My first time hexing for someone else

I live in Australia now for 10 years, I’m from Africa, one of my grandmothers is from Egypt. Where are you now, I still imagine eva green on top of a roof with an umbrella like Mary Poppins everytime you comment.


I am in London, Uk. I love the Mary Poppins imagery! I live in a lovely small part which is very leafy and green. Australia ! I love Australia and Wombats and Koalas. Lucky you. x

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I love that imagery too. And it is beautiful here. I’m on the coast.
Happy workings, I’ll send you good vibes to protect you and your friend and thoughts of strength and power on Wednesday.

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Thank you. x

Whenever I post about hex work, I always get someone private messaging me asking if I can kill someone with magic for them, the answer is NO. I am not a angsty teenager I am nearly 40 and do not dabble for the fun of it and I am here to learn.

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From my recent experience with this, I think this is less about your valuable knowledge and experience, and more about they dont have time or interest in doing it themselves (lazy and entltled) and they lack accountability (think if theres any negative consequences you will bear it not them).
Very disrespectful and annoying.

It’s also indicative of why they have an immediate outrageous need that requires instant results- because they are not taking responsibility for themselves and suddenly out of nowhere need sorcery to sort out something they let roll out of control over months.

And we never stop learning, no one knows everything, I dont know why they wouldn’t want to learn themselves.

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Yep, too true.
I had astral wildlife again today, I know you enjoy hearing about that :joy::joy: I am used to it now.


You could always just do something simple and hilarious. You want to disrupt their lives? Do a persisting curse on the Bloodmoon and make the focus be towards them having intestinal distress. Pretty hard to ruin people’s lives when you shit yourself if you sneeze :wink:


This is great and so imaginative. I like how you think :joy:

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Actually I started out thinking really horrid, but you just want to cause them general upheaval in their ranks. My first curse was something that put misfortunes into their whole family line, and my most recent was that jar curse that was up here a few days ago, just overclocked into something way more brutal. Of course having too much issues with losing your bowels everywhere can still kill them, so there’s that!


No the sand homebrew one that Aquas put up. Cursing with intestinal distress definitely sounds great for women like that. Will surely take some pep out of their step if you know what i mean


Oh, I have not seen that I will have to have a look, thank you. Intestinal distress :joy:

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That jar curse is from last year but someone posted in it 4 days ago and so i saw it and it caught my interest since it was cheap and affordable, plus my Jenglot seemed interested. Good luck in your endeavors to help your friend

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If U r trying to involve some powerful demon, remember that things may escalate and go beyond your hand. Freezer spell doesn’t seem a bad idea as some have already suggested. Or U can just go for the kill. That’s always in the table.

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