Murmur praise

I see myself as still relatively new to things although I’ve tried & successfully connected to several gods…the last being murmur. As at this point I have no real alter & wasn’t & still am not in the best of situations when it comes to privacy. Yet still I haven’t had any issues with invoking them. I’ve found that it’s all will power & complete belief… however I haven’t been using much by way of protecting myself against parasites… I had started with candle magic all baneful after each ritual I would literally hear like a sort of growelling drinking noise right over my left shoulder & would feel this very minor sensation in-between like the middle of my neck in the space in-between my collar bone…& I’d have heart fluttering as well… at which point I felt it was a parasite attached to me that I had to have attracted by doing something wrong in my rituals. This pain in the areas mentioned would be like I slept on the wrong side of a bed that had no mattress… so came on the blag… this blag it’s so wonderful by the way…& I saw this murmur protection post salv ducis. It was created by a teacher for a student in shared on here so I may not be spelling it correctly… I tried to upload but it not allowed the format I saved maybe… cutting to the chase I first just would speak the words in feel like all was well for a while yet the sensations came back after every ritual… I’d just repeat the words for more time free of it… but it started coming back even without me doing anything just planning a ritual would bring… these days up until last night 11pm it’s was so unbearable to even sleep… so I finally had & just invoked murmur out right. His energy didn’t take long kinda warm all over but not hot more subtle also in lower region too… & I recited the the salve ducis… it was literally instant relief… I started to trembling from the pleasure of no more parasite… the salve ducis is literally sacraficing the parasites or anything I didn’t call… I asked him to stay he remains still… Great big thanks to mumur… he takes no shit & is very good in protection of those who call or at least in my case I highly recommend him…