My Occult Ritual Experiments(all are Welcome here to participate in this ritual)

I will be posting rituals for experimentation and new experience and learning


Ritual #1:
Group Experiment:

Let’s connect with Xuantian Shangdi and his generals (Myoken Bodhisattva for you Buddhists). He is known to be a great god of magic and a slayer of evil. We can connect to him by offering to his scroll of 72 Talismans.


This is my translation of what’s written at the bottom of the scroll.

The instructions tell you to offer every sacred day, but IMO besides offering you can also meditate on him and his generals, imagining yourself communing with them.


Ritual #2
Love Spell

the upper circle where the arrow locate write your name

and the lower one your target name

then lit a candle over it

and after the candle finishes tie it on open space on tree or something

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Nice thread!

Here the Number 72 appears again :thinking: I will research it because this number is apparent both on goetia and the shehamphorash angels.


Angels Sigils


Ritual #4

talisman To purify blood
Wrap it in a red cloth and then carry it with you

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Ritual #5

Invoking Preta Lavalian Gatisaman

Sigil of Lavalian Gatisaman

You can either draw the symbols onto the ground using a wooden stick, or if the ground is too hard you can use charcoal. If you are inside your house you may also use paper placed onto the floor and inscribe the Tantric symbols using charcoal.

Mantra is:
Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman"

You must keep chanting “Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman” until you begin to feel the presence of Lavalian.

As you chant the mantra feel yourself becoming relaxed and meditative and allow your spirit to enter into the realm of the Preta Tala.

It will usually take 100 chants to summon Preta Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100-500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Lavalian. And trust us you will feel his presence in the room with you.

Once you feel the presence of Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman, all you need to do is tell him verbally your wishes and allow him to do the rest. Remember that entities in Talas and Lokas do not communicate verbally but speak via the mind and spirit.

You can also ask the Preta to remove negative energy from you to give you wealth and power or secret knowledge. Many of our world leaders invoke entities this way to further their careers or power base.

You must perform this action/ritual every night until the act you wish to happen has been carried out and fulfilled. It does not matter if you miss a night, only the resonant energy transfer will diminish if you have long gaps in between invocations

A summary of the ritual is given below:

1)Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights).

2)Inscribe the symbols you see in the Tala image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. You can also stare (unblinking) for as long as possible at the Tala image until it fades from view and opens itself.

3)Chant the mantra: “Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman” until you feel the presence of the Preta.
4)Ask the Preta what you wish to happen. Speak clearly.
5)You may ask the Preta (politely) to leave you immediately but the resonant energy link will eventually dissipate and the entity will naturally depart before sunrise.
6)Or you may ask the entity to remain with you, so that you will ultimately become One.

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very interesting … just a query on the inscribing bit on the floor … if it is a tiled surface do u want the symbols to be inscribed by charcoal or can it be drawn on paper and left on the floor ?

Can be drawn on paper n left on floor

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just to know … how much success have you had with these spirtis / entities … and have they been easy to work with ?

They are quite easy to work,this ritual is from south India tantra system, doesn’t require guru deeksha

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ok … south india… interesting … looks like a kerala origin if i am right ?

Tamil Origin

U must know traditional Tantra mantras don’t work without Guru Deeksha.
The mantras are considered dead without guru Deeksha.

So this system is good alternative in this kali Yuga age.

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Does it have to be specifically 2 a.m? Will it work if we do it in another time?

Yes preferably before sunrise
Your room should be dark where there is no sunlight

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So as long as I can do it in night time (like between 9.00 p.m to 3.00 a.m) it will work. Right?


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Ok no sun light. Understood. Will bulb light affect this?