My first attempt at a death curse

Don’t get me wrong. I have worked with spiritual entities and do when required. But here’s the thing: I’m trying to become an even greater living God; therefore, I want to do Magick with and by myself. Why not? I’m a God!

For long I have counselled the runic body posture Elhaz , not because it’s runic but because Elhaz is shorthand for the correct posture. With (especially bare) feet together on earth and palms facing skyward you can call in all types of energy. I haven’t done it much, but you can call in real ‘heavy’ energies from the ground through the soles of your feet. I just stick to what I gather from the atmosphere. There’s always a lot about.

Then, never bending your straight arms and through your palms, direct the force towards your victim. Can be performed repeatedly, although if you do it properly, you’ll be fucked after the exercise and need rest. You can gather energies fast using this simple method and what you do with it is up to you. You’ll feel the energy gathering around your solar plexus and with practice you’ll feel it running through your arms and leaving your palms. My palms become itchy as a sign the energy has gone, so I clap my hands and shake them like I’m trying to get water off.

And emotion. When you’re finished throwing your curse you should be rooted, completely spent. Throw everything you have in a pointed direction until you’re stuffed. Bitch slap your own face a few times and every time your mind drifts back to your Magick. This subverts the Psychic Censor through aversion therapy.

Hope that helps.



I like your way of thinking. But you can only suffer for so long on physical plane. Eternal is where it’s at. The only problem with doing everything without spirits is your taking the hard way around when getting knowledge. And possible relationships. Who knows, this curse could send me in a whole other direction with an entity and gain knowledge from them.

Also that energy pull does seem powerful. I’ll be testing that in the future.


What happens to the poor soul after it’s been sacrificed and eventually dies? Does it go to the lake of fire or something?

No, you’re right. The “energy pull” is for New Age types. Don’t know why I been using it for so long. Maybe some Enochian Calls may give it more power.



I swear I love when you’re an ass lmao :stuck_out_tongue:

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Vk jehannum states the deity takes the soul as his servant or feed on them.

How do you connect to the astral plane and call upon the beings you need for help with destroying and killing the person? Is there a process?.

You open your astral senses. Then you evoke the spirit you need unless you dont need to evoke and can call spirits to you with a name. When you open your dragons eye you’ll be able to peer into the astral without effort.


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You can also imprison him in the void.


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