Methods to bind a VERY toxic person?

I’m looking for every method to bind a very toxic guy.
I have known him for whole my life and always considered him as mentally unstable and dangerous. But he used to be my neighbour and was a vampire on me. As back as he respected me, it was okay. I tried to teach him, help him, but never trusted him totally.
2 months ago he just went crazy. He lost his job and started war with whole the world.
Unfortunately, he started war on me (with delusional, irrational reasons). He started texting and calling to every people I know and talking shit on me. Most of them didn’t believe him, but some - unfortunately did. He started calling me and shouting like crazy. He started driving to my street and stalking me.
I did everything I knew and he stopped - I hope forever.
The rituals I did:

  • Alloces - to make him unable saying any word against me,
  • Andromalius - to make him unable doing anything against me,
  • Glasya - Labolas - to bring bloody revenge on him,
  • Marbas - to make him sick
  • 2x Furfur - to destroy his car and his phone (with all the data).
  • Belial - to banish the demons that previously possessed him (because it may be one of the reasons of his behaviour)

What else can you recommend me? I don’t care what happens to him - he goes to the bottom on his own will. Every method (not only Goetia) will be appreciated. Just to make him unable to move, travel towards me, call people and say bad things about me.

Also, any ritual to repair my reputation among people would be appreciated.