My story so far(Love, Magic, Loss, Reconnect, Violence, Love Rekindled, Loss, Abuse Again, Doubt, Pain)

It’s complicated, you know. Messing with married people can be very dangerous…

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You are fucking with someone’s wife. What did you expect to happen? Plenty of single sluts out there to fuck instead. You made your own choices.


isnt that a bit harsh ?

How you feel if I came along and just through my trash into your car? Mad, right?
Imagine how the husband feels having someone cum dump into in his wife? It’s not like I’m judging, just trying to explain his reaction.


Should’ve both divorced then, then got together lol maybe it’s not that simple but, if ur gonna commit to splitting half ur financials and assets with someone then make sure the fire is strong there


I already discussed with my wife and although we are not in love with each other, we love each other, and we both will always remain best friends, she does realize that the issues in our marriage started way before any of this, and she asked me time till July 2020 to move out.

Yes, I agree with the fact that I am sleeping with someone else’s wife, but she did tell me way before we got physically involved with each other that she was trying to get away from him, you are looking at it from a very relationship oriented perspective and not from what she went through, all the abuse, pain and turmoil which led her to make this decision and with all due respect I never slept with anyone I was not emotionally connected with and neither I nor she are dicking around. We genuinely love each other, it is unfortunate you don’t see it that way.

I don’t have an issue from my financial stand point, neither do I think she does, I think what is keeping her in this abusive relationship is the kids, it’s a mother instinct and I for the longest time did not understand that, but when I spoke to my sister, she provided me that much needed clarity.
Imagine this, she divorces him and begins her life with me, but knowing this guy is vengeful and has anger management issues, if he does get the child custody(which btw in 90% of the states is 50/50) she is going to be so super concerned about the well being of the children, but at the same time, she is also thinking is this the example that I am setting for my girls, that it is okay to be in an abusive relationship. So, her confusion is genuine and has a reason. But as males we fail to see that, it is in our DNA.

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Love doesn’t mean shit to me. I would had found some random sluts to use until we were both single. I believe in honoring one’s vows made, but that’s just me.

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I couldn’t agree more, but love happens brother man, and when it does happen, it is a storm. I wish I didn’t make this choice, but it is too late now, and I genuinely love her. But like I said, I agree, it is very dangerous, because a part of me is always going to feel guilty that I endangered so many lives, especially those two little ones, and my current wife’s who are not connected with this in any possible way. :frowning:

I understand your opinion, but that is not me, and that is not she and I don’t visit sluts either and like I said, I can understand you believing that love doesn’t mean shit to you, but it means a lot to me.

How is your life? Is it awesome and great? If not, then start figuring it without emotions involved. Seriously, think with your head, not your heart you will always be better off in life.


My life, other than this is actually really good, the only missing piece of the puzzle is her.

Thank you for the kind words. I have never tried the freezer spell, I also think I should focus more on my love for her and her love for me, instead of channeling my energy on me. But I could be wrong. Let me know your thoughts. Thank you again!

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Thank you for being open to hearing me elaborate before turning my suggestion down. I have done a freezer spell before, & while they arent known for their speed, their efficacy is potent. Also, freezer spells are simple so even the most inexperienced magician can utilize them & see results.

It’s important you understand there is no malice here. You’re merely putting this man in another place. He is dominating and controling, if you wanna give the baby his bottle you’re not going to get this woman back into your life. His angst over no longer being able to abuse his wife is his problem. He brought this on himself & deserves ever second of tormant to follow. To clairfy, there’s progress through the pain for those willing to see the lesson. Ultimately you would be setting him free just as much as you would be her. Whether or not he decides to embrace introspection (learning & growing from all this) is his burden.

In regards for your desire to focus on your love for her & her love for you, from your story it sounds like that dead horse has sufficiently been beaten. If your love were enough to solve this you wouldn’t be here asking for assistance. Again, I’m thankful you’re open to hearing us out. Some of us, in this case myself, are speaking from experience with these modalities. I can’t speak for others but as for me, I genuinely wish to help you accomplish your goal. I wouldn’t have responded if that weren’t the case.

Okay, let’s get down to business. As I mentioned before youre only gonna need a photo of this man, a jar with a lid, some water, & a freezer. When I did this, I had the photo thinly laminated to not destroy the image. That’s just my prefence, it’s inconsequential. Find some alone time, youre going to be using your words to create your desired outcome. Speak with authority. Command it to be so. This is how I performed the spell. Put the photo in the jar facing out (that probably doesn’t matter either btw). Speak toward the bottom of the jar, keep it brief & to the point. I said “(persons name) leave & never return. (Persons name) go away & never come back.” I repeated this until I felt confortable moving on to the next step. I then, added water to the jar. Water expands when frozen so be sure not to fill it all the way. Halfway will suffice. I then programmed the water with the same command as many times as I felt nessesary (once is enough honestly, water is very receptive to programming). Don’t half ass these commands. Say them as if you would be saying it to your targets face, with gusto. Put emotion into it, there is power there. When youre ready, cover the jar with the lid & stuff it in the back of a freezer.

You did it. You’ve successfully completed the spell. You’ve successfully drove him away from her & made it so he will never return. Wear that feeling of accomplishment as you would about mowing the lawn. You don’t mow the lawn then sit and wonder if the grass is cut over and over and over. You did it, it’s done. Take a step back from the situation & know you were successful. Occupy your thoughts with other goals you seek to achieve, focus your intent there. I would suggest planning ahead what you intend to direct your intentions on after the spell prior to doing it. It’s no different than any other to-do list. Number one, get him away from her & make it so he never returns- check! Number two, give Mina fifty bucks. Haha just kiddin’. Best wishes to you whatever you decide to do.

Thank you.

Oh btw, some back story here. The man I targeted was an upstairs neighbor that had a dance studio for rhinoceroses. Not only did he move away, I got his apartment afterward. :grin:

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Oh wow… I would advise you try to move on from this. Perhaps fix your relationship with your wife or get a divorce and find someone new. I get the feeling this woman isn’t going to leave her husband or she would have already. Seems to me like the relationship was purely a sexual friendship and you got a bit too invested…? I’m sure amon can help you find a better partner… She doesn’t seem to be it

I have been in your position, and I have been in hers. I understand how you feel but in all honesty… if she really wanted get away from him, she would have. Seems like she’s just leading both of you on

I am sorry you feel that way, but I don’t think that is the truth, like I mentioned before this guy is violent and he threatened her, he went to the extent to say that he would make her life miserable. Also, I did not post some more images, because they are more graphic. :frowning:
With regards to the person leaving because she loves me, I believe that fear is a much stronger emotion than love, if the guy told her that he would do something to her kids or maybe even to me, that is a reason for her to stay, because I know for sure that she will pick her kids over me and rightfully so.
She did tell me that truly loves me, some of the gifts that she gave me can only be given if she absolutely loves me. So, I am sorry but I disagree with you but I do appreciate you reading through and trying to help me. Thank you!

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