My Absolute final Question dealing With Evocation

First thank you to every one who helped me on the forum over the last year with the gold mine of inf and i do appreciate it. i do see the times where i was clearly being annoying :crazy_face:
Thank you again and I hope every one the best.

Where i am now is as the sigil flashes the room starts to fade and i continue to chant for some time but that’s were it stops i don’t see any thing or feel any thing just a faded out room its very easy for me to get to this point this only takes minute for me to do. after a year of practice i even see static when i turn off the lights to go to bed and the shadows move.?:confused:
What em i missing?


Have you read this?


Yes i have read it i understand the sigil part its during the chantiing
activate the sigil
Then chant
Rood fades that’s it nothing elts

What more were you epxceting in that instant? It seems like you have successfully altered your perception. Keep working. :+1:


my goal is a full evocation but things end with the room faded that’s it i think im wording this all right.
after the sigil flashes then i chant till the entity shows up that where im stuck

Pro tip: focus on results, not phenomena.

Some of the gest magicians I have met have never seen, or in some cases never heard, a spirit, and they get incredible results. :+1:


ok thanks im just wondering what i could be doing wrong. like im missing a step :confused: it feels that way.

As long as you inject doubt because you’re not getting dramatic manifestations, you’re holding your own magick back. Be careful with that.


i have voiced my request when the room was faded but don’t see any change, no results. thats why i thought i was missing some thing.

For some reason my notification box pointed me here, what’s up with that.


I just wanted to know your opinion on how you do it.? i invited you.

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I’ll get back to you in a bit I’m driving at the moment

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When you say results, do you mean your request manifesting or results as in the spirit being obviously present? If it’s the your result manifesting, then my follow up question would be how long did you wait and what steps did you take outside of the ritual? If it’s just that you can’t perceive the spirit, then don’t worry about it. As Eva said, it’s not essential and often comes with practice anyway.
If it bothers you that much, try using a candle lit mirror; charge the sigil and channel the spirit into your own reflection. Nothing about your energy strikes me as off, if anything the energetic flow to your third eye is larger than I’d expect. Almost top heavy.


My request manifestation and i have waited months over 3 mostly health related.

could you explain more?

I only had a quick glance while typed out my post, but I saw a thin green energy line travelling up your body to your third ye where it formed a heavy mass that caused your spiritual body to stoop under its weight. You may benefit from reduced focus on astral sight and greater focus on feeling and channelling energy through the rest of your body.
Heath is a tricky one, not really my area of expertise. Could probs come up with something though, if you were willing to share some details. Often heath is best addressed from within. My immediate thought was to focus on energetic balance and a stronger connect between the energetic and physical self.

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my first request were for other people im some what ok now.
the thing with evocation is the room will be gone and thats were im like what the hell em i missing if that make scenes. and like i said about going i to dark room the darkness kinda moves automatically with static.

tbh, you’re focusing too much on your astral senses and its holding you back. You’re already getting stronger manifestations than many highly successful practitioners and honestly, that’s not the part that matters. Focus on addressing your energy imbalance and you’ll see better results. It’s better to feel a spirits energy than to see a physical manifestation, since the energy is what’s doing all the work.

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energy work is what i will start on


Of course, most people only sense a spirit. They feel what it’s saying in much the same way you read someones energy. As I said, it’s often more useful to communicate in this way as it’s a skill that underpins most magical practice.


i may not be chanting long enough? could that be a problem?