. Yes he is Demon species but humans are the one who given that name right? also this ‘Devil’.
Maybe i can be wrong on this :thinking:

I believe yes they have given him the name the devil but I still believe it’s more as a description to stereotype the species because not all demons or devils are truly malevolent or not all angels are benevolent

there, thats my point
You kinda spoke my mind lol

I’m glad tgat I could help speak your mind and thank you for sharing that

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May I be ya friend?

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Sure! :smiley:
I would love to be your friend!
Just DM me whenever you want to talk :grin:

:grin::grin::grin: tgank you very much :grin::grin: um I just don’t know how to dm it a big time noobie :joy:

DM sent :))

Satan, Satanas, Ha-Shatan, Satanis. Will call upon that ancient one, who is the adversary of comic order and who is aslo the destroyer of lies.




Some very funny replies… Lol

Though in all seriousness, I have had a channeled message given to me, and the person that provided it told me it came from “Satana”.

Is “Satana” just another name for Satan OR is it an entirely different entity?