My Name is Kitty and I am in alot of pain

Thank you Lady Eva that is really helpful :smiley:


I thank you for that it is appreciated. If I can be of any help in the future I will.

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Can you pm a picture and name so I can later tonight? I have no tolerance for chronic pain amongst the tribe. Pisses me off lol


I feel a bit silly admitting this but I am not sure how to PM you. I have looked and I haven’t been able to find a way to do that. Could you maybe PM me initially so I can reply, please?


Don’t feel silly. I’m 40 and very inapt with basic technology. When I try to pull up pictures to show people cool stuff I’ve taken pics of of, it takes me like 5 minutes to find the gallery widget. LOL


The ability to create new Private Messages,
is locked for the first couple days / weeks,
as far as i know.

That’s been implemented to prevent trolling.

Don’t worry,
the function will be activated through normal use of the forum. :wink:

To avoid further discussions about weather a health related topic may include medical information or not,
i decided to move the topic into the Health section.

Just in case someone wonders:

This originally was the welcome / introduction post,
of @ambercatgoddess.

Just pointing that out,
in case someone might question why she didn’t introduce herself!!

For Reference:

This Edition was done,
to prevent unnecessary conflict.

Reminder for the original Introduction post of Kitty:




Not just for you,
but rather on the general mechanism of Pain Transmutation;




Hello again Kitty.

I would recommend using google chorme as browser Google Chrome - Download the Fast, Secure Browser from Google and after that download an adblocker to get rid of ads. AdBlock – paras mainosesto. - Chrome Web Store
Create an youtube account and put the videos in favorites. :pray:


I meant to reply sooner I have been having some nerve issues. I use google chrome and it is really good. Adblocker I will get immediately. Thank you for your suggestion.


Thank you! I had intended to reply sooner but there were many replies and yours passed by rather quickly.


That caveat should go without saying, but what goes without saying bears repeating.

We’re metaphysically oriented here. Some people have experience in things that would be considered ‘wrong’ by mainstream society.

Energy scanning and remote healing are considered to be quackery by the mainstream, but the technique has proven itself time and time again in human history.

Yberioth did an energy scan on Kitty and gave his findings. That’s not a medical diagnosis, but rather a general check.

I also gave a suggestion for her to look into applied kinesiology and work with developing her energy fields. Once again, that is not a medical diagnosis, it’s advice on examining her energy body for disturbances using muscle testing, as well as using banishing and invocation ritual for focusing her magnetic fields.

We’re not playing doctor here, we’re just giving her general advice. IT’s up to her to take whatever resonates with her, and follow it up with her medical practitioners.

Also, being new to an alternative lifestyle can throw you when you don’t yet know the ropes. It helps to have someone who’s been there/done that to give sage advice on getting past steep learning curves.

Yberioth immediately recognized symptoms of vampiric coming-into-being and gave a good breakdown of Kitty’s next steps. That is to be applauded. Many more standard medical practitioners wouldn’t have caught that. It took someone in the life to recognize what was happening. I’m not a vampire and would never have caught that, but i did catch that there is some type of energy imbalance, which is why i recommended the banishings and invocations to balance that out.

Standard advice would be to quit occultism and go find Jesus, so we pretty much all agree doing things the standard way isn’t going to cut it for any of us here.

We all see things differently, but you know, when someone says something that resonates with you, it can lead to greater understanding.

Allow different experiences to have their say and let the people on BALG get in where they fit in, based on their personal epiphanies.

And this is a lesson i have to remind myself of, too: sometimes the thing you disagree with the most is exactly what someone needs to hear.


Mainstream society is simply not ready really. Which is one reason I am thankful that this forum is available. It was merely suggestions that were offered here by everyone. Not medical advice no.

I couldn’t have put it much better Emperor, thank you. I have so much to go through now apply and learn I will be pretty busy until I adapt to what I have been shown. What Yberioth has done will help me to communicate further with some unidentified beings that have been communicating with me. It’s exciting frankly :flushed:





Thak you Emperor.

I really Enjoyed your comment.

Thank you for your kind words aswell.


Similar here.

i intentionally took myself away from the discussion,
when someone expressed feeling intimidated,
and not getting enough room to speak out.

Somehow i still had issues with finding the right tone,
to give them space,
and have them speak out their own understandings.

I took all measurements i currently can,
to allow for those voices to be heard,
and not to simply overshadow everything and say:

“this is the right way,
this is how and what you have to do.”

But i don’t know…

Seeing that topic still stuck around the issue of who acted how…

Not really a course of discussion i like.

I’d prefer for advice given to the OP.

i also have to accept,
that indeed,
she’s covered in suggestions already by now.

And ambercatgoddess,
like anyone else of us aswell,
will need some time to apply the suggestions,
and see what works best for her.

So what i can say:

Thank you,
for calling me into this discussion.

And thank all of you,
for not just welcoming a new member in a very honorable and good fashion,
but also jumping into her requests and helping the best way,
each of you saw fit.




Welcome :black_heart: :waning_gibbous_moon:


I just wanted to say that when I first read of Kitty’s plight at the top of the page, anyone could see that she had already exhausted all previous medical advice and treatment available to her.

Sometimes people come here with real life problems and suffering when solutions have not been met elsewhere. The depth of knowledge and willingness to help showed by @Yberion and @emperor were again outstanding. A testament to how great this forum can be for sure.

And Emperor, where you said:

Well I would like to say that both Emperor and Yberioth should be applauded. And again, @Lady_Eva for coming to help someone in distress.

@ambercatgoddess knew the background of her problem and was clear in her following posts to that of her physical suffering. Clearly, she knew what she was up against (non effective doctors and health specialists) and showed that she has the intelligence to be discerning in choosing any possible forthcoming suggestions or advice here.
The suggestions she received were specific to the OP and no one told her that she or anyone else had to use it. Self care caveats were already given and It was all opinion for further reading.

And yet Yberioth and Emperor both felt obliged to give apologies/explanations after they gave such fantastic and deeply learned suggestions??

Apologies? Why and for what? Some hint that they might be seen as giving medical instruction? Well there was no medical instruction here. Other than … to go to see a doctor… to check vitamin levels!

Or was it that someone might read what they wrote, misunderstand it and do themselves some damage? People can do themselves harm from reading a do-it-yourself manual or a cookery book even.

Ease up on on the public health condemnations/warnings. Please. It can potentially put others off of contributing what could be the very thing that helps the request.
Well this is, after all, an occult forum where all kinds of weird/non standard stuff is spoken about. Hail Balg !!

Yes some people can do themselves - and others, some real harm with what is found in these pages but that seems to be ok until suggestions are made that might overlap a doctor’s advice.
Then what … the decency police turn up to tell you to put your shirt back on, you can’t be showing any of that around here.
“But officer, there’s someone over there talking about all kinds of substances people take to see Demons and visit other worlds and they might not make it back. The doctor won’t like that.” …
“Yeah, no, that’s alright. Just don’t talk about vitamins. Or lightbulbs. Stuff like that could freak people out.” Lol.

My point is this.
Ambercatgoddess came here with a real request because of lifelong pain.
The advice and suggestions she received were, to me, quite amazing.
The depth of knowledge in those answers would have taken books and books and books and lifetimes of work to have come to an answer.
I had nothing practical to offer her but I did have a good idea of who could see into her situation.
I didn’t know if they would see her post on their own perusals or not so I thought for her sake I should prompt them anyway just in case.

After reading Yberioth and Emperor’s replies, I realised just how much work, effort and time it must have taken them to think of her situation and prepare their replies.

They took time away from what they were dealing with in their own lives to help someone they didn’t even know. They didn’t just fire off a quick reply. They took it to heart and did something big and that I think is highly commendable.

What is a shame though, is that sometimes common sense doesn’t get in there first and stop the decency police from making, at times unnecessary ‘accusations of medical advice’. I’m not aiming that at anyone in particular, it happens on lots of threads by lots of individuals. Let’s just say that it’s an energy that anyone can have to make them jump in to give an open public warning.

And I know that it comes from a place of safeguarding the forum and it’s users, but …

If someone comes to the forum asking for opinions or solutions and some kindly person takes the time to share what they feel could help with caveats as a given, then why not let that be the focus rather than it being feared?

Honestly. Yberioth’s reply was full of good intention and good, deep intellect that the OP may never have found elsewhere and therefor, if he, and Emperor had not responded due ‘the decency police being around the corner’ then Ambercatgoddess could well have been stuck with …

Haha. I Laughed Out Loud when I read that too :rofl::rofl:


By the way, no offence was intended to anyone in my above post. It’s just my overall opinion that I’ve often thought on quite a few threads.

Ok ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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That reply from Emperor did make me laugh. Also the only thing I can is nod and agree with your entire post. I was awed and aware of the time it took them to put all of that advice together. That took effort that they didn’t have to give to help me. But they did and I have been practicing the suggestions. Not all of them as it has not been that long but so far I have seen results.

General doctors even specialty doctors find my case difficult to understand and diagnose. Man oh man have I been through the medical wringer.

From what I understand Yberioth is dealing with some issues and yet look at him…he has really helped me. Both Emperor and Yberioth have been very insightful. I never expected anyone to understand so quickly but here we are.

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you need to strengthen your mind/energy body with meditation, it’ll help

wherever the mind goes the body will follow


Thats exactly what I a doing now thanks tot he help I was offered. :slight_smile: Thank you for offering more help i appreciate it.