My Path Working With Lilith

So long have I wrote ANYTHING in here. The reason is because well I was and still kinda going through a lot in life, both spiritually and physically. A lot had happen and more is to be expected.

So why am I now writing in here? Well I am officially returning to my path working with Lilith but with an added part. You see this past few days Iv been doing so very hard thinking on myself. I knew something was not exactly connected persay. I felt this pull and I looked back to something in the past. A part of me that I had discovered only two years ago and honestly was happy until recently when I went through two events that basically turned me from that part of me.

This part I am going back to was shown to me also by Lilith. Now if she truly is a vampier queen is yet for me to know exactly but I was shown this aspect of me as a vampier.

Now I am not saying I am one of those people that believe I can climb walls or something epic like that. But every since I was in the eighth grade I had this knowing that I had this connection to this current but only two years ago was it shown to me.

It is still something I am hesitant on. Not because I’m not sure if it’s for me or not. Obviously especially recent synchronistic events such as the other day I was thinking about vampires and how I was looking more into the path when I saw EAs recent live video add on here and that moment on TV, Big Bang, they had a conversation about vampires. Then yesterday that very video he talked about Vampierism. This is only a few of the many that came to me.

Last night I decided to do a meditation before bed and it turned out to be The Black and Bloody Waters of Lilith. This only strengthened my desire to work with Lilith and her sisters again and continue my path working. So tonight I am going to start back up. I am very excited.

Also this will act as a journal for my vampiric path working because of how close it seemed to be connected to her and her sisters. If it starts to become its own thing as I think it might I will creat another. :slight_smile: