My evocation of King Paimon . Please reply

What’s a good daily number of users to ask for ?

I don’t know. I would just ask for a steady increase every day. That could be one more user one day, maybe ten the next, etc…

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Got it .

If you feel the need to write it go ahead, a writen petition should work as fine as a spoken one.
Two things remember you need to forget the ritual after the evocation is done. Also you need to put in the leg work to get it known.

As nice as it would be for magick to work fast and easy all the time it does not least not on big goals.

It needs a channel to manifest. So you must make that channel if you dont already have that channel established. It will take the path of least resistance.

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But I don’t see how it won’t be a pact .

If I ask him to give me a steady amount of users for my app everyday and I’ll give him recognition for example .

Read the book of azazel if you havent already if you have read it again if you dont have its on youtube and dig around the forum regarding “demonic pacts” and “petitions” or “requests”. There is a difference.