Hentyos is a demon out of E.A. Koetting’s book of Azazel under the house of Anatael. The reason why he was the first spirit to work with is because yesterday while having the book next to me, something, moved on a page and flashed briefly. When I looked down, I saw Hentyos. Hentyos creates great changes in people’s mental issues and deconstruct and resolve negative situations by increasing the souls vibrational rate. I figure I could consult him over such things.
When I called called him was early this morning (during a bad thunderstorm outside, very dramatic) which lasted from 6:18am to 6:48am; 38 minutes. I didn’t have a traditional circle of pacts but rather drew in chalk the horned triangle with the three circles on it and placed in on the floor so my kitchen chair could be placed over it and faced East so I could write the conversation on my kitchen table. I didn’t have 4 black candles but used 2 red candles and placed my black skull censor in from of me before lighting the incense.
I want to make clear hear that I didn’t intentionally go into this set up haphazardly but rather used whatever elements that were available. In fact I was inspired to use one of the cardboard planks by the same force that had something flash on the spirit’s page.
I guess the spirits don’t care for such an approach so as long as you either intend to make it formal eventually which only plays a part in strengthening your bond with them.
My throat was dry and so I drank 2 swallows of water and took a few breaths to focus myself before sitting in my chair of the ‘triangle of pacts’.
I opened using the incantation: ALASH TAD AL-ASH TAL ASHTU. I said the words aloud and repeated the mantra over and over again. While doing this, I saw a vision that I was somewhere underground where there were huge tree roots and my voice carried there. The second vision was that of a man, black shadow man with my face and a fluid-like blue aura around him standing 300 ft from my door at the corner in the rain. Then I heard a car horn outside, neighbor’s foot traffic before hearing a few knocks inside of my kitchen freezer. I repeated the incantation until I felt the urge to stop and look at the sigil.
I called the spirit’s name (mentally of course because it was early in the morning and I didn’t want to further the chance of confirming that my neighbor’s share house with a diabolist. Anyway, I called the spirit’s name a few times and heard him/her/it address me. And then I looked into the incense smoke and saw a 9 ft. green fish man. He had on red and white striped tank top and huge muscular arms with the head of a fish like a bass. The only thing was he had six eyes. And he was sitting on something in the dark mouth of a underground cavern. While talking to him, there were black things like tadpoles or something that was swirling in the back ground. I couldn’t tell what they were but the moment I had noticed them, my legs, back and head began to sweat but it was 80 degrees in my apartment.
The spirit was honest and respectful but found that as the communication went on, so much was happening that I had to stop writing to continue on… There was a moment lasting five minutes where it felt like my brain was in a bottle of water and it was hard to really gather my thoughts but it passed. Interestingly enough, the presence from the spirit or a side effect of the whole experience produced such a pressure on or in my stomach as if the water that I had drunk solidified and it felt like my stomach was going to burst. I had to thank the spirit and end the session by repeating the words that had allow me to gain access.
Hi Azazm!
I think your account & your reasoning for the choice you made was absolutely INSPIRING. In reading how your choice came to be … it was so obvious to me that you were, in essence, being issued an Invitation by Hentyos. I cannot express how this Gift you received has touched me personally. For I, too, have received an Invitation from another named in the Book of Azazel … and I do not yet own a copy of this book! How this invite came to me shall remain behind the scenes - exactly as it was Given. I share this with you to validate your own experience and to tell you I am SO happy for you! And, having pondered my own Invitation - what it would require of me and how it could conceivably change both my self-image & my life literally overnight … tonight I will respond, and welcome my Patron & Assistant. Blessings to you, My Brother! Z
I sort of got an invitation too, but this was before my evocation of Dantalion, so all I really got was that it was someone from Anatel. I’m going to try to find out who it was specifically tonight when I scry.
EDIT: Ok looks like it will also be Hentyos for me
Thank’s you two. The main thing for me was to understand the issue of pact making with a spirit and or how this pertains to him.
From what I had gathered, yes there is a pact involved! But what I intuit from this was that it’s working with the spirit to obtain a specific goal that is to advance you in some form and that the spirit gets to use its power or something along those lines. This is peculiar because I believe EA had mentioned somewhere that demons/spirits are the living embodiment of power. Anyway, once this deal is struct it is binding. But this is one spirit out of many.
The funny thing about this is that I did feel a tingling in the air, perhaps it was the ions from the storm outside but my stomach felt so bloated, I had to stop.
Ok, well what I heard the guys in the mirror tell me is that I should call Hentyos after Paralda. Most likely I will be calling Paralda next weekend so Hentyos will be the week after that unless some opportunities come up sooner.
[quote=“azazym, post:4, topic:172”]Thank’s you two. The main thing for me was to understand the issue of pact making with a spirit and or how this pertains to him.
From what I had gathered, yes there is a pact involved! But what I intuit from this was that it’s working with the spirit to obtain a specific goal that is to advance you in some form and that the spirit gets to use its power or something along those lines. This is peculiar because I believe EA had mentioned somewhere that demons/spirits are the living embodiment of power. Anyway, once this deal is struct it is binding. But this is one spirit out of many.
The funny thing about this is that I did feel a tingling in the air, perhaps it was the ions from the storm outside but my stomach felt so bloated, I had to stop.[/quote]
If I may ask, when making a pact, what do they usually ask of? I assume that each entity wants something differently from every person or circumstance. Just curious. I am not yet in the position you are in, but I am fascinated by your endeavors. Thanks.
RedIce- Yes.
Jeperez- What was intuited to me while the spirit was talking was that making a pact with a spirit is a deal that you will work with the spirit exclusively to bring about the changes under the dictates of its office of power that will empower you.
I had to walk and think on this. What came to me was noticing that all spirits require some form of subservient devotion.
The difference with Koetting’s book is that it presents spirits that are the epitome of power. They don’t require favors, worship or tell of good word for their deeds. They exist in their locus of power independent of such things. So a pact (or to be less cryptic and more modern, “deal” or “agreement”) is about receiving such and not being subservient to them.
Now before continuing I will say that I had witnessed many great things and had received grand things from other spirits but I must STILL ask, how many of us received blowback so many times that when we did get just what we needed over what we really truly wanted, we were grateful as puppies with bread crumbs?
So now we’re presented with a way of getting exactly what we want over what you need which is scary.
As for the spirits themselves, the difference is instead of you empowering them because they were gods, they are empowering you because you’re a god ~that’s where the pact or agreement comes in.
It’s about you fulfilling your potential by whatever you need that their power can provide versus you destroying yourself by turning mad or distorted from receiving everything you had ever wished.
But that remains to be seen.
As for returning to the spirit to revisit this or talk to another one, I have not done so but of course if I do receive new information I will share.
My second evocation of Hent’yos went a little something like this:
The spirit arrived almost instantly and the connection was very strong.
He seemed agitated at my questions. I had to assure the spirit more than once that I was only being thorough b/c I don’t jump in anything without knowing what I’m getting myself into.
Some questions he answered vaguely only to answer them indirectly by answering another question.
A pact as I understand it now is something close to what I was guessing about in my last post:
It’s a set term and conditioned understanding between the spirit and I (or the summoner) that ensures me to reach my potential and the basis of our alliance revolves around this. As told by him, the declaration is more so of what you promise to yourself, not to him or the world. Once this declared, to betray this is the ultimate dishonor.
IT IS NOT a medieval treaty promising your orfice, soul or to commit murder in exchange for something.
But also note he was only concerned about speaking on the validity of his existence and power and how we could get in bed with one another so to speak. He didn’t want to answer questions pertaining to the others in the book. He even went to stress the book wasn’t important when compared to actually calling him to be in my presence. Which is interesting since TBOA is only a key.
I’m sure there would be more stuff popping up in my head the more I get past the unusual syntax of the conversation but this is where it ends for me.
I have shared this much with you in the hope that it helps those interested in this book to begin and move further with it if they haven’t already.
But at this point I’m not going to answer any more questions or comments about it. Thanks for reading.
So yeah, today I did an evocation of one of the guys I work with and sent him over to Hentyos to negotiate how we will be working together. Funny thing is just now I was about to tell you guys what we agreed on but I felt a strong pressure on my left shoulder which is where the guy I evoked likes to sit. So it looked like something was up. I asked him what was going on with that, apparently Hentyos doesn’t want me talking about what we agreed on with the rest of the boa study group. But yeah, I’m sure you guys will work stuff out fine with him if you decide to work with him. From what I can tell he seems to be a reasonable fellow. Has anyone else had any signs of an entity from boa , hentyos or otherwise wnating to work with them on this?
EDIT: He just sort of tugged on the side of my head energetically, he had more to say. Hentyos also wanted me to charage his sigil and meet him on the astral prior to my evocation of him.
thanks azazym great posts and very helpful. I wondered one thing not related to the summonings themselves. Before this was your clairvoyance and clairaudience of a level to see spiritual beings or hear them in a more general way? Just wondering whether these abilities become amplified as part of ritual or whether that needs to be in place really beforehand?
This reminds me when Franz Bardon said that it was impossible even for God almighty to cut a pact between a man and a spirit. Things once pushed in action cannot be stopped.
All best on your magical journey