Music Shuffle Divinition/Blood Divinition Experiment/Tarot Reading

So im bored and kinda stuck on my blood divination experiment and i have nothing to do and somehow this comes up to my head so I’ll give it a try

Tell me what you want to know and I will tell you what I got from my music player. If I feel generous and unsatisfied with the read I might use other means of divination but don’t count on it. Give me your birth date for more ~accurate read

Also need people with B+ blood type to join my experiment xd (pm me your birth date)


I’ll play! :slight_smile:

Who am I supposed to help?


your friend who has a bad relationship with their gf/recovering from a bad breakup

spotify played this for you

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Pfff I don’t have B+ but I can take from B+ :joy: Actually, I can take from all of you :joy:

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XD my blood supply is very limited smh

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Hmmmm :thinking:
What is the next step in my Ascent?

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I’ll support this…

How can I get through this crossroads in my life

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What should i focus on

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my blood type is diabetic :hushed:


should I focus on spirit Astral travel or give up

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Ok bois i will answer these questions when I get home

Just keep it coming

Yooo. My question is who are my enemies and what are their weaknesses

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go with the flow, do what you need to do, until the time flies, enjoy and cherish it. Infernal Hell is waiting for you on the other end, with your place around the musician of the court, dancing around and feeling happy and powerful and loved

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fire elemental magick

i saw such a clear vision

you will set a fire to a kingdom, burning the trees and the clouds and they will all bow to you


m8 i dont even need to do divination on this

you should focus on that and dont give it up

you can do it my friend

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those who wants to get the pandora’s box are your enemies. I see it as a black box, in the center of the sky, sitting tilted like a diamond

their weaknesses are greed and you

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i see a sun in the middle of a torpedo, fighting. The sun absorbs the torpedo and won. But then it’s shadow eat the sun alive, and turns into a gigantic eye with roots coming down from it’s eyelid.

you need to find and defeat that eye


also shout out to #Lorde Bael for his assistance in this divination so far. He has bad music taste but don’t tell him that :stuck_out_tongue:

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