My first Official Magic Crisis

And if you need someone to talk to, you can message me.


Thanks brother.
Every time i am awake and i know that the perfect practice is to be objective with my thoughts and put under the doubt everything but i also need a good grounding technique. Which i never really bothered to learn. I thought that having the feeling that this world is not real was a good sign. Not that i was about to fuck it badly.


Take a break, calm down and return when you are comfortable with it again. This is what I was worried about when I said ages ago on the Nardahkis thread about burning you out. The human body is only designed to last so long and at your age thankfully the body is still in growth stage so recovery from damage is easier


I didn’t interact with you much but I am sorry to hear that.
My advice: keep your spirit sharp. Turn inward. Meditate, focus on your own person, your own energy and your connection to the earth/universe/etc. Don’t worry about magick or its systems. At least for the time being.
Keeping your spiritual awareness, though, will keep you healthy without any of the other shit to weigh you down or freak you out.

Good luck, brother.


If you are soul traveling somewhere make sure to intentionally come back and re-enter you body. Otherwise that connection remains open.


You’re wiser than I was. I chose to drink heavily every night and basically flew off the deep end as a raving alcoholic lunatic bastard… haha. I had my girlfriend. I don’t know how she put up with me at the time… Man I miss her.

I wish I had more advice for you. You should write out your thoughts and feelings in a journal. When I was in the midst of it all, I would have killed for someone to talk to and understand my pain.


I’ve lost it a few times. Maybe take a break and have a burger. Don’t sweat it.


Never did this in my 14 years of total magic practice and projecting my mind in other worlds. NEVER
14 years of white magic now about two months of intense black magic.
I never actually broke the connection all those other worlds because i did not knew it was important. :sob:


That by the way is part of grounding.


Grounding is important. Your health is important. Stay healthy brother!


So how do i break the connection to about 10.000 different realities? Oh wait. How do i break the connection to the Ordon Zone which is the primal white void where all the fucking infinite of realities are? I mean i don’t fucking know how many worlds my mind is still jacked to! :sob:


Do you see that place when you close your eyes even without trying?


Will see what I can send your way.


Stop bothering with details dawg.

You’re just making yourself overthink and panic more.

Go take a cold shower, the coldest one you can take, imagine all these cords to other worlds being cut, then just stand in the cold ass water and be fully present.

This is THE way to get into the current physical moment and ground.

After that, go do a 100 push ups and eat something heavy.

Then go work on something physical, do paperwork, do chores, do homework.

This is your time to thrive in the physical.


then return to earth and stop thinking about where your thoughts are.focus on something happy and something else you love.something grounded.


In case you’ve been cursed

In case it’s just overwhelm then

Also I’d say don’t go.
There are plenty of things you can do even if you need a break from the more extreme magic you engage in.

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It is kinda allways in my mind. Beneath every thought. I only need to pronounce Ordon in my mind and i instantly see it,
It is kinda something like this:

An infinite white sky filled with these clouds that are in fact built out of 3D shapes or untextured random forms that i call the Gorrhuda spaces where the Zeonil constructs are. The Zeonil Constructs are the thing in what we are in right now. One of them that is.

I mean a Zeonil Construct is basically made our of everything we know, dimensions, realities spirits, worlds you name it a Zeonil construct has it.

Everything we ever knew and we may ever know: Heaven/Hell Infernal kingdom the realms of Cthulhu, the gate keepers. Every story we ever heard and everything is happening in one specific Zeonil Construct in which we are right now.

So i did a brief explanation just so you know what fucks around my head since i was fucking 10 years old!


Ok definitely read the power of now.
It will change your life and bring sense to the madness.


Please take that to heart.
I know book recommendations fly about all the time but in this case. It’s very important that you read that. It will ease much of the pain you’re going through.