My boyfriend might be an archangel?

Ok, so yesterday my boyfriend was kinda about to die (he didn’t) but his sister told me he’s an archangel and has wings stuff like that. Is that even a thing? because i mean theres a couple of things that make sense with that but a lot that doesn’t. Plus i do a lot of black magic so the fact that he’s around me and knows about that doesn’t make any sense. could someone please advise if this is even possible?


He could be a real life shape shifter and his sister is telling you that he is an archangel just to cover it ?? he could be something that hasn’t been discovered like …half angels ? Idk

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Or maybe he and his sister are imagining things? Just dropping an idea.


Maybe, just maybe the sister is or should be on meds.

Always look at the mundane before the fantastic.


Anything is possible. After all “black Magick” was given to man by an rebellious angel. But also given the teams. It could have been hi his sisters head this is how she is coping with him almost dying.


I personally dont believe in “black magick” to me its all just magick. That being said, the sister was probably in shock and her brain was trying to make sense of the situation. Now may he have attributes of an archangel? sure but that doesnt make him one.


Perhaps in some past life he was one, or an archangel is his guardian, it may also be that his soul is angelic.
Anyways that dosen’t discredit that now he lives in a ‘human’ world with the form of a ‘human’.


Dear OP: No, your boyfriend DOES NOT HAVE WINGS.

You’re welcome.


yeah i dont really belive it either but i thought i would put it out here.

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Archangel is a rank of angel, seeing as it’s possible for his soul to be an angel reincarnated, I dont think he’d be an archangel. Other than that any physical claim of this stuff is instantly trashed.


@anon48079295 beat me to it.
Archangel is like a military rank. Wings don’t make an archangel.


Anything is possible.
Trying testing your hypothesis to see if it is true.

However, where you from?
Their are some locations that things like this are not weird!

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Hey, my friend have wings too. When she was go to some reiki guy. He say he saw she have wings. She passed hell in life, survive many shit. She is very good, and help everyone. May its gift, or incarnation. Soon or later this who incarnated be lost but they find who they are. This who are strong spiritual i dont think spiritual amnesia wash their past life memorys.

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Ask your bf’s sister how big are his (supposed) wings.
After that try a mathematical calculation, based on dynamics and physics, with the size of them and your bf’s physical weight.
The result will be ‘they must be bigger to be able to fly’, thus your bf can’t fly with that (supposed) wings, and there’s a high likelihood that he’s not an angel let alone an archangel.

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Yeah I third the whole rank thing.

It’s possible that he’s an Angel otherkin or it has something to do with his higher self or the energy his attuned to. If she saw wings, she either has good psychic sight or is delusional.

How is it possible that my little chubby friend here can fly though?


I agree, however otherkin is the higher self or the core of the being as people humans and nonhumans can attune to energies normally and not be the races of entities tied to those energies.

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I’m from Wisconsin he’s from Indiana. and yeah once he feels better he knows he’s gonna have to send me some proof

Most Archangels I know have no beef with Lucifer, and I think they will set their beef aside if they do for the sake of the practitioner, so I don’t know why your black magic practice would bother him

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Also there’s absolutely no proof that your bf is actually an Archangel, just speculation

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