My Archaelous Workings

I made his sigil from my period blood from Mr. Kendall’s design.


Beautiful dance.

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Sorry to hear that

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I don’t know why I haven’t read this before …

Very prophetic.


I did an evocation of him one time at about 4am and I think he EA was mid ritual, had black makeup in a line across his eyes and lips were black, smoke rising around him. A sublime experience to say the least.

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You work on wrong side if you are not allowed to say what you want on forums, its leading you to delusion grandieur when no one is challenging your conciousness and beliefs :wink:

system “lucifer” does this alot, when they break your psyche with delusioning, you are free beta meat to demigods, when you lose your face towards real people, please share what you have been taught…

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But I believe E.A.invited people to evoke him in the OAA book/course, and the evocation course?

It’s not uncommon for people on here to evoke each other, as well.


A lot of people work and have all sorts of realtionships with different entities on here. Its pretty cool how opened minded this place is.

I wouldn’t and will not judge anyone’s realtionships on here myself. Its not my place to. My own stuff is pretty far left.

If the entities I work with don’t want some thing made public like a human, I am not going to post it. Its called respect.


i do work with him, as spirit, he knows me, as spirit, i have not “evoked” hes chosen name of deity, as he have not mine

i dont like term evoke, we are still human, understand :smiley:

they gonna put him in virtual reality and people think they are working with his conciousness, because he seems to actually be succesfull occultist…

In The Field of Peonies

I was an old warrior. Well trained, bored aimless wanderer searching for anything or anyone to give me something to do with myself.

He was a young noble full of piss and fire. The type that came along once in thousand years. Stern, but fair. Hard, but full of laughter. A light of the deep darkness that could only be from a true other.

I watched far from the battle. Smiling inwardly. So young. They were surrounded. Sold out for a bag of gold.

I slained all alike. All of them were nothing to me, but save him alone. He had heard stories about my elite squad far from his own home kingdom.

He was ungrateful. I was used to it by now.

I allowed his men to chain my wrists. I was pushed into his tent. There I simply waited.

He finally came in. I let the chains fall to the ground.

I didn’t want words. Not now.

He knew who and what I was. What I was offering him.

He reached behind me and undid my breastplate. He had been seen by his hillbilly doctor before coming to his tent for his injuries.

I pushed him away, and reached into my bag for my sweet smelling balm.

“Stop. I am fine.”

“You stink. Your wounds will get infected if not cleaned right. And that old smelling shit they put on you is not doing you any favors.”

He nodded and allowed me to clean him, and quickly smear my own stuff on him for only a few seconds.

I stood…

That’s all I can bring myself to share with a bunch of haters. I only shared what they asked me to. I don’t need to share my private stuff online.

You haters are a sour limp dicks that need to get laid yourselves.

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@Purple hi! Could I evoke EA if I’m a beginner or would that be to crazy???

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