So yesterday i have done my very first evocation attempt to evoke Goddess Astarte. I have done everything based on manual. But i dont feel a thing at all…is it common for beginner? And should i redo the evocation again? I really wanted to create a relationship with Astarte…
It is a very common thing. You may or may not feel the energy of the entity you are evoking.
I asked your same question months ago here.
You need to develop your astral senses to see and hear spirits
Sure, do it again! I don’t know what’s “normal”. Is anything normal? Do you want to do it again? Then do so! The first evocation I did was of Prince Stolas and I didn’t really feel anything. I had meditated on which spirit might like to work with me and drew a sigil blind and found I’d drawn something close to his. But my evocation of President Amy and then of King Paimon and then of King Asmodeus were all very successful. I think Prince Stolas is just quieter. I’ve also evoked Furcas who was quite quiet. And I’ve talked to Azazel but he just introduced himself to me of his own initiative and I’ve never actually evoked him properly. I probably should one of these days but even though I didn’t mean to, I’ve ended up intensely working with King Paimon and it’s completely derailed what I planned to do.
Which leads to my next suggestion. She might be what you want but if you feel nothing, I’m wondering if something else is right for you. Prince Stolas’ subtle presence was still something I could feel from my first evocation and I’ve never felt nothing at all. Is that just me being talented? Practiced? Perhaps I just have the time to sit and listen? Dunno! Practice makes perfect! Do it again! Good luck!