My first pact: KING PAIMON

I’m not exactly sure as to why I chose this glorious King as the first demon I want to make a pact with but if I had to guess, it’s because of his support of being a humane demon with humbling personality traits. He truly acts like a King and every Warrior needs a King.

Originally I wanted to do pact with Azazel so I reread Koetting BOA and copied word for word exactly what he said to the Demonic King and used that as my contract for the pact. It’s a bit over the top, I know, but no man is different than another at birth. We all can be as powerful as Koetting claims to be. That said, if he can do it then I can do it. If the worst I have to deal with is obsession and hauntings, I’ll take my chances.

After reading the pact and making a few name changes, I decided to ease up a bit. Unlike E.A., I’m not in a circumstance to have my entire life flipped on my head. Not yet, anyways. I changed the pact’s template a bit so instead of me wishing for power, wealth and prosperity it was more aligned to allowing me to learn under him as a Demonic King.

My method was invocation. I used Satanism as a guideline and mirrored the way new initiates preform oaths to Satan by just getting in contact with his energies. I applied the same methodology here. A single black candle and a sigil draw in black marker and some incense as a initiatory offering.


I expected a bit more as far as energies go during the ceremony the first few minutes. I did the ritual on my porch outside because I didn’t wanna permeate my mom’s house with the energy of a hellish King so the outside worked well. Here’s a few notes I’ve taken from the ritual as well as what I can add to the already massive pool of interactions with King Paimon.

He manifests quickly - I can’t disagree with this. When I asked for him to heed my call and come forth, he did. I drew his sigil a week or two ago but kept it hidden because I felt I wasn’t ready for his prestige yet. I slept with it under my pillow the first night and woke up feeling better than ever so I know the seal had some power to it.

When I changed the name from Azazel to King Paimon as the demon for the pact, I heard laughter in the back of my mind. Not like a ego-surged laugh. Like a ‘so you finally came over’ kind. Stoic yet pleasant.

King Paimon’s spiritual presence can be really strong Yes and No. When I first started getting the impression that King Paimon was looming around me, I started getting more of that energetic buzz feeling in my body. We all know the feeling. It was subtle until I brought out the pact. When I did, for a moment, I couldn’t breathe and I was on the verge of losing consciousness, if not just for a second.

While reading the pact the first time I kept having to stop and catch my natural breathing cycle back because of the gravity he brought to my invocation.

He doesn’t talk much. He acts. Again, no disagreements here. I could tell he was with me but he remained watchful. Whenever this King talked it was just a short sentence or a phrase but when he said it I stopped ice cold. During the invocation I reread the pact thinking didn’t get the full jist of what was going on. Half way through the first paragraph I got a clear message of “Stop Reading” blasting in my head.

I also felt like I was starting to waste his time (I couldn’t deal lol). He popped up the thought “Are you going to sign it?” and “Hurry Up”. Again, not in a negative or douche king of way. It reminds me over that strong father-figure who’s been and seen so much that he can forgive a child of their BS but still get a bit ticked when they can’t get it together. Supportive but definitely stern.

The one part to the ritual that I couldn’t shake was the weather. I live in North Carolina and it’s coat/hoodie season. I had my usual black jacket when I walked to the store to get a beer for the King (for libation) and felt fine. The moment I invoked King Paimon, the temperature had to drop at least ten degrees. A light mist of steam from my lips turned into clouds.

CONCLUSION: Too early to call this a success or not. I’ll wait a few weeks and see if King Paimon is holding up his side of the pact as quick as everyone claims. I plan on preforming the ritual again next month after some time has passed to reseal the deal.


My experience with him is he doesn’t like wasting time, he is very blunt and right to the point when he speaks. He likes to get straight down to business and just leave it at that.

Again I’ve had the same experience with King Paimon as well.
Good to know I am not the only one he is like that with.
I’ve found him to be very stern as well and he doesn’t like to waste time, however he remains polite and understanding.
This is one of the reasons why I like working with King Paimon.

I don’t have much doubt that your invocation was a success.

I am certainly interested to hear in the results of your working with King Paimon if you are happy to share them.


For some reason, I believe he is giving me some kind of psychic thought to make a pact with Bune.

“Every man needs gold. From peasants to Kings. Build your foundation.”

Seems reasonable. And I KNOW he is telling me to ask one of my coworkers out on a date. Something about courage in self. I swear, I don’t know if this is me imagining things or I’m losing my damn mind. Lol


“Never dip your pen into company ink.”

I’ve read studies that said work place marriages last longer than regular marriages centered on flings. I dated a coworker a few months ago and it wasn’t that bad. We only broke it off because we kept arguing at each other. Like, logical debates that end in angry sex. lol

But also, I think this may stem from my lack of self-confidence over the last few years. No Warrior can lead from behind and call himself a Leader and among men. Or not. lol

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Do what you will. Why do you lack self-confidence? I find that’s a common problem among people these days. What would you have to change to achieve self-confidence? Often it never ends, observe: [url=][/url]

The best option is to do what’s good for you, and live how you want. In the end, confidence wins the day.


So, I haven’t made the pact with Bune just yet. I want to wait on the next full moon for that. In the mean time, I’m working on a sigil bag and manufacturing my own terracotta army that’ll follow me into the lake of fire. Here’s a rough draft so far as to what I plan on doing. If any of you have any suggestions on anything, let me know and I’ll see if I can work with it.


I’m going to make a few with different sizes for different purposes but peep this. So, normally people who use Sigils either use them to contact other spirits or use them to manipulate this dimensions for wanted results. I recently had the idea, or some demon implanted the idea, to create a few sigils daily, charge them, then put them in a plastic bag or shoe box.

After it’s completely filled up all the way, which would take a few weeks or months depending on the size of the bag, you dig your hand randomly into the bag, grab a sigil (which by now you won’t know what the original sigil was for because you made so many over the time period building up the sigil bag) and you launch it.

I think it’s cool because you can just grab a random sigil you can’t remember and have no idea what it’s for and bring it into a ritual in order to launch it via spiritual messenger or just launching it during the ritual since the whole area would be like giant superconductor of magickal potential!

If someone already has something like this or if anyone seen something similar to this, let me know.


The idea of servitors, tulpa and egregores almost been a huge favorite of mind. Ever since I heard about the Golem, I always thought of what it would be like to have your own terra-cotta-like army.

Why not just make my own…?

One BIG I have with magick is how complex it is. If you wanna deal with the most powerful kinds of magicks you have to learn all these symbols, sigils and number squares that is just too much. I swear, Enochian Magick looks the same to me a Calculus. Astrology? You mean Quantum Physics? >:\

I’d stick to the ‘lower’ systems.
And golems have sympathetic write all over them.

First, I’m going to get a large amount of black clay and make figurines of all different shapes and sizes. Then I’m going to custom make my own thought forms that’ll all have unique assignments.

After each gets there own sigil all I would have to do is keep charging there sigils and repeat to their task over and over until each thought form is created then command each servitor to possess a certain clay body with their sigil. That’ll be there ‘home’. Linking the spirits to the clay bodies.

Give it some time and I should have my own army of spirits and I’ll no longer need the help of any demons besides my own. But it’s all just thought for now.

Why would you want an army? The world already has many armies…just join the military and work your way up into an influential position to command troops =).

You learn about all the Big Smart People things, so that when you narrow it down to a few simple techniques, then it is far more powerful than if you didnt know app the Big Smart People things. An example is you take a classical Sigil like say a Rune. A novice uses the Rune in magick and gets results. Then a seasoned adept with great knowledge and experience does the same and gets big results. The Big difference is that said Adept knew more indepth knowledge and tricks to extract more out of said symbol, etc. But things like that take time anyway. Dont give up on Big Things =)


I find “Big Smart People” label a bit insulting to my intelligence but I’ll happily reply with a bit of thought to prove my point.

Actually, I was in the Marines from 09-13. They already taught me a good amount of information behind leading troops, formations for running from house to house, street to street and also some survival stuff.

Being in the military had it’s drawbacks and I didn’t like the way my chain was ran so I decide to get out. And what I’m trying to purse can’t be applied to leading troops, either at home or in theater. I have another thread where we spoke (and I believe it’s still going on lol) the human body not being suitable enough of a vessel to be immortal.

I say why not use clay? Nearly every primitive culture speaks about us coming from the earth. For some, quite literally. I intend to do the same thing. The world does have many armies. But none like mine.

You learn about all the Big Smart People things, so that when you narrow it down to a few simple techniques, then it is far more powerful than if you didnt know app the Big Smart People things.

So what your talking about is deduction. It’s a form of logic. Yeah, I know that already. Lol. The human mind takes in a large quantity of information then reduces it down to more readily available chunks for the short term memory to process faster. That, however, takes time which I don’t care to waste on someone else’s knowledge.

And what your also describing is a bit confusing because ‘more powerful’ is completely subjective.

One aspiring Black God finds power in controlling spirits. That’s fine for them. I personally like to think BIGGER.

The Big difference is that said Adept knew more in depth knowledge and tricks to extract more out of said symbol, etc. But things like that take time anyway.

You must not be paying attention to E.A. has been trying to say to many of us out here. The only thing that matters is testable results. The only difference between the Adept and the Novice is only is the former is able to produce more results. He sells grimoires with a for sure standing that it’ll give the person who uses it correctly results.

You say that it takes time away. Why is this important? Because time is valuable. If it took less time it gives you more time to experience. Why do we experience? To learn so we can, in the future, gain more results.

What’s my point then? Well, these ideas are just theories. It’ll take time to test my theories. But trust me, when it goes right, I’ll have my own results. Now, what makes me then different than a Adept? I have ideas, I experiment on these ideas, I manifest this ideas.

Is that not what a God does?
There is more than one way to Ascension. Think BIGGER!

Honestly? Share your ambitions by all means, and some people will vibe with that ('scuse awful hippy terminology) and maybe hit you up via PM, but when you talk about making an army of created spirits in clay, some people might think you’re just role-playing (I happen not to right now, fwiw) - if you’re talking about stuff, talk about results and experiences in the past as well, not just plans, or as the old maths teachers told us “Show your workings” - show how you arrived at this point, if it comes to that.

This ISN’T a moderator message, at all, just my obs from being on this forum for over 2 years (yeah I have NO normal hobbies! :P) and I want everyone to thrive and flourish with their magick, and their ascent, coz that’s part of my own personal contract with spirits. :slight_smile:

Back to the tech of your design (which is what you were really asking for opinions on) - don’t forget nurses and/or autophages for your fallen, and supply lines - any army marches on its stomach.

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I’ll admit, it may seem a bit left field when everyone wants to post about communication with demonic entities but, in my opinion, not only does that limit the growth of a Black Magician but it makes the forum bland. Everyone just posts about the same demons, same rituals, same experiences and wondering how they can do the same.

The posts I put up recently gained some good replies for being put up not too long ago. Which tells me what I have been posting, which by the way are all original ideas and not just results, is something worth talking about.

I’m speaking strictly from historical and mythological evidence. The same sources where everyone draws their demons for evocation/invocation from. Examples Including:

The Terra Cotta Army. A mass illustration of golems. Life/Spirit infused into ceramic clay awaiting Death. Each individual and unique with a different face and origin based on real people. [i]Low Magick[/b]

Egyptian Mummies Not the body embalmed but the person fixing the mummy is what’s important. He puts the vital organs of the person to mummified in separate jars each with symbolizing a god. Egyptians believe these organs was of grave importance to the wrapped Pharaoh. Low Magick

I’ll fetch a link if you want but there was some discovery within the past 20 years that proved the Meso-Americans did embalm their death much in the same way as Egyptians. This too is a case of sympathetic magick.

And these are just the CULTURES. What about all the religions on the planet speaking about humanity being born from the dirt of Gaia? Christianity, Native American folklore, Greek, Latin(o), the list goes on.

Now i just need some advice on which route to take to achieve said notion without relying too heavily on a demonic presence.

I don’t mean to sound disrespectful or offend anyone but, in my opinion, how one truly call themselves a Magician if they only dabble in a certain kind of magick and try and underrate another because it seems too…fictional?

The same mythos that brings you golems comes from the same belief system that brought you the Kabbalah.

Again,these are just my opinions.
I just wish to voice them openly for feedback.

Can’t say I ascending without fighting my own demons first lol.

Back to the tech of your design (which is what you were really asking for opinions on) - don't forget nurses and/or autophages for your fallen, and supply lines - any army marches on its stomach.

I don’t think I have to worry about that too much. Golems don’t eat, and if one gets injured, it’s not like he can be replaced. lol

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We all practice our own varied forms of magick (I am not discussing that. True magick in any form is personal anyway).

I apologize if you took offense, as it wasnt meant that way. As far as Power it is indeed Subjective. It really doesnt matter what method you use…because it all amounts to if you can take that “Subjective” (imaginary power) and apply it to use Power with a Realness Factor (Physical Power).

So THINKING BIG can only be taken so far; just as Doing Big likewise can only be taken so Far. CONTROLLING POWER is in fact one of the biggest powers in this World. I dont have to remind you by simply pointing out that Religious and Political Controllers “Magickal Powers” is one giant Magickal Spell that greatly outmasses any massive armies you or anyone else cam raise…because they are already doing it…as their Power has evolved beyond the manifestation stage most utilize. But I am just simply pointing this out even if you already know it…dont just know it…realize you are experiencing it and make real physical changes in your world!

As for your question in relation to a Demonick Presence, your Path is clouded and hung up in choosing a cultural paradigm to be hung up in showing you have a long way to go as far as understanding and making things like Golems, much less armies of them. This ties in with understanding the relationship between Angels and Demons in relation to every other culture. If anything you should be asking the demonic presences about these things as they pretty much hold all that secret knowledge not many if anyone at all can tell you on this board!

But I am keepiny quiet specifically about this knowledge or Golems or anything else regarding this only because I believe you should earn the knowledge through spirit communion first as I have done and continue to do.

I will say ONE THING however…you mention thinking BIGGER than controllers…but you forget that the spiritual heirarchies match the real life physical heirarchies in some way as far as Militaries go. A Controlling Power is a Commander of an Army, and in my divinations I have seen a handful of those Commanders already.

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Servitors and such tend to turn on there creator when they aren’t fed. If you create 20 and feed 15 the other 5 will question and inevitably destroy there creator. Be super careful.

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Dude, im backing this 100%.

He acts, doesnt talk much. What i find most impressive. Is i told king paimon i want to teach as his disciple. So if he desires other students to guide potentia students to me.

Now he keeps fulfilling peoples wishes for help by connecting us. So then i help them and i learn the lesson or acquire the wish i asked for in thr process.

Note i too asked for a general teacher and guide of king paimon. He doesnt talk much, but his methods of teaching are inspirational as an aspiring teacher


Sounds dope, I’m planning my first ritual for King Paimon. So far I’ve only tried to contact Astaroth but my astral senses aren’t developed enough for mutual interaction. I do believe she has heard my call and what I had to say, I just can’t see/hear her yet. At first I thought I should focus on one spirit but from what I’ve read from this forum it’s almost encouraged to work with multiple spirits and King Paimon seems like a natural next step.

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Hmm @Qayos has created legions of servitors for many of us here on the forum. And none of them need fed. I asked already about feeding them and I’ve heard very similar in my research of servitors and egregors in the passed, so far I’ve not need to fed my legion. Maybe it’s in their programming to fed of the environment around them and not the magician?

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