My first evocation success

I recently started to want to learn about evocation because Sargatanas name kept on popping up in my head and I wanted to talk to him. The first few times I tried to talk to Sargatanas I looked at his sigil and said his enn until I noticed the sigil warp or change. It felt like he was there but I couldn’t talk to him. I did some research on different threads from here and I finally was able to contact him. I tried to put myself into a trance before I tried again and this time I could see his form in my head. When I asked questions, even though I couldn’t hear his answers with my ears, the answers felt very obvious. To be sure that what was happening was real I asked him to get someone to message me who hadn’t messaged me in a long time and it worked. I’d recommend working with Sargatanas. I’m very pleased with the results I’ve been given.


Well done :+1: