My life renovation project

Hell why not. Remember EA made a video on how to renovate your life with black magick. He gave like this simple sounding formula:

Make a wish list

Divination to find what needs are there and any road blockages as well as how to free yourself from them.

Then Evoke the spirits based off your needs and wants to get the life you want.

Isn’t this the huge goal of magick? Or one of them at least. Either way it would be nice to be able to track how my life progressed. I was going to make a quick list on important things I need done and I’ll knock out the evocations and share my experience with each individual one here.

Gremory has helped me find love. Now I just need to call someone to make it closer and stronger of a connection if you will. Love magick is out of the way, not interested in getting laid rn that’s a want IMO lol.

I healed my mom and my dad but forgot about my poor uncle who is literally 50% metal implants and can barely walk😅 so that needs to get done.

My brother who is leaving in I lost count, less then 50-40 days. Yes I called lerajae to do this and it worked. Thank you lerajae. But nonetheless I’m not an ass hole he’s my brother so I will be doing some rituals to help him stay on his own two feet so he doesn’t go homeless super easily.

Those are my needs before I am any happier cause if I work on myself and see that they need help still I will LEGITIMATELY feel bad lol. No joke I’m a cancer so i feel a need to put others before me then me for the most part. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but yeah. I get sympathetic and empathetic very easily for people close to me lol.

So my Wish list.

  • another good wealth ritual won’t hurt. Could use a couple 100 to a couple 1000 so I can get my own place finally.

  • and finally calling a spirit to help me get this work at home remote job it’s a full time job as a cruise line associate I like working in sales. Plus it’s in the comfort of my own home and it’s full time!

That’s pretty much all I can think of that I need at the moment. I’m sure I’ll think of something else down the road if I do I’ll post it below. But it doesn’t seem too much of a tedious list. A week to two weeks worth of ritual work. Maybe a few more weeks as I like to spend a few days ahead of ritual just getting my mindset ready.

Oh I also need to start azazel’s gate. Ridiculous how I procrastinate so much sometimes. But other then that once I complete rituals for all of the above I should be set for my 20’s at least. I’m 22 now as reference lol so I’m sure when I’m 30+ I’ll have more to do but I don’t know if this forum will be even up that long lol. Hopefully.

Getting the rituals done listed above will be enough to release some general stress and anxiety which will make me happy in its own. Seeing results will be the icing on the cake to make me 100% happy enough to kick my feet back for now lol.


You might be interested in this too then, and it’s fine if you’re not too.