Multimillion dollar neighbor advice

I have an older neighbor that is a multimillionaire and I don’t know if this would be wrong but I want to present my online business to him that I have been working on and I want him to help fund it. This project will succeed it is just I need a chance and a push. Is there a spirit that can help me in this situation? Am I wrong?


No, that seems pretty reasonable to me.

Is your neighbour approachable? Is he friendly enough that you can catch him in casual conversation and bring up the subject?

If so, then a spirit of influence, like King Paimon, could make him amenable to your idea.

However, if he is a curmudgeonly SOB who won’t give you the time of day, then it would more difficult as you would have to use extra magick to make him stop and talk with you.


Thank you for responding.
Yes, he is very approachable he even knocked on my door today because my kid left his keys in the outside door. He’s always looking out for us and I gave him a Christmas card of thanks. He use to own my building but sold it for 7 million dollars and keeps his office across the hall from me.

I am alittle nervous he may view me in a bad light/beggar but he keeps coming up in my thoughts concerning business and I try to stop thinking about it but maybe it is a sign he can help me.

I will look into asking King Paimon and I thankyou for the advice.


If you’re not averse to angels, there are many of the Shem angels in Damon Brand’s 72 Angels of Magick that can help with business, including influencing others.


The biggest thing there is purely practical. Make sure you have all the paperwork in order, demonstrate how he would benefit from this, make sure he isn’t liable for anything and is just providing funding which should ultimately end up in profit for him.



Many thanks

Nothing else I can add to this. Just, good luck.

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Go for it, by all means.

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Well first of all Paimon would be an excellent choice for this situation.

It is absolutely possible that you may be able to raise some money from this individual. But if you want to maximize your chances of success, especially given that you already have a bit of a relationship with this person, I wouldn’t go straight in, guns blazing. A little subtlety and nuance in business negotiations is usually a very good thing.

Consider his perspective for a moment. He’s got some money, and he probably considers investment opportunities all the time. That’s what wealthy people like to do - invest. But you need to give him some pretty good reasons as to why he should invest in you and your business instead of just buying some Amazon stock or something.

Before you approach him, do your homework. Write up a business plan, and make it thorough. What is your key value proposition? What are you offering that people will presumably be willing and even happy to pay for? What problem are you solving, or what desire are you fulfilling?

What is your plan of execution? What is your go-to-market strategy (so how do you intend to launch the business)? What’s your marketing plan? What’s your plan for day-to-day operations? How do you intend to provide your customers with your product or service? Do you have any team-members, or are you a solo-preneur? Do you have potential advisors or contacts who could assist you in some way, be it just advice, or perhaps some introductions to key people? Do you know a good business attorney and accountant?

How much money do you need? Exactly, exactly what do you need the money for? What are your unit economics (this is one of the most valuable questions my business mentor posed to me)? That is, how much does it cost and how much do you make from a single unit of your product or service? If the unit economics don’t work, your business doesn’t work. How much do you spend on marketing, on inputs for the product/service (so like manufacturing/shipping costs, for example), on paying for your website and other tech, etc?

Have you done financial projections? Let’s say you raise the money you’re looking for. How do you spend it, and then how much do you make, every month for the next year? How quickly and how much do you grow? How does the year in front of you look, and then the next 4 years into the future?

What about the competition? Every business has competition, in some form or another, directly or indirectly. What about you and your business gives you an edge? I’m not talking about magick here, I’m talking mundane business strategy. What do you do that no one else does? How does your pricing compare to your competitors? How does your brand compare? How do you think the competition will respond to you entering the market? Do you need to capture market share from the competition, or do you think you can attract new customers into the market? Don’t delude yourself, but don’t be a coward either.

Finally, what will your investor(s) get in return for giving you their capital? Are you asking for a business loan, or are you offering them equity? I’m assuming that more complicated financing tools like convertible notes are off the table (those are better for the investors than the entrepreneur anyways). If you are asking for a loan, what is your target interest rate? How do you plan on making the interest payments while funneling money into your business? Do you know what a good interest rate to target would be? If you are offering equity, how much % ownership are you willing to give in exchange for capital? If you raise $10,000 and give away 20% of your company, then you are implying that your business is worth about $50,000. In that case, someone would presumably be willing to pay $50k to buy your business and receive the cash flows your business creates. If you go down this route, I’d seek some council from an experienced entrepreneur who’s raised equity financing before, or perhaps an investor who’s invested in similar businesses.

Honestly, I’d consider equity over debt for a startup business like this because having to make interest payments can kill your growth, and if your investor owns some of the business too, then they have significant “skin in the game” and so will want to help you succeed because it’s their business too. Some people get all caught up in not wanting to give away ownership, but would you rather be the King of a patch of dirt or a prosperous businessperson who makes money with other prosperous businesspeople?

If I were you, I’d approach this person with an attitude of seeking advice. Ask for their assistance, but only after you’ve already done as much as you can on your own. You want to impress them and project confidence, but also show that you aren’t arrogant or stupid enough to think you know more than you do. Successful people tend to enjoy helping out and mentoring those who are trying to make themselves successful too. It just feels good. And also, especially in startup situations like these, investors are investing in you just as much if not even more than they are investing in your business. So think of it like this - even if you don’t close a deal with this person, you could gain an exceptionally valuable relationship. Oftentimes, it’s the relationship that really matters. Relationships are what bring you the capital, resources, and opportunities that you need.

One last thing - if you can, in any way shape or form, provide value to this person. It doesn’t matter how. Ask them what troubles them, what problem they may have, how you can be of service to them. You may be surprised. Sure, you probably can’t help them close their multi-million dollar deal (just yet), but you never know unless you ask.


No, it’s not wrong at all. There’s nothing wrong with being a go-getter, stand in that boss energy and go for it.

I agree with King Paimon being the spirit to connect with. Call on him, then present your project with confidence.

Good luck on your venture.


Excellent, solid advice! Many thanks!

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He sounds friendly try to connect with him, you can explain your looking to better yourself and are trying new things out. Then you can ask about him, I think if you try to mentor under him it’ll be much easier to casually bring up your ideas, if they’re good he’ll invest or he’ll refer you to the person who would.

I think the mentor approach is also less shallow than saying “please find my business” you could also learn about how he became rich.

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Update: My neighbor has not come home for a long time. I don’t know where he is but I decided to try and take out a loan to make this dream come true.