
Greetings to all,

New to everything here.
Lot to read,
Tell me what to read in beginning,


I have just sent you a PM with a lot of info in, that might help.

What brings you to want to learn magick? :smiley:

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A wish.

Have you ever had any supernatural or paranormal experiences in the past?

No hidden powers/.

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Welcome to the BALG forum.

Where do you hail from?


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Well, if youā€™re into the left hand path (and I will assume you are since weā€™re here)ā€¦

Draconian Ritual Book

Does a good job of introducing you to the basic ideas and practices and gives you some introductory work to sort of ā€œintroduceā€ you to all the main players. By the time youā€™re done, you should have a pretty good idea of what youā€™ll want to do next. It also has a definite viewpoint (Draconian tradition, as interpreted by Asenath Mason, Bill Duvendack, and ā€˜theirā€™ Temple of Ascending Flame order); but it isnā€™t dogmatic about it.

I have other books, if that proves too much for you from the jump. I actually started with two other books and only discovered this one once I was already on the path for a while and had just decided that this ā€œdevil shitā€ thing was the road I was going to head down.


Thank you ,
Actually, Iā€™m new to this path, i mean Brand new. :innocent:with no psychic senses and abilities.
Right now Iā€™m reading laws of attraction and other basic topics.
Solutions to my problems, i mean exploring by reading.

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