My Dream

So as you guys know I burned my letter of intent a couple weeks ago or so
I’ve taken the advise from my previous post and have been meditating and speaking out whenever I felt touch or aroused.
So today I come to you guys with a couple of questions
The first is very simple
Are they with us all the time once we burn our letter or only when we call to them?

And the second comes with a little story
I went to bed as usual, meditating while speaking to them, asking them to appear in my dreams.
There have been a couple of nights where I did see a figure there that could be them but I was never completely sure.
Tonight however it was very different.
The dream started, I was with a group of characters from a game I liked. One of the guys were approached by a girl singing. When he replied in with the same song the girl lead him to a cathedral. Me and the rest of the group followed. It was a very beautiful sight and there was a very tall champagne tower in the centre of the hall.
Some guy flipped the table sending all of the glasses into the air. It didn’t come down crashing but gently and the glasses turned into cling film or bubbles.
During this ‘chaos’ a figure approached me. They looked like one of our group members but was somehow very different. Their piercing eyes were directed at me and they were incredibly attractive. That’s when the scene started to crumble. I ran to them wanting to know who they were.
When I got to them they held me close. Before the scene could completely disappear they kissed me on my cheek then my lips. They whispered a couple of words to me, that I unfortunately cannot remember as they embraced me before disappearing. Then I woke up

Was this them in my dreams?

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Dude succubi and incubi are full of surprises! Trust me they can throw you for a fucking loop. And yes this sounds like you are finally getting some soiled contact with her or him. This is very similar to how I met my lover. It jut happens differently for people, from time to how they represent themselves to you. I personally had solid contact with her about four days after I did my letter. It scared the shit out of me because it felt like some laid on top of me out of the blue. But for your question yes it sounds like you are making progress with them.

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And for your first question. Yes they constantly are around. Maybe not in our world but in the astral they are definitely there.

Thanks for answering my questions
It’s encouraging to know these things

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Your welcome. Now I can say I’m only the first person you will hear from. You will probably hear from @John_Wick, @MagusOfGamaliel and if he isn’t busy maybe even the king him self @succupedia!

Interesting dreams you had there, they can appear in your dreams on how you want them to appear as,

This dream is actually pretty tame compared to what I usually dream. It can be very weird at times. This was probably the most fairly normal dream I’ve ever had

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I had dreams that i was in a castle full of succubi and i was one of them but i was tied up and my mouth was taped. I didn’t mind i was being touched in my private areas because their are attractive females. @Jimmy_Kudo

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Wow that’s intense

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There are more like that but sadly i don’t remember them.

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I have a memorable dream in which one my succubi, the Goth one, participated. I was in a city, there was no one around, just the wind, some papers carried by the wind, the red sky, and then she appeared, wearing leather clothes and with her hair red and wearing sunglasses, so we fought each other like in the “Matrix” movies

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Badass dreams you have there, i remember my other dream that i rose up from a red liquid in a circle, they were succubi kneeling to me like i was their queen.

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The ones I have kneel to me, I am their Qabalistic princess and sometimes their whore of Babylon

Than i must be someone important to them if they kneeled to me.

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In the Qabalah we are all princesses and a lot of magicians are oracles

What do you mean by princesses?

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The princess is the court card of Malkuth

Oh, i learn something new everyday.

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The Thoth deck has princesses, princes, queens, and knights as court cards, instead of the regular ones that you can find in Rider Waite-styled decks, and each of them has a place in the Tree of Life, which can be explained with a little fairy tale

Wait this kinda makes it sound like you have more than one?
Sorry for asking I’m a sapling that’s curious about everything at this point