MK Ultra

Google it
It’s too much too explain

Similar to this Montok thing I keep hearing people go on about?

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i don’t know what that is and google just shows me irrelevant stuff about breast augmentation

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Lol sorry must have spellt the name of the town wrong.

No I’m not saying they’re not under hypnosis. It’s rather easy to use NLP techniques to control others. I’m just saying that as an initiate, you are aware of these techniques and shouldn’t be able to be fooled by these people. I think many of them were just good performers who made pacts after they were noticed by the public. You’re going in prepared. You get what I’m saying? You don’t need a handler, you are your handler, because you right now are a god.


I get what you mean,but there’s artists that put not so hidden messages in the music and speak almost openly to anyone who’s in the know through they’re interviews about working with well;demons


That by far has been the most helpful answer I’ve gotten

Well, here’s some good news: it is not YHVH! I believe it is Pazuzu, trying to manifest itself into physicality.


I kept getting that name in my head a while back(weeks)
When I was a kid I saw this horror movie about a fucked up possesion by that entity


Yeah, the programs spawned from MkUltra are real. No need to go into them, to be honest.

Just keep in mind this important fact: the butterflies are mainly stars that ae within a certain (very large) media network. The Big Five, as it were. (Used to be six, but two merged not too long ago.)

You can stay independent and hope you’re picked up. Or you can just stay independent. It’s up to you. There are a lot of other media outlets out there, many of them not program based, that make good starting points.

Just know that the media’s greed control is spreading in ways that, if you don’t know what you’re looking for, you won’t necessarily catch. I watch Korean media, right. It used to be more wholesome (for lack of a better term). Then the sun symbol started to appear everywhere. Then Disney references. Now it’s getting less and less wholesome, as it were. They got their claws in, you see.

There are negatives to either path you choose, but becoming a butterfly isn’t the only way.


If you want to learn about it, start by researching: Operation Paperclip, then MK Ultra, then project Mockingbird. Essentially it is the continuance of the experimentation done by Mengele during WW2. By exposing a person’s mind to trauma in just the right way, you can fragment that mind into pieces that are not even aware of each other. Then, you reprogram one or more portions of that mind. Essentially, mind control. It’s a real thing, not a ‘conspiracy theory’. The US government released info regarding the original incarnation of MK Ultra a few years back in a piss poor attempt to make the public think it is not happening anymore. Unfortunately, the public more or less bought the ruse. Also unfortunately, it is still going on under different secret project names.


Ok so you just grabbed my curiosity by the dick

Please explain who the five are and what other “ways” you’re talking about

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The Big Five, the main corporations that run most of mainstream media. Disney, Sinclair, CBS… I don’t know their head corporate names, but I used to have this nifty chart outlining who owned what. I just did a quick Google and of course it’s not popping up anymore. May have to switch to Duck Duck Go for this.

There are more than the Big Six (just found a 2015 video. Can’t validate it, so am not sure about sharing it… but it does make me wonder if I’m wrong about the merger.

As for other ways, it’s just a matter of finding who you’re going to work with. For example there’s a network of independent producers in my area. They’re at least 90% Christian based, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad people. It just means if I were to audition I probably shouldn’t pause to thank Lucifer for the inspiration.


Very interesting. I will have to look into this. It might help my research.


I had that little chart too :joy: it was a jpeg
I don’t even know anymore this world is so fucked up I don’t even wanna deal with the problems here,I’m just gonna get rich,live my human life and get the fuck out of here when I’m done

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What are you researching?

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The occult in general. But the souls and spirit in general. What can be done to it with it. The theory of fragmentation, fragments takeing on sentience, ways of putting it back together. Can it be put together good as new or will it be somthing new and different?.


On this topic, has anyone seen the recent Conor McGregor freak out? There are so many YouTube clips that attempt to show Dana White as his handler. So now that he’s at the top of his game, a UFC champ having faced down a boxing legend in the ring, he does some stupid shit like this and gets arrested? This happens all the time with superstars. They reach the top and they fucking melt down. I’m not saying he’s been programmed, but Dana White was so far up his ass in the past and now he’s got a knife in his back ready to fire him. Apparently he “assaulted a bus of fighters at UFC 223” and got felony charges put on him. How quickly your “friends” turn on you in the game, eh?


The Excorcist, unless I;m mistaken. And it does make a bit of sense.

The Information Age was spawned by the advent of computers. Computers run on binary language, the absolute language of 0’s and 1’s. Society becomes increasingly binary in their thinking, in terms of absolutism, in proportion to their interraction with technology of this nature. The internet was supposed to bring us closer, and instead is used as a breeding ground for negativity. Pazuzu feeds on that shit, especially the type pushed on line, i.e. degradation of cohesion and suffering through pestilence and famine. The internet and TV can easily cause diseases of the mind via psyche parasites (pestilence) and starvation of our spiritual essence (famine).

Gods create their environment, Pazuzu is a god, the internet is changing the world in it’s image and triggering mass amounts of disease and famine. Now, enter artificial intelligence and that automated bitch Sophia. It makes for a compelling argument that something malevolent is trying to physically manifest in a very effective manner and creating it’s own body, right along with a world that suits it to it’s liking.


So you knowtest that fast rise and fall too.

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