Method I made for writing/art, could be used for divination!

Yeah so for those of us that have heard of the Dadaist/Burroughs cut-up and fold-in technique of writing/collage/divination (and especially if you haven’t) I’m proud to present a new-ish technique I’ve been developing sporadically for a couple years now.

I call it (drum roll please): The Roll-Up Method.

It’s pretty simple and those who like dice games especially should give this a try.

Basically, take a d6, d8, d10, or d12 and a text/book/written work of your choice. No need to deliberate just go with your heart or first thing that comes to mind and feels “right” with you. Just like bibliomancy.

Then, open the text to a page you like.

Roll the dice of your choice and starting with the first line of text, advance that many words (or pairs, triplets etc. of words) forward. Go down the lines and as you do, record the words you get by rolling.

When you get to the bottom of the page or feel like stopping, stop and look over the words that have been picked.

You can now read the selected words as is and see what they say or rearrange them into something else.

Likewise whether for artistic creativity or divination, this technique holds a lot of potential if I do say so myself.

I personally feel draw to doing this with old magazines since I’m more inclined to use a highlighter on the words. To each their own!

Enjoy! (and if you want to, share your results below for this technique, it’s cool to see what people make/discover and can inspire your own ideas).

  • Rayne

Here’s a poem I wrote using this method:

A Medical Gothic by me

We live at a golden age.
A book, on-driven most often by Mavericks!
People with the imagination!

Their minds are perspective!
And a maverick who in of themselves
cause maternal deaths!

They spend years working!
Quickly learn that they are just one in six
Trained to pursue themselves
Spending years in Limbo,
Facing long odds!

That was honestly cooler and darker than I thought it would be.

  • Rayne
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Interesting Note:

If you want specific information regarding future events, I recommend choosing texts that revolve around said topic.

That said, I had some interesting phrases come up when I was just doing word cut-ups as part of a visual collage.

The two phrases (from old covers of National Geographic) read: “The Dead do a prayer for Washington” and “The Nations flood”

Might be a warning of some kind. Feel like it has to do with climate change.

  • Rayne