Naamahs potion

In Asenath Masons book Qliphothic Evocation & Invocations she says you should use a sacrament containing nightshade, mandrake, and belladonna for working with Naamah. Does anyone know how to safely make this potion? Because these ingredients can kill you

Work with what you can get. Naamah loves desert fruits, so why not purchase and use exclusively for Naamah, Esprit de Figues Fig Liqueur (500ml), as a sacrament?


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I suppose that works too, but I was looking forward to working with these other herbs, it just seems difficult to find sources that teach how to use them safely

I am not sure how it is being used, as I have not read the book, but you could boil the herbs down in oil or lard in a well ventilated space (yes, such as in a metal pot over a fire outside, although I would not use the pot for cooking afterwards. Stereotypical witch imagery, but there is some wisdom behind it). After it cools, you can use it for anointing candles or sigils for it while wearing gloves. Keep these things away from children or pets afterwards. Obviously, I would not recommend consuming it.

I did not use those plants while working with Naamah myself but I can see how the connection could be made

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Tat hebs are illegal to get, import. Im sure there too. I wonder if she does bcse only 3 countries are growing .but like uncle say adapt, substitute

And dangerouses to smell and cam kill you fast.

I should note: nightshade is a family of plants that includes Belladonna (which does grow in north america), tobacco, potatoes and tomatoes. Mandrake is iffy as far as legality with shipment (last I check it is not legal to ship to the US), but May Apple (also known as American Mandrake) is often sold in its place as it is more common.

Which is ironic when I think about it as I offered tobacco mixed with dried fruits as an offering to Naamah, not realizing the nightshade aspect to it. So you could figure out what plants related to that family are around in your area as a potential offering.

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Nightshade is Belladonna.

If you’re making an offering go with desert fruits and/or Turkish Delight. You don’t need to offer all that much (physically).

Thank you. Tobacco is sacred.


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Pick up a copy of Wortcunning for Daemonolatry by S. Connolly. She covers preparation methods for poisonous plants.


My guy! Thank you

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