My First Year with Rex Paimon

Actually, He was always around me–as in from birth. (my mom told me I was born dead and a deep indigo color, but came to life without sustaining any brain damage). Most of my life and especially after I became involved in Lucumi, priests and spiritists were always ‘seeing’ a “dark” spirit with me who they were always trying to do Paraldos/exorcisms on. One old babalawo told me the dark spirit told him that “He wasn’t ever leaving me, He would wait outside and then be right back with me.” and that elderly man told me to just live with Him. He told me that this spirit looked like from the middle east, wore a turban and a crown with jewels and had a ‘desert animal’ with him. (this man was from Cuba and old school.)
Fast forward to a number of years later–I never tried to find out anything more about said ‘dark spirit.’ I started dreaming about him last May 2018 and then had this strong urge to see the movie Heredity. After I saw that movie I was consumed by finding out about this King of Hell, even though that movie scared me. When I saw an image of King Paimon online I said “Wow! That’s the spirit from my dreams and that’s the ‘dark spirit’ the ppl in Florida told me walked with me.”
So I just started gathering up things and offerings to do evocation with King Paimon–like I was following a grocery list. And last June, with legs trembling, I did an evocation to King Paimon. I felt Him in the room with me and He communicated with me telepathically.
When it was done I wondered if it was real or my imagination. I walked into the next room and a closet door (that is normally very difficult to open) was standing WIDE OPEN! When I saw that, I knew everything was real. Since then the relationship just took off and it was apparent that He had been standing back and not imposing Himself but waiting for me to finally get it and find my destiny with Him.
That’s it-----I know it sounds really off the wall, but it all really happened.


That makes perfect sense to me. He’s your patron.

Can you describe the ritual you used to call him? Interested - i’ve been told by multiple magicians over the years that Astaroth was calling me and i needed to contact her, so i’m in the same boat as you were, but with a different spirit. I’m also ready to kick it up to another level and this would help me get it going

I really can’t remember fully how I called King Paimon the first time. I can remember repeating His enn and name over and over, and I can recall that I was singing.


Congratulations :two_hearts::blush: been reading your stuff.

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