A Pit-Stop on the Path of Belial
There should be a correction to be made. It was either intentional, or just ignorance as is the case with people who try to learn information via ONLY psychic means without going to the source. Having gone over JoS’s list, and you may be wondering why I am doing that. Well, this is because I am aware that initially in the recent past, and then alot more than initially JoS has been influenced by Belial. I noticed they’ve reconfigured the information a little, so I will correct is as it is their website and they can do whatever they want with it.
As I have stated earlier, I do work with Belial under both the Male and Female current. The history of Spiritual Influence is that I am taking an “educated guess” that they may of been influenced by Belial, because when I first spied it they mentioned that Belial was aspected to the Star Sign of “Pisces,” which later on became Aquarius. However, the element of Water was only a Minor aspect of Belial that I worked with which was the Tip of the Iceberg in “Occult Systems.” Improper use of informational details will cause problems, because it isn’t just a System, but it is rooted in a “Living System,” as it is an actual Lineage as well.
Much later on with other members I did do work on an aspect of Belial from a British person by the name of “Mark Dunn - Faustus Crow,” that is some sort of Artist that does his own unique evokations. I was Fascinated by it and so did much work with his spirit “Beliala.” Basically that was only the Feminine current Belial, and it was only a minor structure that was “hosted” by “The Boy,” upon his Feminine Essence (study a little bit of Chinese Medicine if you dont know what that means), as we all have both Masculine and Feminine Essence.
Anyway, a story short is that JoS says that Horus is the Goetic demon “Purson.” This cannot be more incorrect. The real knowledge transmitted by “Mark Dunn - Faustus Crow,” which was the real magickal workings done at the time which happened to affect JoS and they themselves made use of some of this magick is actually the information transmitted by Mark. That information being the Egyptian Allegory of “Set, Osiris, Isis, Horus.”
But as it relates to my path and “The Boy,” the Egyptian only relates to him under the meaning of the Egyptian Allegory and has nothing to do with individual evokation of the Gods. But rather their practical use of the meaning of the Allegory.
Set - this is the phase of where things were “split apart,” or Ain.
Osiris - this represents the God in many peices in different areas. This can symbolize the partial awakening and the 3 part of the veil which is “Ain Soph.”
Isis - the Allegoric part of where she puts her lover back togethor. This is “Ain Soph Aur,” the membrane or what some think of as Qlippothic Wombs. in the entire Allegoric Process its basically a “full awakening” of consciousness from Unconsciousness (Set).
Horus - This is the actual embodying of the awakening of Consciousness in the Allegory on the Physical level of where Isis puts Horus back togethor.
FYI… in the actual magickal influences that were going on during the time and are still going on, Horus IS NOT Purson. In accordance with the magickal workings, Horus is Belial. But in light of all that is going on, The “Belial Systems,” are being reset as HOSTED INFORMATION is being off-loaded and the SOURCE INFORMATION is coming back online. Thus… erasing the “Purson” energy/consciousness from “The Boys” body and mind that was attempting to override/replace it.