Michael evocation

It was my 4d evocation of all time i dont have space in my house so i do it in my apartments lobby next to elavator at 3:30pm i lit 6 honey incense sticks 7 candles had questions written . I first banished meditated to get in trance opened his sigil then started the new chants until i felt focused his presence near light them then proceeded with my method and started hymning his name i heard him say focus i had problem concaintrating on evocation and stracture after many attaimps the smoke was taking form and diparting again then i lost myself on concentration i saw a gold and silver armor small wings a slim long sword and blone hair at neck lenght knightly face his eyes and ayra where red i felt he beat my ass he was disapearing and apearing in the smoke the colors where also visible at times at others i was seiing him like grey i could hear him like i had earphones on lower voice i was loudly whispering i also think he hepled me to do the evocation right i wrote the whole thing and couldent move my arm after .

I disgused a personal problem i had then asked for fires in australia said hes aware and active humans started it and its a lesson for them thru destruction comes creation .

I dont feel balanced at all

M-Balance your gates do energy work and start a new activity that will motivate you keep you busy.

How to be happy speak

M-One to live happy must attain balance wealth praise security achieve his desired goals and have the right persons in hes life but the most important is feeling comfortable with yourself joy starts from you make your utopia a uniqe place where fantasy becomes reality dont stop at anything.

If i ask you give me a thousend angels to take over the world will that be a problem?

M-You act childish and dont take matters seriusly joking with insulting matters. Yes i can assign some to you you will feel them each time you relax close to you and be able to communicate with them they will follow you and be at your command but only for a serius purpose not world domination thats unmature .

Then keep them but how could one achieve it?

Its almost imposible it would stop the natural order he would make many enemies from the divide including myself millions of people would suffer and hate him he would need many skills possesing high level occult gnosis very large ammounts of money and pass his commands to followers. The thing that makes the idea dangerous is that many beings would support him including angels demons spirits magicians and even humans without even being payed a new war would start.

I see tell me i dont feel drown to demons anymore very few draw me to work with them only because the have status why is that?

M-Lately your vibrationā€™s change resulting in different preferences its not something to feel bad energy is transicional grow from this.

Can you give me incantations?

M-Words of power in higher laungages are tools for magicians to achieve a desired state of mind to push intent many times empowerd to give result youre depending too much on them and it lowers your performance use them when nececery in order to have a desired result in a magical working have complete control blank your mind its the intention that important words that are comanded with a sure strong intent are more natural.

What to do with my mind?

M-Forget thinking forget lust forget planning lose the world around forget existance to create a new one simply have strong intent on your expressions empty the mind.

What is youre trying to tell me?

M-The mind is the ultimate block for any human. If you master it youve mastered your self the ultimate focus is to stop thinking act.

I beted youre the strongest

M- I am among them however im not the strongest

How many are on par or stronger than you name some of them

M- At least 30 beings can oppose me i wont say you will share our communion

It will remeain between us

M- No

Fine you come watch me sleep?

M- When you ask for protecion my essence is with you however if you dont give attencion to my essence it starts to fade

Can you read minds?

I can see the image of toughts and emotions

Can you kill the thing it was earlier in my house?

I will track its essence as soon as youre done i will hurt it so it becomes very weak and other beings devour it erasing its existance consider it a favor

Do you have darkness?

Of course darkness is creation. Without darkness the light cant exist. When nothing exists blackness is only present every being has every existant subject is made of darkness as a first

What new can you tell me about war

M-Strategy is only needed when self doubt is present or having higher forces opposing . Complete and absolute power dominetes every battlefield on every corner of existance however it is needed at times

What is the explanation of power ?

M-Power is dominance and control power is having everything and nothing it is mastery achieved by continous will and percistance it will never be enough

I become the most dangerous fighter you see

M-You think to much of yourself you havent reached the level you wish you still make mistakes youre undeveloped you smoke a lot the last days which will decrease your stamina

I will call raphael this week how i fix those

M-Push yourself more stop being lazy and meditate on war when you practice invoke me to guide you. When you master relaxation you will advance on your art

What can i do if i face 50 opponets?

M- You would lose your form isent completed and even if it was you would be leaving crawling you have much to learn. A person can be sourounded only by 4 sides just like 4 directions only if hes standing still or on the ground the 4 becomes 8 you have to see them linked as one the fight will be one the ashults many pure martial arts are for a limited number of opponets when there more you use what ive tought you. You would go with the flow not rushing with empty mind everything that gets in reach is to hurt you.

What was in the start before any god or being.

M-Nothingness where all that existed . A small cell is enough to evolve into something greater again and again thats how the first concius beings came to existance everything is conected cause there from the same source .

Then how did that first cell apear?

M-By cell i mean evolving energy kinda like organic cells sooner or later the existance would shake for the purpose of change. Im not sure myself if the existance itself is concious but i can state from nothing something is created.

How to describe the soul of animals and what happens when animals die?

M-Some are pro existand beings that injected into incarnation and live just like them some are newborn creationā€™s made just from a living cell evolving taking form and energy some are just living vessels with only basic instinctā€™s and needs the difference in their understanding of inviroment and intelect if a lowlife being dies either it ether incarnates to a diferent lowlife or gets desolved spreading its very essence and energy to the planet and aftee the universe or it starts traveling to where it can alighn itself in higher realms many times creatures eat them some simply disapear without a trace of existance other than memorys

Teach me an important lesson.

M-Weaknesses are among the biggest mistakes one can make youre capable of more than you believe is possible only that remains you understand it

Its naturall to have weaknesses thats why we call you also how would you describe magic?

M- its natural to be born or make a new weakness if it stays or in uniqe cases isent covered its a dicision. The path of spirituality is the highest form of art to humanity nothing less way more spirituality is acualy the correct purest and most complete form of magic. Humans can name whatever they want how they want but the point will never change that simply as much as they embrace fairytales

Where will i go after i die?

That depends solely on you and the diety youre close to.

I choose to trust you

M-And i choose to guide you but youre very lazy for a human you also growl when you dont like something thats why you get in trouble work on those

I may will i acualy dont like that the world has so many people if make a magical operation to kill many will that have consequenses?

M- Removing your own obstacles is different than removing everything around without a reasson. You get punished. God translates to energy. Understanding the role of god is fine however there are a few limits no one should cross.

Isent opinion a desire a reasson?I never thout i hear such words from you

M- A selfish one always do whats nececery everything has concicuenses you should face reality as it is especially now youre human im not a sweat angel like many believe im responsible for the balance of the planet

Is el really the creator ?

M-He was the chief who took lead to the forces and all of them alighned the planet so life could live on it he also was the one who leaded and mixed the many energys into the first humans and among the first conciusness who existed. Humans think its simple to create something they think they where created instantly there is a preperation and work you cant even imagine.

Are you adam the first man?

Of course not.

Why dont you explain further.

M-Youre exhusted and barely keeping focus call me again when you will practice

Sorry for the wierd english and grammar mistakes the conversation was in greek PEACEEE!!! :slight_smile:


This is something! Good stuff! Really cool.
Next time you call him, kindly, say Lux Fero extends his greetings.

Also, ask him: What do you need to do to be among those who will sing with the Angels ā€˜O mapa laman hallelujahā€™?!!!

Good job.

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Karma is complex you get what you do its the signal youre sending to existance and the result you get not i hurt you i get hurt thats wrong . Howver there are limits to certain paths. For example if youre too much on left hand you do what you want expecting that it remeins this way but nobody here can denyi higher forces not only exist but have power over this world and the next who can state what they can decide other than them? I watched too much E.A when started he was always saying we do whatever we want michael has me thinking a lot since that something dosent make sense.

Very nice communication and good lessons to learn from it.

Thanks for the share!

It sounds like you ask very silly questions of a very important being!

I thought I was silly with my very immature and basic Sigil work today. Im no master at anything so my work is rough and my imagination, not the best.

It was taken in seriousness, my intent was there, that is important. The form and the delivery will come with practice.
The main thing is to a) know your limitations, b) think of the bigger picture, c) take baby steps, or face some home truths.

I bet they spend a lot of time pulling the reigns on us and reminding us of our maturity, limitations.

For me the hardest part is finding an intent strong enough to be worthy of action, however my emotions get the most of me, this is what i need help with most, improving myself so I Can improve my situations.

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I really love this evocationā€¦ I can see such glimpses of enlightenment in thisā€¦ a lot of this really strikes me, perhaps I am biased because some of this strongly leans towards what I have already accepted as truth, but I feel this is very close to ultimate truth.

I thought this was really interesting, since I read about demons I have felt such an immense pull towards themā€¦ like my life instantly improved just with the knowledge of them, it gave me such amazing sensationsā€¦ first time I worked with a demon (and only time so far) it was Amon (With Angelic guidance of Achahia, Advargael, Chruviel and Ashishiel) because I felt he wanted to work with me for quite a while, it was absolutely amazingā€¦

It is silly to you, but I think Michael will always come to this man when called, and will likely always give him guidance when asked, because in the end it doesnā€™t matterā€¦
In truth, ā€œsillinessā€ is just a human social construct built into us to mold us to follow what OTHER people fine acceptable, if a spirit cares about something like that, I would be VERY wary of themā€¦ especially if they have supposedly been around for aeonsā€¦ sounds like the human socially conditioned mind working instead.
And in the end, many of these spirits will only find what you do silly if YOU yourself find it to be silly!

I think sooner or later you will see spirits have a strong sense of humourā€¦ taking life so seriously is absolutely meaningless and futile in the end, just like everything elseā€¦ everything in this world is impermanent, and like Archangel Michael explained here through his explanation of power, even the higher planes are endless and in a sense everything is pointlessā€¦ relax a while, donā€™t take everything so serious or someday you will burn yourself out and look back at life and realize how pointless everything was, rejoice because you can be here right now and experience the joy of this existence, this life. The airiness of the mind, always focusing on the future and the past, never focusing on REALITY, is a major block, and is probably why Archangel Michael advises to empty the mind in this evocation, it brings one to the present.


I would like to hear what do you find silly and why are you refering to an experiance and knowledge i share in such a manner @NorthantsMage .
@Dankquanicus you explain well my friend he dosent talk much and is very serious but he will help anyone willing to learn and improve himself . I felt a pull in him even before i started the occult rhp the first being i summoned like many was lucifer and as soon as i was able to communicate he adviced me on how to aproach michahel and youre right i have asked him many things he always answers to the point but tends to correct me hes also hard to reach even now that i have considerebly improved my senses i dont always reach him the way i want he also tends to get angry if i fuck up somewhere :3 if you like him so much call him he assist you .

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Hmm maybe you should try the evocation ritual for him in Archangels of Magick by Damon Brand, that WILL put you into contact with him everytime you try at least, even if he doesnā€™t come to physical appearance.

Also, I donā€™t think this is because he has a short, temper or something specifically to do with his personality, I think itā€™s just the best way for him to get his point across to you specifically and encourage you to grow.