My experience with the Spirit Molecule


“any substance known to man be it, food, sex, power, drugs, or even magick can become addictive and controlling and it is by our will power alone that any addiction can be broken. However, some substances are so highly potent as to make them extremely addictive, so when dealing with those substances I highly advice strict moderation and very limited use. I respect each of you to make your own decisions regarding your body and spirits, but felt it necessary to give a fair warning.”

A few months ago I read an article about the spirit molecule, DMT. I listened to a couple of interviews about this drug (even heard EA mention it once) and was more than curious about it’s reported effects. For those of you who have never experienced this Spirit Molecule, it is a highly potent hallucinogen which produces an experience very similar to full astral projection into the physical realm. It is unlike any of the other hallucinogens I’ve experimented with in that the effect is quick, only lasting 10 minutes and more potent than anything else I’ve tried like LSD, Mescalin, or Mushrooms. So here’s my story.

I began by setting up my temple in my usual fashion. (It's a highly personalized, and slightly bastardized amalgamation of several objects and from various systems that have deeply personal meaning, which helps me focus on the power within myself.) I then did the general opening by watchtower and called up my guardian spirits to surround and protect me. They obliged, but did taunt me a bit, reminding me that I have no need of silly substances to see their presence and hear their voice. Yet they agreed that I should give it a try. So I did.	
  At first, I tried mixing it with a little pot, and smoking it that way, but alas it was an utter failure. So I tried a less flattering way of inhaling the smoke. Nothing screams spirituality like standing in a messy kitchen with a peice of ten foil and a lighter. But nontheless I was determined to have this "experience". Yes in that moment I felt filthy, unclean, and more than unworthy to enter into the presence of the spiritual beings I call  friends, however, curiosity and the need to explore all facets of my sub-conscious won over.  

     As the harsh smoke first filled my lungs I felt nothing, but upon exhaleation the temple magickally transformed. Picture millions of rubies, emeralds and verious other precious stones in every color were forming geometric patterns all throughout my temple. Covering the floor, the walls and the celing, coating all of my candles and implements in spirals, triangles, and other geometric shapes.  It was beautiful nontheless and I was unable to stand for a few minutes. My body was vibrating in ecstasy and my spirit was desperately trying to stand up and fly away. The power of gnosis created was undeniable, and more powerful in that singularity than anything else I've experienced, short of my very best astral travels.

       The second inhalation and I was speaking with Angels, and performing a ritual that seemed to overflow with ultimate power!  I had the added benefit of really being able to see the entities I was speaking with. The requests I made were answered the next morning, in a very powerful way! Yet a way that I did not expect. 

      I tried a couple more experiements with visualization, dancing, and even tried to "use the force" to draw an item off of my alter and into my hand.  I really think teleportation is possible and this moment seemed to be the closest I've been to turning that into a reality. The item even disappeared for a moment, like a sigil or square does when focusing on it. Damn, it was close. But alas the drugs effect wore off and I was back standing in my temple questioning whether or not I should attempt this feat again. 

  My decision was not to. Not today. I have one final ritual and experiment planned with a couple of my fellow explorers here in my home town. We are going to try it as a group on Sunday and record our unique experiences. We will start with a heavy dose of meditation in full sunlight! Then enter a sacred place and explore these wonders together.  After that I will put the substance away and continue on the path that was set before me by those great beings I've evoked.  

    Would I recommed it's use to my fellow Sorcerers? Yes, under three circumstances: First, explore every curiosity you can and try every experience that reality has to offer.  If you are drawn to it, then do it, damn it!  If not then don't.  Secondly, I see it as a tool to use to awakin a new mind to spiritual possibilities. The people I bought it from were more than curious about magick, their experiences, and connecting themselves with the eternal. They hit me with so many questions. They even asked for my help in leading them down the path to awaken their divinity within! I'm more than happy to. Thirdly, if you've experienced this drug once, and you need a massive amount of inspiriation in the future I would recommed setting aside a weekend to explore it maybe once or twice a year. But no more. I think this substance should carry a warning that states highly, highly life changing and addictive!  So use this and any other substances with extreme caution and moderation. If you depend strictly on anything other than yourself for your enlightenment and ascent than you've really robbed yourself of true enlightenment. 

Thanks for reading and I would like to hear your comments, experiences and feedback.


“If you are drawn to it, then do it, damn it! If not then don’t.”

I’ve said this to people a LOT here lately. Thanks for posting this… I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your experiment.

well thank you so much for sharing that zd555! that was very informative! I have heard of this drug for about 2 years now, but you know, you always hear the upside to things, not the downside so I definitely appreciate your warnings of it.
So tell us, what was the side fx, was there any flash backs or depression or anything like that?


So far I haven’t experienced any negative side effects like depression or flashbacks, lack of sleep, lack of desire to eat or any sexual side effects either. I haven’t felt an uncontrollable desire to do this drug over and over, like the effect of some drugs like cocaine or opiate based drugs. Literally the experience lasts about 8-10 minutes and then you are completely back to normal.

I think that the harshness of the smoke vapors being inhaled are terrible for your trachea and lungs. Within an hour or so of using the drug I experienced a little extra snot in my throat, congestion, dehydration and an unpleasant taste in my mouth. But other than that my warning comes from a completely spiritual perspective. The people I bought it from wanted to do that drug everyday, and multiple times a day. Why? Because it was their only means in which they could touch divinity. So my warning to them, to you and to anyone is of a purely spiritual nature.


Everything else, be it a candle, a dagger or a drug are simply tools to use to awaken this divinity within and project your will upon the universe.


Excellent ZachD555!
I’ve dabbled with DMT and, though I don’t consider it addictive in the sense that you’ll be fiending for more or get sick if you don’t get it, I could very well see someone getting “crutched” on it, using it as their sole means of interaction with the spiritual.
A fascinating drug, to be sure. I highly recommend it to any aspiring magicians especially for those who have sworn to stay away from all mind altering substances as that they are usually (not always) the very people who need it the most imo.
Hallucinogens are among some of the most important parts of our evolution especially in terms of shamanism.
I recommend the book, “The Long Trip, A Brief History of Psychedelia” by Paul Devereux
It is my belief that we evolved WITH psychedelics as a means of transitioning from the mundane man to a spiritually experienced and “awakened” being. I honestly hold to the belief (and there is much evidence for this) That we literally evolved using entheogens, building a genetic and evolutionary symbiosis to these plants. This is one of the major reasons I believe there is so much depression and psychological disease today. In a world where these drugs are considered taboo and bad for you.
On the contrary, I even wrote a report on this in one of my college courses, hallucinogens - as used in combination with the rituals of the rights of passage into a society, are a necessity for a fully functional, awakened, and healthy social group.
Very nice post man. Thanks for sharing this! :slight_smile:

DKM…I had to smile when I read your account of your college papers…some out there today are giving speeches and writing books inferring that JE-ZEUS was really a mushroom…if you get what I mean…lol…

Uncle Fester

Yeah that burning tinfoil thing is a bitch. So smoking it is the only way then? ~I don’t do drugs anymore but still I don’t know if I’d ever be ready for something like that. Again thanks for sharing.

heh, you know - it’s much easier to smoke DMT out of a glass pipe. The kind meth users smoke with - ya know, with the glass bulb at one end with a little tiny hole in it. It’s much cleaner and easier, less dirty and annoying to use than tin foil. I would suggest, if you get a glass pipe, to bless it and set it apart for spiritual use. Drain it of the worldly energies associated with meth. You’ll actually end up with quite a nice spiritual piece of equipment. You may even forget that it’s brothers are even associated with meth and see it as an addition to your collection of spiritual devices. I don’t have mine anymore, but that’s what I did and it worked quite well to dismiss any thoughts of “ewe, I’m using a meth pipe”.

I used a substance that altered my mind not DMT but to be honest I didnt see anything that I didnt already see with out it. Has anyone else experienced that??? lol

I have not tried DMT yet but intend to explore it at some point. I read the book DMT: The Spirit Molecule and watched the documentary. Very fascinating stuff. Terence Mckenna certainly raved about it a lot. In some ways it sounds quite similar to the salvia divinorum experience. A few years back I experimented with salvia and have to say it was the most profound psychological experience I have ever had. The first time I smoked salvia it was like a cross between the Matrix and an HP Lovecraft story. It was the most frightening thing I’d ever experienced. You know how you wake up from a dream into everyday reality? It was though life was the dream and I awoke into an even more true reality. It was as if I was being woken from life by a collective presence that I was a part of, like coming out of amnesia and remembering who/what I truly am and since I had awakened they were going to suck me out of this life experience/dimension back into the collective unconscious for lack of a better term. I suppose it’s a sensation similar to how some people describe near death experiences. I ran out of the house screaming “I want to stay here!” It was late at night and I was standing out in my front yard feeling like my “soul” or life energy was being pulled out of my body by some vast cosmic presence that was indifferent and monstrous. It was absolutely horrifying and a few minutes later I ran a hot bath sitting there trembling saying “I’ll forget! I’ll forget!”. In my frightened mind I was making a deal with them to forget what’s really going on outside the human construct if they’d let me stay here. It’s like the guy in the matrix who made the deal with the agent to go back to everyday reality and have his memory of truth erased. In spite of how terrifying it was, it had been such a profound experience that I had to try it again and face my fears. The second time I did it when the drug initially hit me I remembered why I had been so terrified the first time, going into those realms is a very strange and disturbing experience, sort of like psychosis on steroids. I felt like I was being swallowed up from behind so I got up and walked, trying not to panic. I felt like I was moving through layered dimensions. Imagine a giant sliced loaf of bread slightly taller than yourself. Each slice represents a “layer”. Then imagine “walking through” the loaf. Instead of moving through it as if you’re walking freely you have a very slight pause at each slice as you pass through it. It was like moving through a different time/space construct. The second time was scary but not nearly as bad as the first since I had a general idea of what was going to happen. The third time was angelic and fantastic, a totally positive experience. It was like I was part of some spinning cosmic ride with angelic beings like a Ferris wheel in space. Interestingly that was the only time I used music to accompany the trip. I had Fields of the Nephilim “Shroud” playing on headphones when I smoked the third time, great song for an ascension (or ritual of descent). I smoked it over a period of about a year around ten times and never had another bad experience since the first, but always profound. To borrow a phrase from Daniel Pinchbeck, salvia is a “psychedelic bungee jump”. Under the brief influence of the herb I saw colorful spirals like DNA helixes, great wheels, sensations like riding the back of some great cosmic serpent. Salvia created a paradigm shift in my perception of reality. Trying to convey the sensations and experiences would be like attempting to explain colors to a person who has been blind since birth. How do you articulate that to someone with no point of reference? There aren’t words to describe such abstraction. It transcends human language. It’s a form of gnosis that can only be understood from a perspective of otherworldly sensation and intuition. Those on here who have smoked it probably know exactly what I am talking about. It’s like a portal was opened in my mind that allowed me to peer beyond the veil, take psychic leaps into indescribable realms and catch a glimpse of the gears of nature in the world behind the world. Salvia certainly opens those portals, those wormholes in the mind, but going down that rabbit hole is not for the faint of heart or those who are struggling with mental illness. But all psychonauts worth their salt should try it at least once.
Relative to the magicians here who have been successful at evocation, you probably know exactly what I am talking about when I say once you interact with things, beings, entities, forces or whatever you choose to call it in or from those other realities or frequencies, you are alchemically changed on a spiritual and/or mental level. The person prior to the working/experience is not quite the same person after the exchange or interaction. You have been altered even if in a minute way. That’s the same type of dynamic I have experienced with salvia. I think it may have been Aldous Huxley in the Doors of Perception who said the man who goes through that door in the wall is not the same man who returns through it, or something to that effect.

[quote=“Zecharyah 555, post:1, topic:204”]Disclaimer:

“any substance known to man be it, food, sex, power, drugs, or even magick can become addictive and controlling and it is by our will power alone that any addiction can be broken. However, some substances are so highly potent as to make them extremely addictive, so when dealing with those substances I highly advice strict moderation and very limited use. I respect each of you to make your own decisions regarding your body and spirits, but felt it necessary to give a fair warning.”

A few months ago I read an article about the spirit molecule, DMT. I listened to a couple of interviews about this drug (even heard EA mention it once) and was more than curious about it’s reported effects. For those of you who have never experienced this Spirit Molecule, it is a highly potent hallucinogen which produces an experience very similar to full astral projection into the physical realm. It is unlike any of the other hallucinogens I’ve experimented with in that the effect is quick, only lasting 10 minutes and more potent than anything else I’ve tried like LSD, Mescalin, or Mushrooms. So here’s my story.

I began by setting up my temple in my usual fashion. (It's a highly personalized, and slightly bastardized amalgamation of several objects and from various systems that have deeply personal meaning, which helps me focus on the power within myself.) I then did the general opening by watchtower and called up my guardian spirits to surround and protect me. They obliged, but did taunt me a bit, reminding me that I have no need of silly substances to see their presence and hear their voice. Yet they agreed that I should give it a try. So I did.	
  At first, I tried mixing it with a little pot, and smoking it that way, but alas it was an utter failure. So I tried a less flattering way of inhaling the smoke. Nothing screams spirituality like standing in a messy kitchen with a peice of ten foil and a lighter. But nontheless I was determined to have this "experience". Yes in that moment I felt filthy, unclean, and more than unworthy to enter into the presence of the spiritual beings I call  friends, however, curiosity and the need to explore all facets of my sub-conscious won over.  

     As the harsh smoke first filled my lungs I felt nothing, but upon exhaleation the temple magickally transformed. Picture millions of rubies, emeralds and verious other precious stones in every color were forming geometric patterns all throughout my temple. Covering the floor, the walls and the celing, coating all of my candles and implements in spirals, triangles, and other geometric shapes.  It was beautiful nontheless and I was unable to stand for a few minutes. My body was vibrating in ecstasy and my spirit was desperately trying to stand up and fly away. The power of gnosis created was undeniable, and more powerful in that singularity than anything else I've experienced, short of my very best astral travels.

       The second inhalation and I was speaking with Angels, and performing a ritual that seemed to overflow with ultimate power!  I had the added benefit of really being able to see the entities I was speaking with. The requests I made were answered the next morning, in a very powerful way! Yet a way that I did not expect. 

      I tried a couple more experiements with visualization, dancing, and even tried to "use the force" to draw an item off of my alter and into my hand.  I really think teleportation is possible and this moment seemed to be the closest I've been to turning that into a reality. The item even disappeared for a moment, like a sigil or square does when focusing on it. Damn, it was close. But alas the drugs effect wore off and I was back standing in my temple questioning whether or not I should attempt this feat again. 

  My decision was not to. Not today. I have one final ritual and experiment planned with a couple of my fellow explorers here in my home town. We are going to try it as a group on Sunday and record our unique experiences. We will start with a heavy dose of meditation in full sunlight! Then enter a sacred place and explore these wonders together.  After that I will put the substance away and continue on the path that was set before me by those great beings I've evoked.  

    Would I recommed it's use to my fellow Sorcerers? Yes, under three circumstances: First, explore every curiosity you can and try every experience that reality has to offer.  If you are drawn to it, then do it, damn it!  If not then don't.  Secondly, I see it as a tool to use to awakin a new mind to spiritual possibilities. The people I bought it from were more than curious about magick, their experiences, and connecting themselves with the eternal. They hit me with so many questions. They even asked for my help in leading them down the path to awaken their divinity within! I'm more than happy to. Thirdly, if you've experienced this drug once, and you need a massive amount of inspiriation in the future I would recommed setting aside a weekend to explore it maybe once or twice a year. But no more. I think this substance should carry a warning that states highly, highly life changing and addictive!  So use this and any other substances with extreme caution and moderation. If you depend strictly on anything other than yourself for your enlightenment and ascent than you've really robbed yourself of true enlightenment. 

Thanks for reading and I would like to hear your comments, experiences and feedback.



Would you recommend doing it in a group? Or is by oneself best?

Doing anything at all requires personal responsibility for the outcome. But I would either 1) get rid of other people leaving you alone in a quiet space or 2) have someone you trust keep a quiet and unobtrusive watch on you, whichever makes you feel better able to relax. Have your affairs in order as if you expect to die and be able to die with peace of mind and lack of attachment, because your ego will experience a death and trying to resist it will only hold you back from making the most of your experience.

But even if you do have someone to watch you for your own peace of mind, as soon as the agent takes effect you will be as ‘as your own’ and unreachable as it is possible to be!

As far as Dmitri is concerned.

I think doing it in a group is the least desirable scenario and agree completely with Claidheam that either alone is best or with a trusted person who will quietly keep an eye on you for that brief time you will be under the influence. The only time I would say doing it in a group is ok is if they all understood the need to be silent during your trip and agreed to do so, and if there was a person among them who could serve in a leadership role to make sure that essential silence was maintained. Once you’ve completely returned, a Q&A session with your observers is fine but you do not need the distractions while in the midst of the experience. And you also need a few minutes to “reassemble” once you do come back. Your reality will be replaced with something completely alien yet strangely familiar from a more hidden level of your consciousness, like coming face to face with the dark mirror of your own subconscious mind, which is usually inaccessible beneath the surface . The last thing you need in your ears are voices echoing from your everyday reality, which you will be completely disconnected from anyway, voices that will serve no purpose other than to potentially disturb the experience. As Claidheam said you will experience death of your ego, and you will do so while being completely conscious, and there is hardly a more profound experience. The ego is temporarily removed along with your sense of time and how you perceive space. One thing salvia helped me see was how this body, ego, physical reality, and life experience are a collective gift, albeit an illusory one. I no longer take it for granted and am grateful I’ve had the opportunity to play this human game with a sense of self-identity. Salvia can be a sacred experience if one is ready for it, but it should never be treated as a toy or recreational drug because it isn’t.