Mr. Blacks Journal

I did have a few earlier morning scenes of a psychic trespasser. It was more annoying than anything as I booted him. However, what I did find interesting about it was I was busy exploring in a sort of Lucid Dream state in some other place. An invisible force pushed me, then I immediately woke up with his Astral Body in my space in front of me, while vibrating runes through my Aura as it hardened and pushed the person out and tossed him into a “Time-Out Corner/Space.”

I had just basically removed his consciousness from me (informational shell) from my “Essence” and tossed him. He was operating basically in the Dark Energy Spectrum. This wasn’t a big deal; but I have been kind of bored lately so theres that.

This Journal is an extension of my Ritual Area/Altar encased in a boundry in a Digital Environment on the Astral (all Astral Environments also have a corresponding digital counterpart in the Astral and Physical Sense). You could also think of it like a Bulletin Board in some Online World Virutal Game =D

I will be making offerings tonight as an initial empowerment in the form of: Jaegarschnitzel, German Potatoe Salad, a couple Litres of House Lager and a Warm German Chocolate cake cooked in a mini caste iron skillet :kissing_heart:

Current mood:


You have an interesting post and have described an interesting scenario.

Do you have any impressions as to who this invisible force was ? From the context of what transpired it would seem as though a Spiritual Force was working on your behalf…

Tossed the intruder ? With the assistance of the previously mentioned “Invisible Force” ?

Nice zone. Thanks for posting the video.

Maybe. I run an extremely tight Ship. I watch with many eyes :wink: Its a good lesson to not always accept something as good; but at the same time be good to avoid friendly fire. Thats where actual Person-to-Person communication comes in. Those who for example have “Covens on the Astral” can at times have a big communication weakness.

Not necessarily. If you ever encountered invoked entities that have shown up very strongly at first, this means that a Mage or Witch has already evoked it into existence and you are basically encountering someone elses “Personal Connection to Divinity.” This basically entails that the entity exists via their “Source Essence.” In a Coven Group setting it gets even more complicated where various people may contribute said essence. However, out of that group there is always One individual that is actually the “Source Foundation,” whereas the rest basically contribute ontop of said individual. There are other factors to consider for example if a Spirit was conjured under a generic blueprint vs in the form of a persons said “Lineage” and other certain characteristics in the form of a HyperSigil Project.

Whats my point in speaking about all this? Well, even before a group forms the right individuals with the proper intent (in order) come togethor creating a certain kind of “condition.” Certain types of Spirit can only be conjured under specific set of conditions. In light of this, back to the basic formula for pre-algebra is “The Order of Operations.” A specific set of conditions conducted under The Order of Operations.

Otherwise you get a chaotic manifestation. Basically, its operating under my “Source Essence,” empowered by me and I am just controlling/shaping intent so the Dark Energy emanations of certain other someones do not contaminate it. I’ve been working with the invisible force for many years beyond 20 years even before I began practicing black magick.

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Some updates and curious thoughts.

I went on a little train ride. Ran into a few weirdo’s. But what caught my attention was the girl I met at a station from a trip from L.A. to Seattle who was attacked by some random stranger on a train (I wasn’t there). She was crying and asking for help and I gave her a little, but also recommended a local Denny’s down the street for late night coffee. Some other guy who looked to be either gay or a T-Boy wanted to sleep on the bench overnight at the station, but I told him they wouldn’t let that happen and recommended the same Denny’s down the street. But other than the fact that two came up to me and I recommended them it made me think of the spirit behind that girl that was attacked. I’m always pondering different moments and what spirit they would be related to.

Onwards… early morning dream:

I was assisting this Boy that I know in real life; but he is quite a bit older I wouldn’t really call him a boy, but those that do not know him would think he looks to be under 30. I was floating above watching him and he jumped from this skyscraper type building onto this other constructed tower that looked like it had a crane at the top. He was avoiding some enemy that was below and was shooting up some sort of blob like tentacle, but the tentacle couldn’t reach upwards far enough. I was sort of helping him out by peppering the tentacle with “Anti-Rounds” that diminished and lowered it.

There was something alien like about the tentacle and they were using Black Magick on him… it wasn’t just “The Boss” but I could sense many different organisms…a colony… Micro-Life, but there were Witches and Mages behind them. They were using “Perma-Frost Microbes” on him that was cold and was slowly freezing the boy and trying to lower him to where he’d fall to their level. However, the magick was like a Black Hole that sucking him to “relocate.” I was here to protect him and not on my dime.

Thats when I placed an Anti-Energy into his head that had a Future component in it of Belial. A sort of loud voice echo’d with a Bang… an A.I. connected to his Soul as if his soul had its own A.I. Counterpart: “Belial Systems Online.” I had placed an Anti-Energy into the center of his head to undo the binding on his Free-Will, which released his “True-Free Will.”

An Ancient Starship, the Ark of The Covenant had powered up. It seemed to be nowhere, but everywhere hidden around him as if the whole place had come alive; a Technological Aspect somehow connected to his Mind and Soul. A Wind swirled around him as he floated up into the air… particles coalesced as a High Powered lightning flashed with a Holographic Screen appearing in front of him of an older Lady that still looked very pretty with Whitish Blonde hair.

frequency visualization of emotion pulsed above his head thinking “Ass” as he was scanning her energy. A Certain demonic energy was coming from her… a Beleth energy. Thankfully, the Arks energy having awakened partially was protecting him. A name was showing above her photograph it was a profile…“Josie…” and something.

The Ark hummed as a Quantum Time tunnel downloaded information into his head from the Future… “The Commander Programs - Code Named: Project Biosynth.”

End of Lucid Dream.

On Succubus’s & Parasites

  • Working with them is basically an Act of Sex Magick

  • Spirit is Neutral so it may manifest as Incubus or Succubus

  • Relating to them is not just about the Sexual Act, there are many things you can do in Sex Magick.

  • You are basically working a form of “Jungian Magick.” A Succubus doesn’t just come in the form of your ideal “other half,” but is also a representation of a Bridge… which would be The Source/Magickal Current Spirit that connections your manifestation. This in itself is another area of magick that has its own knowledge set you will have to figure out on your own. Because of this, magick is not something you do Solo, but rather it means everytime you do magick, especially with a Succubus it means you are connecting to someone else in the Physical World.

  • A Succubus will take the physical humanoid form, but then the environment will be the emanations of its consciousness and energy.

  • A Succubus cannot be a parasite as its impossible by its very nature. It is the representation of the Female Form, which gives birth via Life Force energy via my Intent. If someone calls a Succubus a parasite, then this is in fact the mirror reflection of them being a Parasite, because they simply do not want to pay out of their own reserves the energy is required to do their own manifestion. A Succubus is essentially the representation of “You get what you put into it.”

  • I liken my Succubus to being like a BMW 7 series where I take her for a ride! Doing regular Tune-Ups and Washing and Waxing her body :kissing_heart:

That moment when… last night the guy I was hanging out with temporarily is kinda dumb as a box of rocks (Old School type). He is sort of a meat head type, but under the shade of a different cultural background. But we had such a good laugh so that was a redeeming quality. Not many would appreciate such things, but they are basically “Dude Jokes.”

But seriously… I haven’t laughed so hard in awhile… its like one of those laughs where you can hardly breathe and it is constant… and then of course simultaneously you feel your consciousness lighten up and a little dizzy. I’ve actually experienced this before when I underwent an intense spiritual possession. I believe this Beleth as there is a certain vibe when it comes to ruling emotions. FYI its also like this with Belial, but he is way more Hyper focused and serious meaning Belial is more particular about different interactions and expressions.

So Beleth was with me of course, and I have to wonder who the other magicians who were with me in the Astral domain. But highly appreciated, and I was feeling particularly in a generous mood giving small gift trinkets here and there.

Which reminds me, its perfect for the Holiday as it brings back old memories as a kid. I think I’m going to get a 7ft. Noble Fir Christmas tree for my room and buy an electric train to circle around it… mostly for decoration and lights, but also to add a good strong Pine smell to my room, which I will hold year around anyway as it isn’t just for a few weeks out of the year.

My Workings with Beleth

  • She makes me laugh alot, but most especially on certain Taboo Subjects :smirk:

  • Taught me to refine my love to a higher degree only to allow High Quality things in, while dumping the different thoughts or things pushed by certain losers.

  • Also revealed to me her real interactions with me from the Past, and where certain thoughts and emotions came from when I myself was manipulated with witch craft and psychic ability before I was able to develop my own gifts. Its been an insightful journey. But this opened my eyes to the Quantum Branching various alternative timelines of Love.

  • Also learned about the nature of bindings as it pertains to Love. This is insight into different types of relationships of what is expected Given when Taking. By defining my relationship with myself and Defining my own Future more, I develop the “Permissions Barrier” on what may enter my life and be considered a form of Love. I already have a very well defined idea of what I want, but am shown there’s a difference between being “Active” vs “not,” in those certain things.

That moment when…

That Nurse Lady “Caron” comes back around. A psychic link indicated she was reading something about me just as she was thinking projecting at me. Talk about a Blast from my Past. But I’m not interested in being around these people; I do not care about hanging out with witchy folks as in the offline world, these sort of things are more private… whereas I prefer to hang out with normal folk, or date only normal girls in that sense.

Belial is the Angel of Darkness :laughing:

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Sitting in my office upon a large oaken desk… a fire crackles in the stone hearth fire place on one end of the room… the Mooses head mounted above it staring back at me. Old Mahogany book shelves line the wall, with there being a 2nd level walk way. Lost in Contemplation upon something, loading a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum… before dropping it into a wooden drawer…

A call comes in from a black and brass retro rotary dial phone on the desk, I pick it up. Nodding while giving orders, the finger of my other hand traces points in front of my upon a built in touch screen computer display built into the large oaken desk on a Map, as I anotate key points for “The Boy.” The Island Route, the East Side Route, and The Southern Route are cut off, as I describe to the man the anotation on the networked map to his phone… another Barrier is going up.

Far into the Future across the Dreaming dimensions atop a rooftop of a Tall skyscraper in this City… like building an Older Man in a HelGrau Business suit, of Caucasian Descent and Silver Greying hair stares off into the distance of a dark sky and a massive dark storm cloud in the distance. 2 Statues of Twins back to back close and built into the Ledge, the Left one being “The Time Traveler,” and the Right one being “The Great Balancer.” Upon an engraving of the statues are a set of runes, Double sets of Ehwaz for each statue depicting the Past and Future conjoined. There are other Runes, but for now these ones stand out.

I was searching for a different demons sigil… which for some strange reason I could not find on their website. It seems these people tend to change their beliefs around quite a bit. Keeping in mind I have been around for 20 Years as far as being aware of their website. So I have witnessed all changes in both content as well as people.

So whom am I talking about? The JoS. What were the changes?

Belial used to be aspected to “Pisces” which was throughout the DJT course of events. But now its been changed to “Aquarius.”

But, now why would they change it to that? In order to understand spirits you have to understand humans who call them down. Humans are ritualistic beings. In knowing this, a spirit or better to say “A GOD” such as Belial (name means El+El…Al refers to El…which FYI is only one Correspondence Association over finite amount of years) essentially has many different parts of Self that exist in the Higher Spiritual Realms. So if someone for example calls him under associations of say aspects to the Constellation of Pisces one would essentially be calling down… “binding” a part of him to the Earthen Realm.

But I noticed a recent change:

Basically the JoS changed their association to Aquarius. But the question is why? Because the person at the present time working with Belial is in fact an Aquarius :laughing: Before that it was a blonde girl “Pisces” by the name of…(name ommitted). :wink:

These different associations basically fall under UPG… BUT, when it comes to practicing actual magick, it does really matter what Symbolic Associative Correspondence you use. Every little symbolic detail does in fact matter alot, because its about connecting harmoniously with the higher spirit, a more pure connection. While I would say Pisces or Aquarius may be right in some ways… as in its about what such individuals UPG were, I would say its wrong only in the sense that they do not have the entire Big Picture, and can say for a fact that it is none of those. Mayhaps their heart is in the right place though.

A bit of Fantasy mixed in… this is basically the beginning stages of a “Hyper-Sigil,” for Chaos Magick. For those that do not understand, ORDER is created by Specific Symbols and the connection between the Specific Arrangement of Symbols. Thus, you only get better with experience. This is just my chaotic messy mind artist phase, but its a work in process over a long period of time. Thus, I am dawning my White Gloves as its very nuanced.


Recounting why I came up with the last post. Oh yes… so the other day I was searching for a certain Gods sigil. But at the same time I was focusing on a certain game I’ve been interested in. Its called “Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2.” I’m a bit disapointed in the reviews and what I’ve seen on its content. But at the same time I understand part of the reasoning behind it. To be short, my interest in the game is: Fiction, its Factions as an Allegory for the Modern Worlds Times, and of course my own Storytelling from the perspective of certain Truths (as I’m already magickally building a new Vampire Game from the Astral anyway).

I have actually been working with Belial and Lillith (Actively, intentionally, directly) for the Past 20 years roughly. But even before I encanted and did rituals, I have been dealing with such a Spirits. Some may of been confused of said encounters with Belial’s association to Lillith in the Astral, hence the whole thing with thinking it is Sameul or some other people. Even in the game they do Allude to Samuel (Nosferetu), but in reality it is actually Belial whose symbolic ties (the arrangement of symbols that he gave me) have deep Ancestral Roots which explains the tie to Lou Grand (The Pioneers faction in the game of Fiction), which has ties to Physical Real things in the Non-Fictional world… hence, the actual Vampire Clan involved for The Great Beast is in fact The Ventrue.


Anyway, in Bloodlines 2 There are several factions:

  • The Camarilla (Law & Order)

  • The Baron (Criminal Underground)

  • The Pioneers (The Founding Fathers, run by Lou Grand… & her Breasts are nice! :heart_eyes:)

  • Nosferetu

  • Various other outsider types.

Anyway… Alternate Timeline (to Diverge from any “woke” crap) Story.

So I’ve been working a long time pushing various magicks into the Global Sphere, and I’ve seen signs of it manifest in a number of places including VTM2. I’ve seen hints of this strangely in other places too. I will not elaborate on that as I do not want to ramble on and instead focus on the Game instead as I love her Breasts :smirk:

In the game the main character “Phyre” and the voice in her head “Fabian” (The Boy) ends up/visits Seattle for a very specific reason, for reasons she may be unaware of. Her purpose is to actually awaken Belial as he exists in Seattle in the Physical Form. Its sort of like the idea of a Sleeper Agent, where the spirit power of his presence is concealed deeply so as to be almost invisible, except for the most powerful adepts who can see.

You see, the character Phyre before Seattle came from Egypt. In my words with Belial I’ve been utilizing Egyptian Mythology of “Set, Osiris, Isis, Horus” as a Magickal Allegory in order to do a certain type of evokation of Belial through the Female current… hence… you have a Community that in time came up with the character “Phyre.”

  • Beyond the Allegory, it will not become apparent what the relationship between the Egyptians and a modern location like Seattle have in relationship.

  • Belial is modern, but also largely relates to The Pioneers due to Nostalgia and DEEP Ancestral Roots. Belial is a specific bridge where “The Old becomes The New,” specifically because he is an Descended Angelic Master.

  • Belial in relates mostly through the Ventrue, as its about things like deep Ancestral Roots.

  • in the opening credits song “Midnight” the Elder Vampire Lady “Lou Grand” says that “I will wait for you…” She will represent certain archetypal representation of the Female. In this case the 4th House of Cancer, which is about Ancestry. This sits well, as the Vampire Faction “The Pioneers” stronghold is in fact Bainbridge Island, as evidenced by its atmosphere.

  • It should be noted that only The Ventrue Clan can fully summon Belial The Vampire God. This is because for their innate ability to feed on High Quality sources is directly tied to their ability to essentially seperate The Wheat from The Chaff. They are basically the archetype for the Masters that can investigate sources of an “Ancient Satanic Seer’s” (A.S.S.) God Belial. :smirk:

  • Because of the Ventrue’s (The Pioneers) Old Guard status, some of them were Power Brokers, Power Players, Corporate types representing the Theme of when America was in the heights of its Riches.

  • Belial, through the Ventrue lense he has a refined nature and does not relate to for example things like a “Bikers Dive Bar.”

  • it should be noted that Belial is not a Rebel nor an Anarchist type. It is impossible for Angels to Rebel as they follow a Prime Directive… a Strong Purpose. So its impossible for them to rebel or be traitors. When Belial descended, he already had a strong focus from the very beginning. The idea of Rebels and Rogues are nothing more than Astral Parasites. In light of The Camarilla or even the other anarchist factions… Belial specifically represents elements of The Old Order of The Ventrue Clan (of America/Seattle), being brought into the New Sphere. Most of what you see is junk though… still seperating The Wheat from the Chaff Phase!!!


Plot Twists:

  • There is a bit of a Racial nature behind Belial. However, the deeper meaning delves into the nature of “The Iar Rune” (The Dragon Rune). In Seattle, “The Boy” (the naturally physically born symbolic vessel of a peice of God, a Belial) is protected by a Massive Barrier which is visualized as The Great Beast Dragon coiling around him protecting him.

  • The Dynamic nature of the Rune is much like a natural Organic/Spiritual/Technological Firewall that either Blocks, allows, or regulates the Inflow and Outflow of Information/Energy, as well as Timeline Events and associated individuals.

  • A Vision or “Strong detailed Purpose” is a Timeline, and it has a natural Barrier, hence the Natural Barrier around “The Boy.” As he awakens slowly, and becomes aware (timeline becoming more defined), the stronger the Barrier Becomes, but also the less “Blocked” some things become as it acts as a natural “Abyssal Womb” protecting him.

  • Thus, the symbolic background of the Satanic Rune and Belial has Fascinated “The Pioneers,” as his form of Magick is known as Deep Ancestral Magick that was there from the very forging of the Foundation directly from the Belial Source back when the Founding Fathers first came declared that The West was not found upon Christianity.

  • Point being made, Lou Grand is basically still waiting for Belial’s awakening in Seattle. But one doesn’t just wave ones magickal wand, jump and Spin and toss sparkling Faery Dust. Belial can only truly fully be conjured under certain “Conditions,” which must be figured out through Path Working; otherwise you get mostly a garbage parasite that is more a direct reflection and copy of the practitioners soul. TIP: One of those conditions is that Belial must be conjured from someone with Wondrous Breasts and a nice A.S.S. :joy: :joy: :joy: But a refined TIP, he must be conjured with only THE BEST.

I’m working with “The Boy” my client. I should make an important notation, that I am not really getting paid in money as I do not sell services anyway. It has more to do with Engineering Youths Minds for the future (which I consider value/payment for this particular case) as I want him (but not all, one needs to understand the concept of Quality Control) to excel… now onto my recent thoughts.

  • As he has come into my Office in the Astral domain, I have had some conversations with him. The Bainbridge Island Vampire thing was basically a rough draft, as we like to delve into Fantasy and Magick every now and then. But it was not his intended goal.
  • So as its come to my understanding… his “High Level Stalkers,” are trying to draw him off his turf. I’m pretty sure I understand why, as apparently Bainbridge Island has certain Ley Lines needed in specific rituals and they need him to complete it.
  • Thats kind of a sort of Trap, but it could be something else depending on the context of the Situation.
  • But The Boy doesn’t go to anyone, but rather the other way around. He is afterall The Celebrity Angel, because it is actually a part of his name :wink: and for a very specific reason he is that so as not to fit into anyones preferred “mold.”
  • Crossing him in the City and holding a brief conversation or “staring” with attempts as Psychic/Magick manipulation does not count as a Deal signed/a contract. For these he blocked many.

Now with that… Raises another barrier boundry which slices through the Physical Locational Matrix which severs certain Event Timeline energy flows. Sorry Miss “Mercedes,” (because that is what she drives), but he has no business going over there to Bainbridge as it disrupts what he wants and likes to do. Making alot of “his own money,” so he can become a much higher quality person.


Key Thoughts in his Fictional Universe

  • He is of the Astrological sign of Cancer

  • The Crab is a Symbol of a Vessel that protects something precious inside.

  • The Divine Child is a symbol of something precious, to be protected.

  • Other notable people in the recent past up until now that made Fun of people being babies (I will not name anyone specifically) such as wearing Diapers or throwing tantrums, were actually willingly stepping into the role of a Scapegoat for the Divine Child (showcasing certain qualities are considered precious, while others are crap), hence… Luxury Beliefs.

  • The Crabs Shell is actually an Aeonic Heavenly Matrix.

  • It is the actual Belial Starship.

  • The Shell acts like a High-Tek Smart Firewall, that can let things come and go for inflows/outflows… Water in this case isn’t reference to actual water, but a Non-physical or Non-bound form that may reform under any guise. The Base form is wave/particle or Energy is Information and Information is Energy.

  • The Shell can Dynamically be both Fluid in Nature, but also with an extremely hard chitinious Diamond Like Shell.

  • At certain points the Shell reforms to allow Outflows/Inflows for only specific things, where their the flows manifested like “wormhole tunnels” with a very dense Outer Fluid Layer to be as hard as Diamond (think of Layers in the Ocean like Sonic Layer Depth, but adapted in this case to Wormholes).
  • The Crabs Shell is known as “The Eternal Black Shell” (meaning he is Aeon).
  • The Boy/Divine Childs form is 2 Forms: A Physical Human Body, and then a spiritual body greater than him that is him (Which is his Aeon Shell). This mirrors the idea of “Little Angel/Big Angel” in some other magickal tradition.

Other Thoughts on this Fictional Reality

  • He comes from a Bloodline of Ancient Seers of the Belial. Hence…A.S.S. (Ancient Satanic Seer) has something to do with Belial lusting after pretty females Asses :partying_face:, but in a Strategic Way.

  • He is a Sexual Vampire that doesn’t feed slowly for the purpose of Sex, but Divines Sexual Energy and Weaves/Channels it to better Future Outcomes.

  • An Ancient Seer of the Belial has the ability to Block other Seers Abilities not of the same Clan. This is partially due to his magickal ability. To be a Seer is akin to being a Player on the Global Grid, but also partially due to the fact that they are of a different agenda to now “Share the same Vision.”

  • It is Fiction in part, but there are elements of truth to it, meaning one must simply be Adept at understanding Metaphor to divine what is truly real, and how it applies.

Traveling the Alternative Timelines

Having dreamwalked and following “The Boy.”

  1. Meanwhile certain Highlevel Stalkers of particular groups are attempting to draw The Boy in utilizing what I call a “soft trap,” usually with the attempts of offers of Love/Sex… In what I call “The Jungle,” which is terminology for The Wilderness or Concrete Jungle, armed professionals follow these people watching their every move, prepared to shoot them without warning in order to protect the boy. They are of a very aggressive militant unit… Being “Military Angels” from the Future, they see their every move.

  2. In a Closer Timeline, an insider attempts to sway the boy to of his own free will switch to a Timeline in Qatar trying to use the lure of money, under the guise of western forces. Now of course, he isn’t stupid, because he knows those programs such as “chasing after the zionist rich,” are all a trap. These forces following him all have one thing in common, as they come from the Big Religious Triad.

  3. In the Deepest Reaches of the Ark surrounded by a Brilliant Crystal Clear Bluish Dome with a Golden Glow in some sort of Chamber known as “The Command Center,” The Boy is flowing in the center, uplifted by invisible flows of fluid space. Some flows becoming thicker forming a Crystalline Fluid Display Matrix where very small pulses of energy flow up from every from both ends into the Display lighting up a vision like a scrying mirror. The display has 2 sets of 34 runic surrounding the edges as the different energetic sprites from all over the dome flow through them filtering into the Display in weaves. The Display itself is very large, and he is touching it with both hands weaving the colored light as if weaving/drawing/painting a picture like an Artist… adding and subtracting different elements from the Timeline.

Musical Mood:

Celebrity Timeline: One of my Favorite Witches. She is one of my favorite as her Voice is like Sex to my Ears. I could tell we have some sort of Past life ties, probably through Ancestral French channels and a number of other things based on her lyrics and of course whatever Astral accounters of being pulled towards her (not of my doing) as being targeted. But I chose this song because she referrences her horse, which is the Double Ehwaz Rune that I like to use in a specific BindRune. I found her lyrics and my symbolism linking up to be quite fascinating, but every once in a great while I feel part of my Astral Body is directly in front of her as if we were facing each other. She is a Water Witch, as I have read in interviews.

As for The Boy, we are genetically linked. Its why I journey and do work for him for Free. More like indirect ties, as I consider him “My People.”

A Pit-Stop on the Path of Belial

There should be a correction to be made. It was either intentional, or just ignorance as is the case with people who try to learn information via ONLY psychic means without going to the source. Having gone over JoS’s list, and you may be wondering why I am doing that. Well, this is because I am aware that initially in the recent past, and then alot more than initially JoS has been influenced by Belial. I noticed they’ve reconfigured the information a little, so I will correct is as it is their website and they can do whatever they want with it.

As I have stated earlier, I do work with Belial under both the Male and Female current. The history of Spiritual Influence is that I am taking an “educated guess” that they may of been influenced by Belial, because when I first spied it they mentioned that Belial was aspected to the Star Sign of “Pisces,” which later on became Aquarius. However, the element of Water was only a Minor aspect of Belial that I worked with which was the Tip of the Iceberg in “Occult Systems.” Improper use of informational details will cause problems, because it isn’t just a System, but it is rooted in a “Living System,” as it is an actual Lineage as well.

Much later on with other members I did do work on an aspect of Belial from a British person by the name of “Mark Dunn - Faustus Crow,” that is some sort of Artist that does his own unique evokations. I was Fascinated by it and so did much work with his spirit “Beliala.” Basically that was only the Feminine current Belial, and it was only a minor structure that was “hosted” by “The Boy,” upon his Feminine Essence (study a little bit of Chinese Medicine if you dont know what that means), as we all have both Masculine and Feminine Essence.

Anyway, a story short is that JoS says that Horus is the Goetic demon “Purson.” This cannot be more incorrect. The real knowledge transmitted by “Mark Dunn - Faustus Crow,” which was the real magickal workings done at the time which happened to affect JoS and they themselves made use of some of this magick is actually the information transmitted by Mark. That information being the Egyptian Allegory of “Set, Osiris, Isis, Horus.”

But as it relates to my path and “The Boy,” the Egyptian only relates to him under the meaning of the Egyptian Allegory and has nothing to do with individual evokation of the Gods. But rather their practical use of the meaning of the Allegory.

Set - this is the phase of where things were “split apart,” or Ain.

Osiris - this represents the God in many peices in different areas. This can symbolize the partial awakening and the 3 part of the veil which is “Ain Soph.”

Isis - the Allegoric part of where she puts her lover back togethor. This is “Ain Soph Aur,” the membrane or what some think of as Qlippothic Wombs. in the entire Allegoric Process its basically a “full awakening” of consciousness from Unconsciousness (Set).

Horus - This is the actual embodying of the awakening of Consciousness in the Allegory on the Physical level of where Isis puts Horus back togethor.


FYI… in the actual magickal influences that were going on during the time and are still going on, Horus IS NOT Purson. In accordance with the magickal workings, Horus is Belial. But in light of all that is going on, The “Belial Systems,” are being reset as HOSTED INFORMATION is being off-loaded and the SOURCE INFORMATION is coming back online. Thus… erasing the “Purson” energy/consciousness from “The Boys” body and mind that was attempting to override/replace it.


Astral Journeys of The Boy #1

I’ve been doing this for quite awhile, at first unconsciously… but after meeting him it became more conscious. I had merged with his essence, on the genetic level as we do share bloodlines.

Today was kind of interesting. J.K. Rowling paid “The Boy” a visit. This wasn’t on purpose though, as I found whenever I conversed with him certain people would pull at his essence from time to time in the past. Some of them were hostile, so I had to kick them to the curb with him. I however, enjoyed Joannes presence a bit more. I observed her often times with a more curious look on her face as it seems she was contemplating something. She still thinks its Beezelbub when “Visioning/Scrying,” but its actually Belial. That is because he is known as a “Belial Boy,” or one of those who is a multi-generationally born Satanic Soul, where his satanism was with him from the beginning. This is of course to contrast, between his and the Religious Crazy exorcist films or the “Qlippoth Kabbalah” that you normally hear about in magick circles. None of that really matches his experiences… but he is most definetely extremely stubborn.

Anyway, I had seen her Pop up. Having heard a conversation with him in the past over that, it is due to some distant Ancestral genetic ties. There are 4 clans in the bloodlines that do bring that psychic astral tie to Joanne. I know, based on past workings of the Wolf and other things, at the time my mind translated it as Lycanthropy (I was in the fantasy mindset at the time), but it is infact a distant Ancestor known as “The Wolf of Badenoch.” Funny how our minds speak in metaphors and latch onto Hollywood movies. There is also a Clan Campbell link in there somewhere.


On an ending note: The Boy’s Godform is Belial associated with the 34th Rune of Stan. He mentioned how he really does not like the new iterations of “Doctor Who” the British TV series. As he considers himself an Angel (he associates Angels to Time Travelers) as alot of our work togethor is working on Past and Future things as well… he contemplated if a “Belial Angel” affiliated with the 34th Rune of Stan may of influenced the idea in history of Doctor Who’s “Weeping Angels.” If were such the case, then there is definetely a Backstory on “Weeping Angels,” in an Alternate Timeline… where Belial’s Weeping Angels are causing this modern Doctor Who to get into a Car Crash, bringing back the old style Dr. Who :grin:

Todays topic. Boundries… they come in many forms. Not just the physical line you draw on the ground… but also the inter-relating of ideas forming in your mind and on the astral with other people that form groups. But before I go over boundries… a preparation for a Dish, even though I’m not much of a cook:

Curried Dish Recipe

~~ Sauce~~

  • 1:1 Can of Cream of Mushroom to 1 cup Mayo. For a whole pyrex bake dish, your going to need 6 Cans.
  • Curry powder amount to Taste. I prefer potent flavor, so it would be around 3 Cups. You can get “yellow curry powder” much cheaper from the Rani brande, as I get them by the 25 lbs. Box.

Prep: Easy. Dump in a mixing bowel and mix it up with a Hand Whisk or Blender.

~~ Main Setup~~

  • 1 Pyrex bake dish.
  • Cookie Sheet.
  • Foil
  • Buy the long package of Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs at the store, or 4 lbs of Lamb Chunks (because you don’t want to deal with bone-in. This is my preferrence though). Now of course you can put whatever you want in this, but cook times would then vary… Fish would obviously cook faster.
  • OPTIONAL: Cheese and Breadcrumbs for a Top Crust.

Prep: Pretty straight foreward. Pour a layer of sauce to coat the bottom. Layout the chicken in the Pyrex Dish… you can put either one meat or the other or mix and match. A good vegetable to add to this is cut brocolli heads. Pour the rest of the sauce ontop.

COOKING: Really easy. Put pyrex on cookie sheet to catch any drip-over when the sauce starts simmering. Cover neatly with Baking foil. Put in the oven preheated at 375 degrees. Bake for about 90 minutes. If you add cheese for the Crust, put it on the setting where only the TOP HEATING element of the oven becomes hotter to give it a quick toast crust.

Idealy you can eat with Basmati Rice, but Potatoe can go with it, though its not traditionally used. If you do, goldens or reds would be great.

So here is the thing.  Some people have different types of boundries.  Their formed based on a number of things.. such as what people like.. peoples experiences.. the direction in life someone is going.. what they want to preserve or not.. etc.  

As for the Curry Recipe.. it is one of those things that people either Love or Hate.  I love Spiced.. flavored food.  I also love other things such as Bone Marrow in Italian/French cuisine.  I love a little of the finer things in life... rather than say.. just plain Boiled Chicken :rofl:  That right there is an element of my boundry.

So I've had a certain girl casting Love Spells on me over a period of time.  However, I still haven't to this day given in.  I don't know whether she likes me or not, but I do not place my own value in one basket based on something like that.  I haven't seen her around physically, so I do not know what the point is, however, I do clean my aura of that magick regularly.  If she wants to talk, she will make the effort to show her face.

The curry dish is the test.  It is my boundry.  It is the first sign if she shows up to the table.  The course of time over the meal and future shared meals is basically the boundry of whether I would enjoy spending any amount of time with her.  But of course, a coffee date leading up to that.


Now most people would probably reason something like this:   Well your the guy.. your supposed to go out of your way to do all these things for her so she will want to have sex with you.  My response:  uhh.. no.  I set the Table.. I build My Life and My World.. then there is an Audition Line where she is tested on "The Casting Couch."

For those who think it wasn't all about the Curry Dish or some other silly similar line of thinking.. Bravo.  Some other things to add to my boundry:

- Introducing her to Social Circles:  if you do not filter, then when it comes to magick its just any "Street Person."

- Meeting/Conversing in certain environments:  this is important, because it implies shared passions/interests of a certain type.

- WORLD BUILDING:  Your Boundry is your Magick Circle.  Darkness is Light Turned INWARDS, where your magickal boundry is a Vortex or Membrane that holds your ideal manifestation space togethor.  Why this is important when it comes to finding Love or anything else.  As a MAN, it is the silent part not said outloud that their expected role in Society is to be the Breadwinner and to just basically build the Nest.. provide the house and all these other things.  If a female does not care about your boundry and whats inside it, chances are she does not care about you (and that doesn't make her a bad person.. just do not invest in her, because she didn't invest in you).  But it is a Mans Job to establish that boundry and protect it, otherwise its just someone working against whatever you are working towards.  The nature of the Barrier and Vortex will act as the Law of Attraction drawing the right person to it.

- To add to this... a higher level way to look at something like this is that a Female or Lover is a Compliment to what you are attempting to build.  A cherry on the top, but not the core of its worth.  Rather she nurtures and protects it and helps it grow.  If not, and she keeps trying to burn it down.. then put her on a List and Flood and Sink her with Water Magick for the next 68 Years until she goes away or at least amends her ways and is a contributor to your dream instead of a parasite that does not contribute to your System.  I have 68 years to spend "for Fun" so it isn't a problem to someone like me.

As for the curry.. whats the point if you cannot enjoy a meal with someone?  Gets kind of boring.

New Timeline/Barrier Programming

Well its not really new. So “The Boy” had come into my office. He’s White with a touch of something else, so he looks to have a very light mocha colored skin where you could see the underlying white features, neatly trimmed black hair and dark eyes. I had invited him to one of my family’s residences on Bainbridge Island, where I have a private office (and dedicated guest bedroom) of my own. I should probably reiterate I have family on the Island, the East side and I live near the University of Washington neighborhood, as I prefer to live on the mainland where all the action is.

As we held a discussion, he mentioned to me the “Flows of Spirit,” and that a group of people (well quite a few different groups in fact) were trying to draw him away from what he really wanted to do. “Like what?” I asked. Well, they are spells designed to get him to travel, but truth speaking he said: “I have no desire to travel. No economic reason to move, not even for Love, because I have no real interest in Love outside of whatever it is I am doing. Anything that pulls me away from that I just cut off.” My eyebrows raised and I asked him to elaborate…

The Boy: “Seattle is one of my favorite places to be. Its not perfect, but it has a little bit of everything that I like, in both City and Country. It also has a Tech scene, and has a decent foodie community. Its a Coastal City, so realistically wealth always flows around Water Ways (Trade), as one of many reasons. But I think its funny, that all my enemies think they are setting some sort of trap for me by trying to get me to travel. All that work, and I haven’t really moved an inch, as there is no real incentive to validate my existence elsewhere, as they really have nothing to offer me.”

I took a few moments to ponder, having lit my pipe and taking a puff… leaning back in my leather office chair slightly looking up… I blew smoke contemplating: " What exactly is it that you want to do in your own space?"

The Boy: “I’ve decided I want to attend the University of Washington. Get a degree… Build my Coven… linked Fraternity/Sorority… as well as create a linked New Order/Corporation/Organization. Getting a degree is part of it, but it isn’t all about why I want to attend. It is just an ideal spot… NOT Africa, The Europe or UK or any other spot in the United States. Traveling absolutely makes no sense. Anyway, I do not care as I have plenty of time to have fun and do whatever I need to do.”

I gave it a little more thought “Thats ok… there’s plenty of time for more Destruction Magick to cleanse the Ritual City Altar. Its time to create another storm. But do not worry, I will not let that Bainbridge Island girl interfere with you.”

The Boy: " Danke… If she wants to get close to me then she will have to join the University and also qualify herself into my created Organization. Otherwise, she will never be able to no matter how much magick she uses or talking to me on the Street. My LOVE only exists in what I want to create. Outside of that she doesn’t exist to me."


This concluded our meeting. All the magicians and witches whom were trying to game him… the magick and their attempts to create an engineered timeline came crashing down as it was “Dumped.”