
I think, speaking definitely as a non expert, that much of this type of work calls on you to not be immoral, but amoral. To suspend your notions of right and wrong and view the situation you’re trying to change or control just as it is. To understand what you’re doing about it as what needs to be done. A woman once told me don’t allow your attachment to your morals to get in the way of progress with your magic. Because you’ll be struggling with morals, while others prosper with none lol. I understand what you mean though. I’ve learned to suspend my morals when it comes to a lot of things and I have a more amoral attitude about the work in general than I did before, but there are still some things that don’t “feel right” so I won’t do it. Just takes time to change your mindset I think.


Oh no, my secret is revealed! hisses in reptilian



But also, I think @Woodslives4ever has the right idea.
Just my personal opinion. Doing things just because you can is some low level shit. Considering the implications and consequences of your actions, that’s really acting like a god.
Do things because they need to happen, not just because you want them to.
But hey, I’m no one so don’t take my word for it.


It doesn’t mean that you just go for it, I suppose that even the most reckless on here ARE considering the consequences of their actions (we are thinking things, after all. Some, at least). But it shouldn’t be left aside that other folks won’t go easy on you because they think about your feelings or circumstances. Everyone has their own moral values or standards, but they are allowed to be questioned, especially if these values are pressed into your mind from other peoples expectations and not your own standards to yourself.

If I want something to happen, it needs to happen, from my own monkey brain point of view. Acting accordingly is something else, of course. But don’t take advises or thoughts from me, if I lack something, it is certainly impulse control.


Eh, I’ve been called extremely wholesome and told I’ve got angelic qualities by 4 people recently. So maybe I’m in the wrong place now. :sweat_smile:
Like I said, it’s all my own personal opinion and magic as a whole is largely objective.

Ultimately, if it feels bad or makes you feel bad, don’t do it.

@A_Pariah first it’s reptilian and now your monkey brain? Tricksy tricksy.


You’re good. It does make sense to view each thing from different angles, even if they might not be my own. Keeps things fresh :+1:t2:



So does having an extra vertebra make one reptilian or primate??? Just asking for a friend :smirk:

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Absolutely. All of this.

Also, in regards to the OP, performing magick can be a helpful, light practice too. Not every witch is a devil worshipping rawk-stahr.

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