My first contact with the darkness

Yesterday night, came to me the spirit of the night. My very first time that I could recognize it somehow. All this perhaps happened due to my numerous evocations I have been doing since at least one year. The night came stayed above me and near me, where I was half asleep and it gave me information on who and what is running things, like, creatures in this universe, the light realms, entities etc. In other words, the night said to me that absolutely everything comes from her. all. everything. That presence, said to me in my mind that If I want something, I must ask her, not any other entities or spirits. That gigantic spirit, also reassured me that She is not harmful, even if humans are a lot in pain now. Anyway, I could tell more, but I am currently writting about it, as juch as i can, as I remember it For now I would like to ask is anyone here on this forum had an encounter with this immense black being?


O, Chao-Sophia.

Unto her - attributed the darkness of space and the birth of all stars. From her - ignorance is defiled. She is that which is the progenitor of Wisdom and Understanding.
Chao-Sophia who is the face of the Aeons, and all beings who are ignorant to her still use what she has offered.
She is indeed, the Serpentine Mother - the draconic presence that is the abyss of wisdom, who is feared by all. Sophia-Erebos, because she is the wisdom of that which is concealed and hidden. Her beauty is like a labyrinth that does not end.

How I love her. Truly.
She will cease the ignorance of all lower beings after through her wrathful dance of undoing, when she unites with our innermost bound spirits - her consort/s. She is the host of all dark feminine hypostases, and her influence knows no bounds.

I could go on about this presence - but she is very important without any doubt to the devoted of Luciferianism, and many other paths.

Blessed are you.

-Lotan Vovin

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I already gave you the one from my way - which is Chao-Sophia. Alternatively, she is just Sophia, that means wisdom, who in the old gnostic traditions goes also by Achamoth and Prunikos.

The ancient egyptian and thelemic ways have Nuit, or Nut, combined with Neith (the two are ultimately the same here, so I will say Nuit), and the sumerians have Nammu. Nammu who in babylonian traditions is the same being as Mummu-Tiamat the mother of all dragons. This is speaking in syncretistic archetypal manners however.
To add, the greeks have Nyx, which means night, who in Orphic traditions is the consort of the Pangenitor horned one Phanes.

Chaosophia is also briefly seen as a theme in basillidean gnosticism, as the ordered world will return to Chaos - humans will reach Sophia’s primordial light.
In Luciferian tradition Lilith is as a very terrestrial and carnal reflection of Chaosophia, and is her prophetess upon the earth - the same being who in to the Qayinites provides the acausal seed of the holy wife of Qayin, who’s name is Luluwa.
When Lilith and Samael united to form the Nachash HaKadmoni serpent to give the apple to Eve, the seed of Lilith became Luluwa and the seed of Samael-Satan became Qayin.
Thus these were the first 2 incarnations of the holy divine for that reason.

Do your own research. I could have also told you about Kali in the indian traditions, but it is better for you to research the dark primordial mother yourself.

-Lotan Vovin


That is what she is.

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That’s a massive red flag for me.


Just to be sure, I recommend banishing and cleansing your area.


Considering so many goddesses fit this description its not a red flag.
I would reccomend doing this regardless.


It sounds like this entitywqnts to make you believe that only they can help you, you can go to nobody else, since they provide for everything anyway.
Sounds very manipulating to me.

Oh do they? I was never told to “only ask them and no other spirits” by an entity.


Yeah…that seems like a false jealous god kind of thing from the Bible.

Actually, the way Neville Goddard reads the Bible (if you get into his deeper books), the Bible actually makes sense. Lol. For the first time EVER (at least for me)…

However, the way MOST people read the Bible, you have this angry, petty, jealous god, and it’s kind of gross!

You basically have this “god” with borderline personality disorder. If this is a red flag in people, why wouldn’t it be in a meta entity?

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Lmfao… Borderline personality disorder… that one was good.

We are also forgetting - she did indeed teach you about the functions of the cosmos and the powers that be, if I read your post correctly.

Some people are simply meant to pathwork a single spirit until they are ready for others, some people are meant to develop a devoted relationship to attain the correct alchemical prowess for personal transmutation.
Many people in hinduism are on a Bhakti path where they share a specific undying devotion to a single god or aspect of oneness/god to attain Moksha.
Many people have a patron/matron spirit who will teach them the ropes before entering into the greater praxis.

Its possible you have just been chosen to be a devotee of her. This is a beautiful thing.

Again - cleanse and banish! If she truly is who she says she is - which I have little doubt about, she will remain with you undyingly.

-Lotan Vovin

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Updates; there wont be any further updates for reasons I will keep to myself. I am done.

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Wise step.