My Path Working With Lilith

So I am starting this thread on my new path working with Lilith. Lilith has been in my life for awhile but it is now that I feel that I am ready to start.

I have already gotten a new statue of her and consecrated it and dedicate it to her. I’m in the process of getting other things for her such as Asenath Mason’s book, Rituals of Pleasure.

Tomorrow I should be getting my new mala in the mail that I am going to be dedicating it to my spiritual path as a whole.

I am writing this thread to not just help me but also to those that were interested in working with Lilith her self.

Of course before I go on further into this thread of mine I would like to talk about why I have chosen this and how I view Lilith. Everyone has their own views as to who Lilith is. She is of course a person of many faces as I call it. She is not just a goddess of sex as most love to go up to her for. And nothing wrong with that. But she is a goddess of heavens, goddess of the earthly plane and of course a goddess of hell. She has been back and forth and have earned her way through trials and even battles. She knows her true value and stands by it. It isn’t saying that she opposes to law, in fact she is a goddess of law. But she also embraces her true self.

She is a mother to an entire race and more. Yes she isn’t normally isn’t given the title as “mother” in the same sense as Gaia or Isis. But why? Because she doesn’t hug everybody that comes to her? Because she isn’t shown to carry a baby around? If we look into day to day lives of Queens, we rarely, as outsiders see them do the same. Why? Because we see them as just that Queens. They keep their personal lives as just that. And Lilith is definitely no exception. When it comes to her job and role she doesn’t exactly let her self go soft to often. But! I know she has a softer side. A more motherly side. But if you come up to her to only want to do her or her children? What you expect?

The other night I truly felt from her something new. As I was laying on my bed, I felt these feeling and seeing images in my head. I then knew it was her and to put it short, she has not exactly been seen in her fullness.

So why do I want to work with her? Well more like to connect to her as her. I have come to her to get to know her as her but also her children. I feel there is SO much more that can be learned by her and her children, so much more to know and explore then just a good one night stand. So when I saw the book I knew in my heart I was picking up on some truth.

So I told her on the 20th of this month on how I want to do this with her, with her children. Because I personally feel she and her children are so much more. And I personally want to learn, to know. I come to her not wanting sex or money or power or whatever gave you. But only to spend it with her and her children in turn to find truth and to help myself become that better version of myself. And let me tell you, I never felt so much love in one go for some time.

So I have started this journey of a person going as deep as I can go with her and her children. To go into the very empire of her own and walk the very halls, tunnels and pathways to in the end embrace these qualities in myself. And to learn how to be my true self in its fullest form.

Sigil Lilith gave to me.


Watching with interest.


Beautiful sigil. Many meanings to reach Lilith.

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Just an update on this. I have just received the mala today and tonight I am going to consecrate them. I am very excited about this and have good feeling on it.

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Night 1.

I officially am calling this night one. Yes I have announced my path working the other night and dedicated myself to her as my Queen and goddess. But tonight was THE first night since that night that I have began officially.

These past few days I took the time to make sure I was prepared for this. I have tried to do path working with others but the problem is, I run into walls where I don’t know where to proceed. I have heard this is quite normal and simply means that I have reached to the point that in order for me to continue I need to grow in other areas.

I have thought for a year now of what to do. Where to start? What path is the right one for me? Who should I work with? Should I dedicate myself to a particular god/goddess/spirit or should I continue to work with multiple? When I first started my path on the left handed path, it came at me like a tsunami. It was like an explosion in the face. Since then I have been working to gather the pieces that have been blown up and rebuild myself and my existence. So along the way of this, I have gotten lost, I have ran into walls. There was times I didn’t search deep enough or maybe to deep in others. There was a point that I literally felt I was about to go insane on all these thoughts with little answers.

So when Lilith came back (yes back) into my life for the fourth? time, I knew she definitely had a plan for me. But at first I thought it was simply like everyone els. Simply to get me started on the Qliphoth. One of the many paths I started but stoped. But this time around, she wasn’t as distant. I felt her presence even more closer and clearer. That’s when I had the experiences that I went over in the first post. I then understood she wanted more then just a month of simple path working.

So knowing this I did not hesitate like I did in the past and I truly am grateful and honored to have her in my life. This path working is definitely going to be different then a lot of the things Iv done in the past. Like everyone, we all have our weaknesses and flaws that we all want to better. Some is a bit deeper then others. That’s why we choose to do path working with a specific person. Either for a month or year or even more. With her of course I can’t give you a time period but I do know, the way it feels it’s going to be more then just a month.

Back story

So to give you a little bit of a back ground understanding before I go to talk about my first night here.

She came to me back in 2017. She came to me first as a sigil. It was slightly different then the one I have shown you. It only had two moons and her star compared to this newer one. At first I thought it was just a doodle (like most probably thought) and didn’t question it. Months latter I was studying more on witchcraft and well back then Wicca. (We all had to start somewhere). The one thing that intrigued me the most was called drawing down the moon. I personally felt a calling to do this. Despite what was written on these blogs and such, I decided to try it. I laid there in a deep meditative state and visualize me connecting to the moon. Only then to visualize the moons energies entering my body and filling my body with its light. It was an interesting experience. But as I did this I then saw a moon above my head and it continued to send energy into me. After about five minutes I felt I had enough to power my room. Lol So I ended the session and grounded the rest to the best of my abilities. That’s when things got interesting.

Not to long latter about a few months, I started to have dreams. The dreams were the same but played a bit differently. But over all the dream is about me being outside and then this blood red moon would appear. Some dreams the sky is this pinkish color while others it’s a normal night sky. The red though be so red, that the houses and trees be bathed in it, giving it a very haunted look. Out of all these dreams I never felt threatened or scared. But one dream I had was a bit much. In this dream the moon came back. I felt this presence that I noticed was there in the other dreams. That’s when I saw these tendrils of energy come down from the moon and one of them shot a sphere of energy towards me. The energy hit me but what I experienced was not pain but over whelming emotions of all kinds. The energy was to much and yes, I was afraid at this point. So I ran away.

After that the moon only came back once more then never returned. Years passed up till the year before in 2019. I had a dream of this woman that had wings and bird feet. There was others with her that called her Queen. When I told my then friend, she said that was Lilith. Of course at the time I knew very little of her and pushed that away from my mind. I did not believe her. But not to long after moving to Las Vegas, I was faced with choosing my path. Lilith came to me. At first I was hesitant but I have gained a bit more understanding of her. Plus she came to me, so she must mean it right? That was my thought process at the time. I did an altar to her but after that, she just wasn’t fully around. So I thought she left to be honest.

A year passed and I moved. After a bit of time at my new place she came back to me only to leave. I was never more confused then I was. But that was when I had the most intense dream of her. Basically I was in this two story house. I was with my friends kids in the kitchen. That’s when I felt her presence. I walked to where the main stairway was and tried to climb the stairs. Each step got harder and harder. I hardly got to the middle when her energy was literally crushing me. But I had a flash vision of her behind these double doors, sitting on this bed with some of her children standing around inside and two outside. That’s when I knew, she was not done with me and that I was simply not ready yet.

So to speed up, she had returned to me again. This time not just with an addition to her sigil but also her in general. That’s when I knew she wanted to work with me and how I felt last night, I felt it was more then just what I thought at first.

So I basically dedicated myself to her and this path working. Basically I will go as far as I can but even then I will only continue where I left off.

Night 1

So today I received my new book that I personally thought came just in time.

The thought came that day I did the dedication and I am glad I have bought it. I only got into a bit of it but so far it is very enriching and look forward to my experiences with it.

I did a reading to see where should I start. I explained to her how there is so much and that I simply don’t know. And well the reading I was not to surprised on, given that Leviathan basically told me something similar.

The message I have gotten from this was basically for me to be careful with what I do. That I am embarking on a path that yes will have slot of power but I need to be mindful to not get lost in it and become obsessed with it. (In the book, Astaroth had actually warned about becoming obsessed with the energies) and I know how power can play games with our tinny minds. Lol And not just power either. That beings, spirits, gods/goddesses all can have this affect on us if we are not careful. Also to not be obsessed about my path. For me to not let it take control over me. That brought to the next card on how I need to learn more inner strength. And yes I do. The third card told me how new things are now opening up to me and my spiritual path is now in clear sight. The fourth told be of cutting my old limited self beliefs but also warned me to be carful of who I associate my self with and too. Just because they are on the same path doesn’t mean they are for the best of my interest or growth. The fifth card is telling me on how this is going to help me unify myself and bring balance into myself that I need. The last card was telling me on how I am freeing myself and finding my true self and path.

I then got the understanding that there is no rush on this and that for me to start by doing the basics. Go back into myself and start to accept an aspect that for the longest time, I pushed and shunned away. It is something I may talk about latter on but for now I’m just leaving it as that.

So now I am writing my first night of this path working with Lilith. I am hoping that this also helps others who either feel/hear her call or simply want to work with her or to know her.

To end this I want to state that all this is my personal experience and only that. That what I experience may not what others do or will. So with that don’t take this all as pure and honest truth. Because especially a goddess like Lilith, she chooses what she wants to share and how she wants to share it. She is a very complex person with many faces. So to know her the best is to go to her and tell her you desire to walk her path.


So an update on my path working with Lilith. A lot has been going on and I do feel her very much in my life. I have not done very much yesterday do to me needing time to sort out some things in my life.

But I did decided to go back to a old thing I use to do. Journaling. Not just any but more so like letters to her.

I feel this will help our connection better as well as a way to start to have away to talk about things that I don’t have anywhere els to express them to or with. I will be doing something tonight. Just not sure what.


Writing letters is a reaaaaally cool idea!


It is. And honesty I highly encourage it to those that are in path working with a deity/spirit.

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@Mulberry and thank you for turning this into a journal. I thought you could only have one. That’s why I didn’t do it. ^^;

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So to also post an update. I did some meditation and decided a first corse of action in which specific direction I want to go.

It is a topic that has been written a little on but not dived deep enough on. Vampires. It seems that a lot of people associate Lilith with them and for understandable means. But I feel she isn’t exactly what people think of as a vampier. I say this in my own experience.

But let me try and clarify what I mean as vampier. We know especially in the LHP about vampirism and taking energy and using it and that’s it. What if I tell you that there is so much more on this subject that I really don’t see? Much more then just using energy as a food?

I am not by any means LARPing. I am not trying to prove anything either. But to state what I feel and experience. Now I am still in the process of understanding this myself and well I don’t know everything nor will I ever.

Vampires as beings are more then just low grounded entities that look like worms feeding off of you or people sucking others energy. What I’m talking about is an entire race of people out there that exist that are known as vampires. Just like Liliths children, like demons and angels and all in between, they exist. Now exactly how many and what all they look like not 100% sure. But here is what I do know and how Lilith ties into this.

Before I go and talk about this, there is different vampires of different lineages. So depending on the person even, could be different. But most are very much secretive and mostly only way to know anything real about them is to go to them.

So vampires are basically beings like us that live kinda like us. They have different tastes, enjoy food and drink, they have different personalities such as some love parties while others don’t. But they do however need another source of “nourishment”. Depending on who you talk to, it maybe different.

So here is ones that you may or may not heard of and where Lilith comes into play. The ones that I know are more so lunar vampires. They use the moons energy to help them charge themselves and their magic. Most of them don’t exactly work with other deities but some do and all know of their existence. Those that don’t are more of self deification, kinda like some of us on here while some work closely with that deity. Then there is some that are both. Some of these deities you know like Selene, Naamah, Lilith, and others. But they work with them on a different level then a lot of us. Most of us here on this planet see us as inferior to them. They however come to them as teachers and treat them like family while giving them the respect that they deserve.

These vampires do eat and drink as I stated. They have likes and dislikes but they require something a bit more to sustain them. I feel this is because they live in a odd in between world of physical and spirit. So to help them they get their extra “vitamins” from other sources. Again everyone has their preference on obtaining this. Some blood, some pure energy, some may get it in a source form from one of their deities. Now how or what don’t know. But others do include going to feed off of other things.

So besides this they have a very very close connection to the lunar energies so much in fact that they need it. Yes they can survive without it but it would be very hard for them to use their magic or even feel like themselves. But they are not tied to a moon, but any moon can be used. Because end of the day how they view it, all moons are connected to the same source. So example one may just tap directly into the lunar current while another be invoking Selene or Lilith. But end of it all the one thing they share is how they are not lowly creatures. They know their worth. Some may see this as egotistical or even snobby but really it’s because they know what they themselves are capable and who they are.

I will definitely update as time goes on. But I decided to go and start some work with this and connect to these people and beliefs. They are very much part of Liliths kingdom (though they are separate as well with their own world and such) but in away it’s like they are very much connected to her in a spiritual way.


Last night I decided to do something a bit different to see what would happen. I decided to go to sleep and wake up around 2am to do some enn chanting then return to sleep.

I set my alarm and went to bed. I then woke up knowing my alarm didn’t go off quite yet and look to see it was a minute to 2. I did feel a few presences in my room but I couldn’t tell what or who it was. I didn’t get any bad vibes from them. After a bit I got up to do some enn chanting with Liliths enn. Nothing much happened during this. Although the first time around I did this, I had a nice experience. I felt myself go into a deep meditative state and relaxed into it. Only when I was done did I realized it was storming outside as my hand was in this position on my beads.

After I fell asleep I don’t remember dreaming of much. Then again my mind has been filled with a lot of things that is going on at this time. I wrote in the journal about my thoughts on this.

Sorry that nothing TO eventful happened. Lol


I like to think that even when nothing happens it still helps us progress in some unseen way.

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Honestly this is very true. @Chriss

But I have another thing to add. When I got off from work I had this urge to go and get more nail polish. Now before I worked with Lilith to this point, I didn’t care about my nails. Honestly my nails would have made most girls cry lol But as of late (like in the picture of really bad nail job) I am starting to have this desire to paint my nails. Not just that I went to get some dye to dye my hair. I think I’ll need another go around the day after tomorrow. But I feel it is coincidental to all the sudden want to improve on my looks.

I feel that slowly she is helping me/wanting me, to improve my physical/outer image.


One other thing I want to add about notes to spirits, it’s just something I do and I find it a interesting way to maybe even get messages from them.

I love to burn them. To me it’s like sending a email to them lol.

When I do this, I write out the letter or message. Try to make it as short as possible but if you take up most of the paper it’s ok. Write in black pen. Because when you burn it, marker will bleed and lighter color would be to hard to read.

Once you have that done fold the paper away from you and turn it in a clock wise direction.

Once in a small enough form to burn safely in your burner of choice you can draw their sigil or symbol of choice. This be the time to give an offering as well. I also love kissing it in a loving way to show my love to them.

Set the papers edge on fire and put it in the burner. Watch it. Close your eyes and imagine this go to them and them reading it. Then once you feel the connection you can remain that way or watch it burn. Honestly you get some interesting stuff.

Let it burn all the way before you dig through the ashes. If you have remnants, good chance it is a message. If not your answer will come to you if you asked a question.

Here is an example. A piece of paper that refused to burn no matter how hard I tried to burn it.

How this relates is that I would totally do this with her if I had a way.


Sorry for spamming your thread lol.
But something like this has happened to me aswell. While on a LSD trip that was aimed at getting to know Leviathan and Lilith better I was caught in kind of a loop where I felt like a kitten or baby lion that was groomed over and over again by my mother (which in this case was Lilith ofc) and then putting my shoulders back and strutting around my room with incredible self-confidence. This happened over and over again.
I think Lilith wanted to show me that having a good outward appearance is valuable. Before that I was heavily on the “inner values matter” trip and I think thats still true but why not have inner values AND present outwardly at the same time?


Lol you are fine! I love to hear feed back from people! :slight_smile: @Chriss

Honestly I believe she does both but depends on what your lacking of more she will attend to that side. For me most of my life is spiritual. I spent all of my money on spiritual things from books to tools and a few courses and classes and a few services. I hardly spent money for my physical reasons besides the basics such as a pair of shoes to wear to work and school, two jackets, a hand full of shirts (some now with holes) and so forth. It honestly got to the point that I wouldn’t go out shopping unless I have to like if my shoes got holes in them or my jacket ripped.

To also say that one of her “challenges” was for me to go into Victoria Secret and not just any Victoria Secret but the one in the Las Vegas strip. She not only wanted me to get sized, but buy a few things for myself. Sounds easy but to me, it was like dragging a cat to the bathtub. Lol

Because of this and where I worked to and how I worked, my outside appearance didn’t matter to me. But when I looked in the mirror I felt…not happy with myself. My hair is basically a nightmare, my nails are almost none existent, you get the idea. But to me my spiritual path was more important.

Well that’s where Lilith comes in and basically shakes her head. Your outward appearance is just as important. If you want to attract and have what you want, you are also going to need to look the part. You don’t go to some fancy office job in torn jeans and a over sized old shirt. Lol Confidence is in your poster, in your words, in how you keep your self up. If you just keep all the changes on the inside then your most likely will miss out a lot.

Working with Lilith, it comes into nature as well as others, that physicalness is as important as the work you do for your mind. As a quote saids “You can’t make a spell work with no work.” So in this case your outward appearance is part of that work.


I can relate a lot, even down to the Tshirts with holes in them (Im wearing one right now xD).
Being properly dressed and such is still a chore to me but I just hope that changes over time.
Even if its superficial its basically an easy way of working ‘direct magic’.


Pretty much. Lol It takes time not just from money but your self. You need to learn to want it but not to the point of spending ALL of your money. It’s a balance that is difficult to do.

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An update on my path working. I have gotten some things for her as a part of setting up her altar. I hope she will enjoy them.

I know an update is passed due. Iv just been having a lot of odd dreams as of late that I’m still trying to understand myself. I will post them once I understand them a bit better.

Tonight I am going to talk to her and do some well needed meditation. I will post my up date latter on today.


Hi everyone. I am sorry for not keeping this updated and going. I was going through a period of finding myself and figuring some personal things out, mostly on my self. I still am not exactly though but I am going to continue with the path working with her.

I am just currently just waiting on a few things for her. I have spoken to her and apologized to her and her children about my absence though she and her children knows why. So I am looking forward to seeing what more is going to happen soon.

Also to add, after I went to bed I felt a new presence come and join me. They felt comforting and understood what I have been going through. So I am assuming it could have been one of her children but not 100% sure. But just the feel of their energy felt familiar.

I will up date here when I start up again officially.