“any substance known to man be it, food, sex, power, drugs, or even magick can become addictive and controlling and it is by our will power alone that any addiction can be broken. However, some substances are so highly potent as to make them extremely addictive, so when dealing with those substances I highly advice strict moderation and very limited use. I respect each of you to make your own decisions regarding your body and spirits, but felt it necessary to give a fair warning.”
A few months ago I read an article about the spirit molecule, DMT. I listened to a couple of interviews about this drug (even heard EA mention it once) and was more than curious about it’s reported effects. For those of you who have never experienced this Spirit Molecule, it is a highly potent hallucinogen which produces an experience very similar to full astral projection into the physical realm. It is unlike any of the other hallucinogens I’ve experimented with in that the effect is quick, only lasting 10 minutes and more potent than anything else I’ve tried like LSD, Mescalin, or Mushrooms. So here’s my story.
I began by setting up my temple in my usual fashion. (It's a highly personalized, and slightly bastardized amalgamation of several objects and from various systems that have deeply personal meaning, which helps me focus on the power within myself.) I then did the general opening by watchtower and called up my guardian spirits to surround and protect me. They obliged, but did taunt me a bit, reminding me that I have no need of silly substances to see their presence and hear their voice. Yet they agreed that I should give it a try. So I did.
At first, I tried mixing it with a little pot, and smoking it that way, but alas it was an utter failure. So I tried a less flattering way of inhaling the smoke. Nothing screams spirituality like standing in a messy kitchen with a peice of ten foil and a lighter. But nontheless I was determined to have this "experience". Yes in that moment I felt filthy, unclean, and more than unworthy to enter into the presence of the spiritual beings I call friends, however, curiosity and the need to explore all facets of my sub-conscious won over.
As the harsh smoke first filled my lungs I felt nothing, but upon exhaleation the temple magickally transformed. Picture millions of rubies, emeralds and verious other precious stones in every color were forming geometric patterns all throughout my temple. Covering the floor, the walls and the celing, coating all of my candles and implements in spirals, triangles, and other geometric shapes. It was beautiful nontheless and I was unable to stand for a few minutes. My body was vibrating in ecstasy and my spirit was desperately trying to stand up and fly away. The power of gnosis created was undeniable, and more powerful in that singularity than anything else I've experienced, short of my very best astral travels.
The second inhalation and I was speaking with Angels, and performing a ritual that seemed to overflow with ultimate power! I had the added benefit of really being able to see the entities I was speaking with. The requests I made were answered the next morning, in a very powerful way! Yet a way that I did not expect.
I tried a couple more experiements with visualization, dancing, and even tried to "use the force" to draw an item off of my alter and into my hand. I really think teleportation is possible and this moment seemed to be the closest I've been to turning that into a reality. The item even disappeared for a moment, like a sigil or square does when focusing on it. Damn, it was close. But alas the drugs effect wore off and I was back standing in my temple questioning whether or not I should attempt this feat again.
My decision was not to. Not today. I have one final ritual and experiment planned with a couple of my fellow explorers here in my home town. We are going to try it as a group on Sunday and record our unique experiences. We will start with a heavy dose of meditation in full sunlight! Then enter a sacred place and explore these wonders together. After that I will put the substance away and continue on the path that was set before me by those great beings I've evoked.
Would I recommed it's use to my fellow Sorcerers? Yes, under three circumstances: First, explore every curiosity you can and try every experience that reality has to offer. If you are drawn to it, then do it, damn it! If not then don't. Secondly, I see it as a tool to use to awakin a new mind to spiritual possibilities. The people I bought it from were more than curious about magick, their experiences, and connecting themselves with the eternal. They hit me with so many questions. They even asked for my help in leading them down the path to awaken their divinity within! I'm more than happy to. Thirdly, if you've experienced this drug once, and you need a massive amount of inspiriation in the future I would recommed setting aside a weekend to explore it maybe once or twice a year. But no more. I think this substance should carry a warning that states highly, highly life changing and addictive! So use this and any other substances with extreme caution and moderation. If you depend strictly on anything other than yourself for your enlightenment and ascent than you've really robbed yourself of true enlightenment.
Thanks for reading and I would like to hear your comments, experiences and feedback.