My grama an IRS scam victim need help with cursing

what if i dont have a name? like in this situation? and if i got one it’s most likely not a real nane

If they are using it, it’s connected to them so it’ll work.

ok ill ask who if she remembers what the name of the person was who called her.
the shitty rhing about this too is that i will have no clue if it worked

Maybe maybe not.
You can happen on info from odd places besides do divination but put this effort into getting the money back for your grandma.
Also DONT tell yourself “they won’t give it back” that’ll sink your ship, keep telling yourself it will work and imagine the account full again.

I just called her and the banks giving her th e money back or so she says I told her to tell me the truth bc I no she’s embarrassed about the while thing anyways. and she told me that the lady at the bank said she had less money in her account than she thought prior to her money getting stolen.

I did the ritual lasy night with the kha lady of that things and andromalius at the same time.

I’m not sure if that’s why she’s getting her money back but is like to think so :slight_smile::slightly_smiling_face::slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile:


now for the cursing muhhahahahah

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Hey, I’d call that a success.
Don’t doubt yourself :slight_smile:

oh i try not to. at least not anymore but im not sure what the bank policy usually is. I greatly assume it would be you are screwed sonce it’s a debit card and ties directly to your bank whereas if it was a credit card on coukd easoly fight it. I doubt the greedy banks have covered the millions and millions of dollars stolen by these people it is highly unlikely

A lot of banks have ways to recoup fraud so refunding isn’t that unusual now if she asks them two or three more times it would be an issue.

You vilify them too much. Fraud protection is there and a debit card is easier to track also you can cancel a transaction faster on a debit. If she’d realized sooner she could have told them and they would have blocked the use.

Mine contacts me a lot for large or unusual transactions before letting them go through. They will actually email or call me before okaying the amount.

You could also use the bank to your advantage. They can, at least, partially track where her debit was used. Depending on the amount a bank will try to go after these kind of people.

You could use a spell to assist the bank in finding these guys.

Some banks are big business but most can be used to your advantage if you know the policies.
Federal Credit Unions are run by the state they are in for example so the money hits different hands onto the larger ones like Wells Fargo.

I personally think the banks are crooks but to each their own opinion. I. just happy she got the money back.

Didn’t say they can’t be but this attitude had you not look into the protections they offer and you didn’t realize she’d get her money back.

Just have to look at it neutrally.


My man Andromalius! :slight_smile:

The Goetia Challenge really is a synchronicity for me! :open_mouth:


I’ve tried him before to get money back from my brother since he’s owed me for years and never pays up. he gave me some physical stuff here and there afyer but never enough to make me think it was all andromalius and if it was I do thank him. I thank him and the lady of lost things as well


Andromalius brings back stolen goods and catches thieves, and it doesn’t sound like your brother stole anything. He’s just not repaying a debt, which might not be within Andromalius’ sphere. :thinking:


Congratulations!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

oh ok

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Ah, that looks kinda weird… I meant congratulations for your success with that ritual :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you find the phone number that was used to call your grand mother ?
Can you have the Bank show you where the money went to.
(It had to go somewhere. Maybe they can track it.)
These people like to steal phone numbers from innocent people, both cell phone and land lines.
You can write down the phone number, using it as a link to the criminals ( got to be specific directing the curse to ‘’'the thieves that used this phone number to steal my grandma’s money".
Also, if the bank can send you a link, or address, account (whether real or fiction ), then this can be used as a link to transfer a curse to the “Thieves that used this account, address, etc.”.
The bank or phone records might even find fake user names, that can be used to direct the curse at “the thieves that used these names”.
Pictures of the thieves, only if the thieves were " Criminally Stupid ". Not likely. but, maybe.
Just some possibilities.
And, if, you got spirits that can see where the money went to, then you can use this to direct them right at the thieves.
Just some possibilities.

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