If not going for a physical evocation, I don’t deepen my TGS as much. That’s about the only difference, besides my set up. I use a triangle for a physical materialization, but it’s not needed for an astral evocation. Everything else is the same.
Thanks. I’ll share a simmilar experience with you. Ahriman rose in my smoke and as he rose, patcghes of visble darkness appeared and descebded around and into me . As they hit me i physicaly shivered.
and though he did materialise a form it wasn’t even audible at that point. but yes. As azazel later told me go deeper deeper. i did and he materiasided and was fully audible.
a 4 dimensional face, whose form was pulled from my memory.
what was the most beautifull materialisation you experienced?
Read my post again, please, and try to understand me.
I have read your post multiple times. You are confusing scrying with “visible evocations” and physical materialization with astral evocation.
No, I don’t use those incense method. It’s physical,
You are just wrong lol read again. I said I’m thinking the Spirits didn’t show up because I’m evoking them into physical manifestation, then I tried using astral evocation and it’s still the same. U need to understand what u are reading. Don’t conclude on me.
Yes, you can shake their hands. If you are on good terms, you can hug. I have heard about those who offer them food as offering, they will approach the table and eat. Even tell the operator to join…
No. it is you who are wrong. I described the different ways of evocation, and the proper terminology, so that people don’t get confused. Scrying is not
as you posted. You can scry spirits without evoking them. I’ve done it, and it is used for practice in both EA’s Divination and Evocation courses. Using a scrying device is simply a method of seeing, not a method of evocation in and of itself. Opening a sigil is not scrying, though there are similarities in the altered state achieved.
Physical evocation is what people use for a
as you call it. That is standard Western Ceremonial terminology. Without a materialization base like incense, the spirit has nothing to build a body from and thus is not physical. When someone sees a spirit on the street, that spirit is not in a physical materialization, it is just the person’s senses are tuned in to the astral. Spirits can effect the human body without being physically evoked; succbi and incubi do it all the time. If a spirit can give you an orgasm without being physically “materialized”, they can also hug you.
Nothing you have described is different than anything else people on the forum have posted so I don’t see anything unique about it, other than you using wrong terminology.
I can’t stop laughing here. I understand you clearly that you are pouring out your knowledge so far in this science called Magic. You should know there is no limit to magic.
And most of you here are into working with Demons and some other celestial spirits. And its mostly by evocation, I’m yet to see one who use the right or corresponding Arts. I don’t know if you understand me.
I understand you but you need to understand me. You learn from what you read, those who have done it. I didn’t learn that way. No human taught me anything in magic, even from the beginning. I can’t go deep.
And I’m telling you that i don’t do anything most of y’all do here…or practice anything from book of E.A Koetting or any other. Nah!
And you should know that my own guardian can assume physical appearance/manifestation. I don’t know how else to explain it to you. Cuz you haven’t hit that page yet, so it doesn’t seem to exist to you. Not via smoke or anything, but like a human friend, we go out, chill and we are seen by people like we are brother or friends (only if i request he remain visible though).
And i because i don’t go through books like everyone does, i don’t understand those terms you guys use. Or the terminology you are talking about.
Do you have a picture of you two together ?
As I was saying, I think that is where the confusion lies. The terms we use on this forum are common ones for the occult community, especially those that practice the Western Ceremonial tradition, but if you have not been part of that community before then you may be describing similar things in different ways.
Nothing you have described is unique in terms of spirit interaction. You have not mentioned anything different at all from the myriad of posts already on this forum, and I have been here for over 5 years and have seen it all. All I tried to do was give the proper terminology so people can understand what you are talking about because the majority of us here use the terms as I have outlined.
Oh lol no. Never thought of that. I don’t think it’s of any use, you know…
I understand… well, keep it in mind. It would be great if possible. Thanks
Lol as i said, i clearly understand you. But I’m yet to see someone here talk about a physical manifestation. You said i havent dig deeper that there are people here that does evoke into visible appearance via dark mirror, etc I also mentioned it that maybe i haven’t dig deeper.
And what i see moslty here is astral evocation. And making use of sigil. It’s kinda way too low to me (I apologize if that hurt anyone).
But i think we kind of do understood each other now.
Well, I raised it just now and he laughed at me. And left.
BTW why is everyone here mostly work with the Fallen Angels termed Demon?
I have seen post about other Angels too but it’s not so ‘glamorous’ like that of the Demons. And even get to the part of xxx. I find it funny anyway.
I saw that some hate YHVH Sabaoth so much.
Well we may try to aree that physical materialisation without incense is possible. Consider suhmam materialising to Ea guys. as well as ea himself speaking of an alchemist on video who can indeed materialise objects.