My altars and magick items... all gone! (please help)

Perhaps so in northern europe - african countries may have different cultures, opportunities for moving out etc.


Papa Legba speaks through me and says “Gimme Cafe” :sunglasses:

True is some cases and of course I feel someone else’s home should be respected but you also forget, this is currently OP’s home as well and their personal space is theirs.

Again, this isn’t about “respecting my home”, this is “you belong to me and so does everything you value” from the actions of the father.
That goes well beyond house rules or wishes.

I also will agree, this isn’t North America or Europe we’re talking about.


True ofc, but If those factors are in play a smart move then would be to hide your practise If your parents would disaprov.
The practise of dark arts are still frawned on so being covert is not a bad idea.
Sadly for OP that ship have sailed and the parents might be more vigilant now.
I had the luck of not being judged by my parents but all my real work was done outside in a ”secret” place.
I would suggest that as a solution If possible.


Just a thought - you could create a virtual altar by creating a Wordpress account and blogging an altar. Password protect the thing - he has no access to it and modify your rituals around it - portable and he can’t get at it.

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A virtual altar ? I have to admit I never heard for that before …

So you are saying that if you have kids, you will treat them as guests in your house all their lives, until they move? That sounds about as unsupportive as it can get. There are some simple human rights everyone is asked to follow in many countries, sadly not all. One of them is that every person has a right to develop their own personality. You do not have that chance if your parents ask you to be a fucking clone of them. If you throw your child’s stuff out, you are deeply disrespectful, and you send your child the message, that you basically don’t respect them as a human individual being. If owning a house and everything in it is more important for you than raising a child with love and respect, don’t get children! They deserve better.


Sure i can only speak of my own experience and that is simple in Sweden. Untill you turn 18 your parents are responsible for your actions and the result of them.
Once 18 your parents doesnt ”need” to care for you.
The usuall thing is that untill you move to study or start work your parents still care for you and you respect their rules.
Normal thing aswell here is if you live home and get a job you pay for yourself untill you get a place of your own.
The reason for the fathers action is a factor aswell to take into consideration.

Things are what they are atm for OP so time for solution.
Improvise, adapt, overcome(:slight_smile:


I think it is shitty behaviour to destroy your child’s precious things like that. To put it more simply. If your “rules” are that you can be a tyrant, and your child should just obey, your rules are crap, and they end up hurting your child’s self-esteem. It is abusive. If you are against something, at least have the respect to talk about it.


The paradox here is also, that the father is not even acting like an adult about it. He has acted incredibly immature with an ewww-I-dislike-this-let-it-die-reaction.

No but i will have rules and enforce them.
Guest was a wrong choice of wording.
Sure i support my kids to find their own path but If for some reason something in my mind seems bad or perhaps risky i will have them know that.
If my kid 15 years old deside to join the KKK i think its my ditt as a patent to step in and say no.

I agree that throwing the stuff out was wrong he could have asked them to be taken down If they was so disturbing.

Again i dont know the motives of the fathers action so i cant make a good judgement.

Yes its shitty behaviour that i can agree on but its not impossible that i would do it myself (all depending on situation).
If i give my kid a video game and i have rules about studying and making chores and the kid starts puting all time into this game and skipping school and making a mess of their life then there is a fair chance i would throw that game away, If talking doesnt solve the problem that is.

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Talking is very important here. I see you don’t disagree about that, so that is a good thing.

I get quite angry when I see something that looks abusive because of my own experiences with highly abusive and/or completely neglective parents. I think my parents should not have had children, which is a weird thing to say considering that I am here.

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To give a little perspective, black magicians get a lot of bad press. We’re scary to most people. Some of the things that we do can have unsettling effects even to us and even when it goes right. A working to cool things down might be in order and perhaps another to make your family more tolerant and set them at ease. It might be wise in the meantime to simply fly under the radar.

No altars or weird evil looking artifacts. Learn to use ordinary things that don’t attract attention. And don’t dress like you’re in a black metal band unless you are in fact in a black metal band. You’re Joe Normal. You’re boring even. The most productive thing you can do is to work with things as they currently are. From that point, you can work to better your circumstances.


Also if you are using social media under your real name, then purge it of anything occult related. Create a separate account just for that kind of thing. I hate to be the wet blanket but many people have to fly under the radar their entire lives. Holding the attitude that people can go fuck themselves if they don’t like what you’re into can be counterproductive and perhaps even dangerous.

The key here is to have a good grasp of the environment you are operating in and adapt accordingly. Any other approach is a solipsistic fallacy. If you’re into voudon, remember there was a very good reason that Loa were masked as Catholic saints.


Hopefully you can still find strenght from that and your past has brought you here.
In a perfect world there would be no hardship but then that wouldnt give us any reason to grow.
Hardship happends to us all whats important then is what we do with it, do we buckle under it and give up or do we use it as a stepping stone to take us to newer heights.

OP now faces difficultis but doesnt buckle but is Looking for a solution and im sure a good one will come up.

I don’t buy into the idea that you learn from everything. Some of it you simply survive. Or not.

Or maybe I will agree, that you can learn something simple sometimes like: Oh, my mom is a psychopath. I did not realize that for a little more than forty years.

I see some mixed sentiments, so I figured I would add to the confusion, lol.

Maybe the spirits you are working with are the ones who pushed your father to destroy your altar and tools. Maybe they want you to grow in some ways. This could be a challenge laid out for you. A challenge to gain self sufficiency, to learn some lesson, etc.

Also, perhaps a challenge to you to assert yourself spiritually. If it is Vodoun related items you lost, consider that you are in the country where the spiritual system came from in the first place. I cannot think of a better place to draw new materials to construct new tools. There are folks abroad that would probably jump on the opportunity. It could be a predicate to taking your practice to the next level.

Just think how the Lwa will smile upon you when you stand in your own home, by your own merits, in an inviolable sacred space dedicated to your workings and filled with hand constructed tools. Sounds cool, right? So why work magick on your father when you have all these other important things to do?

The great thing about this scenario is that it leaves your father with no culpability to curse him for. He did not rob you, the spirits handed you a golden opportunity.

That’s just how I would choose to view the situation.


Yes. The lwa is with you. And Maya Deren is with you in spirit.

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Then you learned to survive.(;

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checking if in fact I am still around

Yes, I am still around. :fox_face:

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