~*Money on my mind*~

Dear online diary (and fellow forum members!) It’s your favorite cute Russian girl, Allie!
Starting today, I’m going to try different spells, rituals and techniques to earn money.
(I’m still in school and don’t work yet - My friend and I buy and sell cute things to sell online and share the profits but it’s been like, a month since anyone bought anything! I’m open to receiving money from sales…or finding it randomly…or just getting it randomly from a person…cute smile
I have several books and ideas for money spells and I’m sort of going to try them all.
(in between workings I have homework to do, series to watch…pokémons to catch and um I should clean my room but…I am not that desperate!)

Up first is everyone’s favorite book, ‘The miracle of New Avatar Power’ by Geof Gray-Cobb. I have an original 1974 copy of the book and I’m so proud to have it. It has seen better days, but owning anything from the '70s is super rare to begin with, and it’s just a very cool book. It’s like, the book others drew inspiration from. I just have a strong bond and belief in the book and always keep it close to me. <3
So it’s good to start with the relaxation ritual (Point A in the book), the preliminary rites (opening the gates, the circulation ritual and the fountain ritual + the bornless one chant) and then, the chant to obtain money. (optional: the chant for success).
I did that twice today, and will end the day by doing the new avatar power ritual again. I know spirits aren’t deaf, but there’s power in repetition too.

(obviously I did homework today and okay mostly watched stuff on my laptop haha)
I think it’s time to make a new Magickal Cash Book.
I own the book by Damon Brand, and I love the concept (I know the spirit Nitika from NAP).
My previous one got me some results a couple times, but it has been better days and I wanna make a new one. I bought glittery orange and silver paper, so it’s time for arts and crafts cute smile
Wish me luck everyone <3


Dear comrades,
Alya here to fill you in on what happened!
So something interesting happened. I got someone else’s grocery delivery (that I never ordered or paid for! and the delivery person did not care) I was pretty happy! Lucky coincidence or wealth magick (cause I was almost completely out of food/still pretty much out of drinks)
Progress? I was contacted today, by someone who was interested in buying something for a 20 (but not until Saturday. It’s not reaally a success until money changes hands though, but it’s going in the right direction).
I had a super long day yesterday. School was alright, it was pretty fun. The last hour was deathly boring and I got super tired. This took so long to write cause I’m so low energy.
I finished my second magickal cashbook (magickal college notebook) giggle
Followed all the instructions, Brand’s book says to put it away for at least an hour and go on with my day for a bit. I’m thinking of starting with a 50. Not too much…but well, a decent amount.
I empowered the cash book (the chants, calling on Nitika) and will do the first ritual before I go to bed.
I will keep going with the NAP chant for money. (it takes a while to start the magick, but makes it more likely!)
I tried a spell that a fellow BALG’er posted here, which needed a green tea light and rubbing your hands until they tingle in the flame. (all credit goes to the poster). No results yet but it’s only been 2 days, we shall wait and see but this could make it more and more likely to boost sales :slight_smile:

I never felt called to the demon Bune. I don’t know why, feel hesitant and scared a bit. A friend I know, not someone from school, but another friend, called on Bune for my sake. He has a bond with her and doesn’t mind. (I offered Bune a drop of my blood as offering).
In regards to my living situation, Bune said: I got you (she’ll help!)
My friend offered to buy something from me! It’s an honest way to earn something, and I feel better not being in debt to him.
She had this cryptic message for me, you guys! It was about this other working, one for love. Long story short, someone on the forum cast a spell for me. (with Beleth, and Sallos) I am now sort of Sallos’ adoptive child (I still cannot see or hear him). But my intuition says that he is helping me. He wants me to. The demons think, that I’m over obsessing. So they sent me a series of small misfortunes. Nothing that’ll seriously injure me, but to force my mind away from the spell, and Al. My heating doesn’t work all of a sudden, no warm water. I found myself almost completely out of money, I fall and injure my leg - all of that made me worry and suffer a little bit (I just have a strong mind).
Trying consciously, not to think of something, is just that: you end up thinking about it! Also…I just think that, why all this song and dance, why go this far, why sell your favorite earrings to do a spell…and then forget all about it. You’re supposed to care and want it badly - but you’re not allowed to want your result? What if the demon thinks: oh you don’t care anymore? alrightie then let’s forget all about it.
Sigh,…you guys, there’s this guy that I like. Okay, love. He loved me too, we fell out, haven’t spoken in 3 weeks. It feels like an eternity and the hell is more fun than this.
Anyway, Bune said:
detachment. I need to let the demons do their work (makes logical sense. But when a demon, even a completely different one I haven’t spoken to, calls you out, it makes you do a double take.) Of course, my friend does know my situation, so that could be a factor.
Anyways back to Bune: keep occupied with your life and stop starving myself? She actually said that. She doesn’t want me to over attach myself to the spell because if it fails she worries it will break me - and she likes my spunk. (Alya: Like hello, this is one spell. I am a Soviet tank and sort of unmovable…I will just, try again, a better, more layered approach. And of course there are limits. I don’t want to be like don quixot and do something completely pointless but it doesn’t feel pointless or impossible.) She said she could even help develop my magickal abilities and I would love that.
Well, Bune could have said anything, it wasn’t overly negative. There’s still a chance <3
Okay it’s late now, and I’m going to get ready to go to sleep.
Good night! sorry for the rant. This diary is mostly about money magick, but also well, to share my life

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Hi everyone!
Sold something for 20 yesterday
And again, today for 50!!!
It is beginning to work you guys! I’ll keep you all posted on any further developments.


Mini update:
The friend who bought a cute amber necklace from me paid twice ^^ I offered to give it back…but he said to keep it. I think it’s super funny, maybe a joke from Bune (thanks!)
so…another 50 ^^
grand total of…120. Not bad for 5 days eh comrades?
(because all the payments happened in the weekend and tomorrow is a bank holiday, I won’t receive anything until Tuesday.)
But why stop here ^^ Update soon!

Mini update:
Someone contacted me to buy more little jewels! She hasn’t paid yet but said she would tomorrow.
Sooo I may have another 30 tomorrow :slight_smile:
It’s like magic, I’m telling you :wink: I think Bune is still helping me. once again, thank you. I think I know why I got that exact amount (150) and I will do the right thing - you know what I mean (as soon as I receive it all in my account)
Update soon!

Hail Bune

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I feel Bune has definitely helped me out. I feel as though, she wants me to succeed in my goal :slight_smile: