He also seems to like mountain dew and chai tea. I’ve given him a pretty bright orange poppy before that itself had a warm feeling energy.
Tea, and fine wines, classy things.
ETA: and Mountain Dew!
And chocolate!
I was told to give him some milk chocolate
Thanks guys. A silly idea I have, since I’m in court tomorrow, should I invoke both him and Lucifer to ensure things go my way? I’d requested Lucifer to be present with me in court. I just remembered his energy is so hot lol! Would it be better to evoke his sigil and carry it with me open?
5/16/17:- My last Lucifer evocation. Depending how it goes, I might just do an invocation. I feel like he’s my unseen BFF. I haven’t evoked him while I’m awake in the dark. I’m tempted to try that, but maybe not today.
2338hrs:- sitted confortably facing North.
2339hrs:- I start the evocation with his sigil infront of me.
5/16/18:- 5/16/17:- My last Lucifer evocation. Depending how it goes, I might just do an invocation. I feel like he’s my unseen BFF. I haven’t evoked him while I’m awake in the dark. I’m tempted to try that, but maybe not today.
2338hrs:- sitted confortably facing North.
2339hrs:- I start the evocation with his sigil infront of me.
He manifested to me like he did in my car. This was a really steamy interaction. I asked what he’d like me to learn tonight and he told me repeatedly patience. I was looking at his sigil, and when it opened for me, I saw a handsome face among others. The more I contined to evoke him, his sigil changed color from white to blue. Within the triangle at the top, i saw a smaller triangle that was purple blue moving around within the now blue triangle. I then noticed the presence of a female. For some reason, the name Lilith came to my mind when I asked about who she was.
It’s awkward, but I felt jealous. Lucifer then instructed me to get my vibrator. As I watched him and the woman make out, I became turned on. He gave me instructions of where to place it etc. As the enery grew, his sigil changed color to red. I didn’t understand y that happen, but attributed it to the orgasm i was about to have. When i finally did, his sigil turned back to white.
It was now a bit after 1230 am. I thanked him for his presence and did a banishing for spirits etc that may have joined the evocation without my permision.
Quick question, do Lilith and Lucifer work together? I guess that’ll be the next question I have for him next time we talk.
Sigil I used is below.
@Micah, whenever u get a chance, could u plz do a divination for me on the above? Thanks in advance.
@Lady_Eva, @DarkestKnight, @KingOfHearts616, @J.A.Ragnarson, @anon24017110, @Narsonix, @Borgy and anyone else…could u guys plz give me ur thoughts/scans on my last post when time allows? Thanks in advance.
In about half of my experiences with Lucifer (which are limited)
Lilith has been with him.
@A.Lucifer First of all you share a very personal Journal. Respect for that.
It could be Naamah or Lillith. If you read in different grimoire they could be sisters or even aspects of each other. Most of the books say Lillith is with Samael. So then Naamah could be with Lucifer.
She was beautiful, but then could turn into a ferrocious demon with some crazy teeth and very aggresive. For some reason, I kept watching and wasn’t spooked by it. I however was terribly jealous. I felt like I should have been playing with Lucifer. Not her.
Others say Lilith was the first wife of Lucifer.
I’m looking for more information on her on here. So far, most people seem to be scared of her on here. Still trying to check out what google has on her.
Another thing about Lilith is that she got vampiric qualities, teeth
Maybe that explains why it seemed like a porn show. I however wanted to watch it.
And yes! That’s what it looked like.
I’m guilty of being terribly jealous too (not of Lucifer).
But I love lilith she’s really helpful.
Oh my! It didn’t make sense why I’d feel like that. And Ooops! She’s banging Lucifer as far as I know. and I might have a problem with that. Idk.