My photography/wildlife and nature art and magical ideas journal

My husband brought me these rocks, a few days after me telling him I was looking for a dark stone.

Supposedly they are black tourmaline and bloodstone. I really like them :grin:

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Today I cleansed and concentrated a bag of rocks I was given. I plan to use them for protection and will likely have a few extras. That’s okay, It never seems like I make enough of any of the items I actually use- I am always giving away my last of something.

I also spent a fair amount of time scrubbing up my mussel shells from the river. I plan to use these as vessels for servitors.

We will be having a large gathering of family and friends in a few months, and I want to make these into angels and give them away to bless the homes and hearths of our family and friends. I am going to probably need a lot more of them, but you can’t walk down the river without finding more empty shells than you carry.

I don’t mind the single ones, since I am crafting with them I can probably find close matches for most.

I thought the deep purple colored ones were my favorite, until I started finding them with lots of gold color as well.

I think the broken shells would probably make good wand material but I haven’t figured out if that is a project for me or not yet :slight_smile:


My husband brought me a rose, from outside a few days ago. I only just realized I should have taken a picture of it. The rose bush has provided me with rose petals, thorns and lots of great items for my practice over the last year.

I have taken to drying out the roses my husband brings me, regardless of where from and putting them in empty vases around the house, as a reminder to myself of his actions repressing love.

I put this one while it was fresh, on a shelf in the kitchen, that he built for me.