My Introduction ❤️

Hello everyone, I’m Kapree from Omaha, NE. A Libra(October 22). I’ve been practicing magick for about 7 years. I started with Voodoo/Hoodoo type of magick at first. Some Wicca as well. I’ve been doing demonic magick for about 4 years now. I’ve had some success, but definitely could learn some better techniques from all of you. The left hand path has definitely taught me a sense of self empowerment that no other spirituality has led me to.
I’m also a metal head so I really wanted to actually understand the lyrics lol. I’m a metal vocalist as well and my lyrics are fueled with LHP.
I’m a very sexual creature, so I vibe hard with that energy. I’m pretty sure I have a very Sexual vampiric demonic energy on me and intend to please it instead of force it out. It’s truly apart of me. I like to think we indulge together.
I’m attracted to the dark divine feminine and energy of power. I’ve always felt a lack of control over my life and I wish to conquer that. I haven’t really been pleased with what the world has offered me so I seek to gain more out of it. The sex, the wealth, the recognition.
I’ve worked with Lilith, Naamah, Sitri, Lucifer, many more and currently Belial. I’m from a Christian background mainly due to family, so crossing to the “Dark Path” induced fear but felt oh so right. I’m truly thankful of all of you that post here. Dark kisses all around. Teach Me.image

Welcome to the BALG forum.

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Nammah is one of my Goddesses!

Biliel is awesome. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome hope you Find your new path here

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