My Qliphotic Explorations have effected my Girlfriend

My Girlfriend has no previous knowledge or experience with LHP or Qliphotic magic and no interest in.

Lucifer has begun appearing in her dreams. In her most recent dream, Lucifer was possessing men for the purpose of having sex with her and when she felt guilty about being with men other than me, Lucifer simply decided to possess me instead. Then she dreamed of being in a “desolate place” which matched perfectly with known descriptions of Gamliel. There, she described a large black alter that was clearly intended to hold two people engaged in ritual sex.

Since that dream her libido has been amplified. She’s become more sexually aggressive, craving physical contact. It seems clear to me that it was no mere dream. Lucifer brought her to Gamaliel.

I am unsure how to handle this situation.

I was only prepared to deal with how the Qliphot effect me personally.


Haha sorry, but that is rather hilarious. Deviltry at his best :smiley:

Is she aware of your Qliphotic and otherwise LHP practice? Do you have a problem with Lucy visiting your gf in her dreams, and have you ever talked to her about it? (it’s not her fault, right?)

If you haven’t then I think you should…

Dealing with magick tends to render reality rather confused, and as such it can spill over and affect others. But if you can guide your GF through it and explain that there is no real danger for her, and definitely explain that she should not feel quilt for what occurs in her dreams… I think that it would be alright.

Is there a way for you to slowly help her lean into it? Explain bit’s and parts that would ease her mind?


And I’d like to ad that sometimes we don’t get to choose these things, as spirits chooses us… and I would say that you are not really at fault either. It is Lucifer and Gamaliel then that wills it. Your best shot I think would be to let her experience it and to help her and provide illumination and clarity on the situation and what it entails?

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She is aware of my LHP Work and we have talked about it. She doesn’t feel guilty. She only felt guilt in the context of the dream after sleeping with Lucifer’s other hosts.

I have already explained what happened to her. She’s not scared of it. But I don’t think she is anywhere near ready for full blown Qliphotic workings.

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That is well then. Just keep telling her that she shouldn’t feel quilt about it. And you also said that it has increased her libido. To your disadvantage? Otherwise I don’t really see the problem :wink:

Good. Then she has at least some situational awareness. And I don’t think she has to go all-Qliphotic. If it’s just spirits visiting her she will eventually develop a personal relationship with them in time.

Has she raised any concern other than that of it all?


She has raised no other concerns.

Also, if you check my previous posts, I had a dream of her (and 2 other witches) forcing me to be possessed by him so they could fuck him. She later told me she had a dream of lucifer that same night. He was soliciting her for sex.

All of this started after I began some rather intense workings with Lilith.


The Qliphoth can indeed effect those around us as we end up changing through that path course. Change in inevitable through that path. If it’s effecting her in this situation then perhaps she has some connection to Gamaliel or perhaps Lilith, maybe even Lucifer. She’s just probably unaware of it. When I first started, I was unaware of how close I felt to Lilith but as I’ve discovered more about myself. I have discovered the reason why.


When you live together with Christians these changes may be very visible :slight_smile:

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Lilith…yeah…my sex drive sky rocketed and I “blamed” her for it, though in a way, I enjoyed it. Guilt…i felt that too after a few encounters with people in an astral sense. I got over the guilt by saying, that wasn’t another human, but a demon. N i really convinced myself about that. Wishing her good luck.


Oh n should I add Lilith and Lucifer get together a lot? That’s how a ran into her and became her. I was so dang jealous I’d see her all over Lucifer n him just banging her. She’s seeing Lucifer, u work/worked with Lilith. Kinda fair to say there may be a connection to all that.


Magic is in general, prone to chain reactions. Your workings will affect your loved ones, and yourself. They will affect family, your ancestors, and your descendents somewhere down the line. This is because we do not live in isolation, especially not now in this, the most interconnected era of human history. While family is often the most immediate connection, which reacts, as there are bonds of blood tying you to them, close friendships, romantic relationships, and at times even rivalries will have even tighter bonds, formed through intent, which will react, accordingly.

Reactions vary, and the Qlipphoth itself is a fiery and assertive type of energy. In other words, the Qlipphoth is considered powerful, because that is how it was made, to do stuff. Usually, ascent in the Qlipphoth is a complete removal of the human inventory, all the things making up our lives, and the shedding of superfluous parts of our existence, in order to give birth to our full potential, uncluttered by all the burdens of everyday life. In the case of your girlfriend, if she has been experiencing a leap in magical power, accidental projections, and dreams, it is likely that she is being called to this current.

Even if you do not think she is ready, she is definitely being pulled to explore, something. Whether this is the Qlipphoth directly, or the forces of magic at large, is irrelevant. I would advise that you continue Lucifer’s work, in the physical universe, and open any doors that you can from there. Guide her to material, which may interest her. Perform a ritual for her, which would get her intrigued. Drop hints about entities, but not full explanations. The more you knock on a door, the likelier that somebody will answer.