My Experience With Lust Magick

Ok, the part of “Luciferian Witchcraft” that I bastardised to my advantage is on page 130, part of Draco Nequissime Dajjal - KaFR Version. I had already performed the lust ritual from The Satanic Bible. A couple of weeks later, I performed the sending of myself as a succubus to my sleeping target, as described in The Satanic Witch. That is followed by a follow-up ritual,within 3 days described in the same book, which concludes with the summoning of one’s taget in a mirror. There is no script given for such, but I was concurrently reading “Luciferian Witchcraft” and these words, albeit out of context, appealed to me. In LaVeyan Satanic magickal tradition, any dark spiritual force one calls upon is a mere awakening of a part of oneself, but of course it wouldn’t hurt to read the rest of the book and understand the characteristics of the various spirits. If you wanted to undertake the task of pre-evoking them properly, you could, but I think overkill and also, there may be other entities that you have a relationship with and consider more specificly suited to the job. You may want to substitute the word “invokes” also. If invoke means call upon to enter, to posess, this may be appropriate for the insiting a man to fuck you, it sat just fine with me at the time.

Visualise and structure the image of your target in the mirror and speak to him:

“Come to me, [name], for it is Arimanius who invokes thee.
Come to me, [name], the majesty of the Antichrist invokes thee.
Come to me, [name], Samael the Dragon-Lion invokes thee.
Come to me, [name], Lilith - Babalon the Whore invokes thee.
Come to me, [name], Lucifer the Light Bringer commands thee.
Come to me, [name], the Averse Pentagram commands thee .” (If you are wearing one, hold it up to catch the light and flash in the mirror. Otherwise, draw one over your chest.)
Come to me, [name], the faith of the Cain and Mahazael invokes thee.
Come to me, [name], the blood of the Menstruating Whore invokes thee.
Come to me, [name], the constancy of Belial invokes thee.
Come to me, [name], the devout intercession of all Succubi and Incubi invokes thee.
Come to me, [name], the virtue of the mysteries of the Luciferian and Ahrimanic Path
invokes thee."

LaVeyan Satanic magick (or at least it’s ritual/“greater magick” aspect) relies upon “intelectual decompression”. Within the above, or any other ritual, one must fully believe that the dark forces are on your side and will absolutely delight in the fulfilment of your dirty lust, with this person who has you all hot and bothered.
“Lesser magick” is where you do your part. Wear the right clothes, hang out in the right places, speak the words when they come to you. Discretely touch his crotch, if it feels right (I did!) Be careful with that one, make sure he wants to fuck you 1st and that no one’s looking on.
I can see certain people on this forum having every kind of issue with what I have presented, but at the end of the night, it fucking worked, don’t pardon the pun!